12- What Did I Get Myself Into?

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12- What Did I Get Myself Into?

I woke up when a knock startled me.

"Wake up Angela, We're going out today. Get you swimsuit." came Emily's voice.

Ugh, we were going to the beach. I hated the beach. It was the number one place for body shaming.

"Wake up Becky. We're going to the beach." I said shaking my sister out of her slumber.

"Yay. The beach," she said waking up.

See. We were very different.

But why were we going to the beach it was fall. Did she want us to freeze to death? Especially me I was always cold.


We were at the beach turns out it was all Amy's idea. She bought a new bikini and wants to I quote "try it out with the boys."

And now we were sitting on the ground doing nothing because the beach was practically empty because we were the only one who was stupid enough to come to the beach in the middle of September.

"Well look on the bright side we have the whole beach to ourselves." my dad said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Wow, because that helps," Amy said sarcastically.

"Amy!" Emily scolded, "Watch your tone. Apologize right now."

"Sorry," she grumbled.

"It's alright Amy." my dad said with a smile.

This was awkward they were literally acting like we Becky and I weren't there.

I was so not going to enjoy this weekend.

"So since the beach was a fail can we go somewhere else?" Amy asked.

"Sure. Where should we go?" my dad asked.

"Let's go to an amusement park," she said excitedly. "I know a really good one with awesome rides."

Oh my god, an amusement park again. Why did everyone I know love going to amusement parks?

"That is a fabulous idea." Emily chimed. "Isn't it Peter?"

My dad nodded with a smile, "It sure is."

"They're weird," Becky whispered to me and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Is something funny Angela?"

"No. I just remembered something and it happened to be funny." I lied.

"Ok. That's good. It's nice to see you smile once in a while." my dad commented with a smile.

Wow. The shade.


Guess what?

We went to the exact same amusement park as I went with Alex.

And guess what?

Yep. Alex is here.

And guess what?

My dad loves him. He loves him so much he let him join our little group and now I'm stuck with him.

"Hey, Hazel. What are you thinking about?" he asked nudging me and being completely oblivious to Amy who is ogling him like the last piece of meat.

In fact, he's oblivious to all the girls that are looking at him like they're ready to pounce on him.

I'm concerned.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how weird you are. Do you always come here on weekends?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. It's my favorite place to be."

I nodded.

"Where's the rest of your gang?"

"Ditched me."

I stifled a laugh.

"I don't see what's funny Hazel," he said with a grin.

"Are you two just going to stand there flirting or are you going on any rides?" said Amy who was holding Becky.

She had to buddy up with Becky since my dad insisted I go with Alex because he was my friend.

"She's right Hazel. Let's go on a ride. Unless you're still scared from last week then I understand." he said smirking.

"I'm not scared," I said frowning. Then I grabbed his hand and pulled him, "Let's go."

To quote me from a week ago.

What did I get myself into?

So... Hey guys don't hate me. I was super busy with school and I had writer's block. Sorry, it was short I tried to finish it during lunch. I hope you guys enjoy and have a good day/ night.

Hey there! Don't forget to vote! <3



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