09- Don't Tell Me You Already Miss Me

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09- Don't Tell Me You Already Miss Me

*1 week later*

Saturday. The one day I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone else.


Just then a call from Roxy came in.

Why did this always happen on Saturdays? She better not be asking me to go shopping with her.

"Hello?" I said.

"Um, can you come over?" she asked sniffling.

"What happened?" I questioned worriedly.


"What about him?" I asked.

"He- He broke up with me," she said sobbing.

"What? I'll be right there." I told her.

How dare he break up with her, they haven't even been going out for more than a week! When I see him again, I'll give him a piece of my mind.

I got 2 tubs of Ice Cream, Chocolate, and Chips.

Then I realized I had no one to take me over to her house. I couldn't exactly ask Roxy for a ride to her place.

Then I did the one thing I never thought I would do in any situation.

I called Alex.

"Hey, Hazel."

"Hi," I responded.

"Why are you calling? Don't tell me you already miss me, you just saw me yesterday." he teased.

"You wish. I need a ride to Roxy's place." I told him.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking why can't she just pick you up or come to your place? Those seem like very reasonable options," he said.

"Because your idiot friend decided to break up with her," I told him furiously.

"What? I'll be right over."

"Ok, thank you."


I rang the doorbell of Roxy's house after thanking Alex for giving me a ride.

"Hey, Angela," Roxy said as she opened the door. Her eyes were puffy and red, you could tell she spent the whole day crying.

"Are you ok?" I said walking in. "Tell me exactly what happened."

We sat down on the couch.

"Well, nothing really happened I just woke up today to a text that said 'I think we should take a break in our relationship'. I don't know why." she sobbed and I patted her back.

"It's alright, don't cry. To hell with boys!" I told her. "And plus I brought Ice Cream, Chocolate, and Candy. Sour Patch Kids to be exact."

It was our favorite kind of candy. I loved anything sour but I loved Sour Patch kids the most.

Roxy tried for a smile even though it wasn't full I was happy she was trying.

"Let's just watch movies and forget about boys for today," I said.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was from Alex.

"Uh, one sec. I should take this." I said motioning to my phone.

"Ooo Alex? You two are getting really close these days," she said with a small smile.

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