07- Your Eyes Twinkle Brighter Than The Stars

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07- Your Eyes Twinkle Brighter Than The Stars

I walked into school with Roxy, who was still excited over the fact that Ethan has asked her out yesterday. I was happy for her, but I seriously couldn't bear to hear another squeal coming from her. 

I walked to my locker to grab my hoodie and some books when I heard a voice.

"Hey, Hazel."

"What do you want Alex?" I asked worrying that I would be late for class.

"Whoa, calm down there. I just wanna talk," he stated.

"About what?"

"Yesterday, did you have fun?"

"Yes, it was really nice and you were nicer than usual," I answered.

"That's good." he said, "So, can I walk you to your class?" 

"Uh, why?" I asked confused as to why he wanted to.

"Because it's my next class and I want to. "

"OK, fine." I agreed.

As we walked towards the classroom, I couldn't help but notice that we got curious glances. That's literally what I hated about this school, everyone was always being nosy and annoying.

"What are you doing with him? Just because he let you go on the rides with him doesn't mean you have to be so clingy." a snotty voice said. Of course, it was Diamond. 

Before I opened my mouth to speak Alex beat me to it.

"I asked her to walk with me," he said.

"Oh," Diamond replied, "Why? I'm literally much better than her."

"Well, I don't care. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to class. C'mon Hazel." he said grabbing my hand as I stared at him, wondering why he stood up for me.

I then looked back and smirked at Diamond. Oh no, Alex is rubbing off me.

When we got to class I made a beeline to the chair next to Roxy. 

"Hey, what took you so long?" she asked when I got seated and I gestured towards Alex who had now taken a seat next to me. 

"Anyway, look what Ethan sent me," she said showing me her phone.

Your eyes twinkle brighter than the stars.

Ugh. Don't tell me I'm gonna have to get used to that.

So freaking cringe.

"He's so sweet," she said.

"Yea, sure."

"I know you think it's cringe but whatever, I'm just so happy we're together," she said happily.

"Well, I'm happy for you," I said giving her a smile. She knew me so well, I guess that's what best friends are for.

Then, I was bored because Roxy started texting Ethan and we had a substitute. I took out a book to read, I was on the last page when someone snatched the book from my hand.

Of course, it was Alex.

"Give me back my book," I said.

"One sec," he said, then started quoting the book in a high pitched voice, " 'And then I mouthed 'I think I love you too.' "

"Ugh shut up and give me back my book," I said annoyed.

"What's the name of this book?" he asked.

"Figure it out it's in your hand." I retorted.

"If you tell me I'll give you back the book," he said.

"Fine, it's called P.S. I Like You. Now can you give it back?"

"Oh, so you like me?" he said smirking.

I walked right into that one. 

I chose to ignore him for the rest of the class and read some other book since he wouldn't give me back my book and he kept poking me.

This boy was really annoying.

"Ok class dismissed." said the substitute.


"C'mon, let's finally go to lunch. Ugh, seriously, why do we have to go to school? Or why can't school be just lunchtime." Roxy said and I laughed. This wasn't the first time I heard her complain about school. It was basically a daily occurrence now.

"Ok, let's go," I said packing up my belongings.

We went into the cafeteria and Roxy went to the line while I waited for her. I usually brought my own food because I don't trust the school food. We then walked to our usual table and Roxy started talking.

"Omg now that I'm dating Ethan, am I supposed to sit with him?" she asked.

I shrugged, I didn't know much about relationships mainly because I never had one but I didn't need one. I'm an independent woman.

"Omg, they're walking over here," she said.

"Wait what?"

"Ethan, Alex, and Chase. They're all walking towards us, at least I think they are." she rambled.

"Ugh no!" I said and turned around and true enough they were all walking towards us and basically everyone else was wondering where they were going. While their worshippers were basically kissing their feet. 

I started silently praying that they were going somewhere else or better yet that they fall down.

Roxy froze and kept ogling something or someone behind me.

"They're behind me aren't they?" I questioned even though I already knew the answer.

She nodded. 

Great. Just Great.

Then Ethan went across the table and sat down next to Roxy.

"Hey babe," he said kissing her cheek.

"Hi," she whispered her face getting redder each second.

Ugh, this couldn't get any worse.

But as usual. I was wrong because Alex decided to take a seat. 

Next to me.

God, kill me now.

"Hi Hazel," he said poking my side and I shot him a glare as Chase sat on the other side of Alex.

"Don't touch me, creep," I said. 

"I am offended," he said, placing a hand over his heart and pretending to be hurt.

I rolled my eyes and decided ignoring him would be the best choice. It was also the only choice.

I opened up my lunch which was leftover lasagna from last night. My mom was the best cook ever all her foods are delicious.

I started eating but stopped when I realized Alex was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just remembering how you promised to give me your lunch yesterday," he said chuckling.

"Haha, what a funny joke. I already told you don't touch my food." I said.

"Ok, I'll back off. Just give me some I'm hungry," he said actually looking sincere.

"Fine." I agreed.

"My charm works every time," he said, winking.

"Shut up," I said.


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