Looking for a job

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"Ja- Maran come here!", the kids' mom, Cecile, yelled from the kitchen.
Maran put down the paintbrush and switched of the radio. It was a Saturday morning and they didn't plan on doing anything but paint.

They went out of their room and down the hall into the kitchen.

"Yes Mom?", the kid asked, leaning against the kitchen's door.

"You're old enough to get a job.", their Mother explained and smiled at them.

Maran stared back for a few moments, different thoughts running through their head. Then they shot up and replied:"You know what Mom, that's an awesome idea!"

Their Mom laughed. She knew that Maran was up for almost everything, but even more so a challenge. So, she said:"We'll be looking around in the neighbourhood, maybe the market or a restaurant could use a bit of help. Just promise you won't do anything stupid!"

Maran looked at her with played shock and shouted:"I would never!" Then they both busted into laughter.

Cecile smiled and said:"Well then put on some nice clothes! We're going now and we'll grab lunch out today."

The kid looked excited, their eyes where shining with excitement as they nodded and ran back to their room.

Maran changed quickly, they never had a hard time dressing for any occasion. They put on a light brown button-up shirt with long sleeves along with black and ripped Jeans. Then they slipped into a black cloak that reached just below their knees, put on their dark boots and put the chain of their clock onto the pants before slipping it into the right pocket of their jeans.
They grabbed their phone and a moment later were in the kitchen again.

"Great Honey, but isn't that a bit much? You don't want to scare anyone of.", their mother said.
Maran shook their head and replied:"Mom this will be perfect!" While saying that, they put their phone into the left back pocket of their pants.

Maran and Cecile went out the door, but when they exited the building Cecile had to run back inside and get a jacket because it was raining. Maran waited outside, giggling to themselves while slipping the hood that was attached to the cloak over their short purple hair.
When their mother joined them again, she handed her kid a pair of black fingerless gloves.

"You forgot those", she said, a wide smile on her face.

Maran stared in disbelieve. "You found them again!", they squealed and put their gloves on, then ran after their mom, who had already started walking.

The two were talking whilst walking down the street, towards their first destination.
Maran got a few funny looks from strangers, but the kid didn't care. They knew they didn't dress like the norm and they found that to be amazing. But not everyone seemed to understand how great it felt to stand out a bit, so the teen sometimes had a little trouble with strangers who decided to mess with them.

When they reached the first spot, a little supermarket at the end of the street they lived in, Maran unconsciously pulled out their clock and checked the time. It was only 10:30 am.
Their mom gave them a disapproving look. "This again?", she asked, looking down at the open clock Maran held in their left hand.

"It's calming Mom!", Maran hissed back but put the clock back into the pocket.

Cecile sighed. "Sorry Maran, it's just not a good habit to frequently check the time." Maran nodded.

The two then split and looked for an employee to ask if they were employing.
Maran found a young guy who probably hadn't worked there for long. He looked about her age and was startled when Maran greeted him.

"Hey, sorry?", they opened the conversation.

The young guy responded with a shaking voice:"Y-yes?"

Maran smiled at him, which made him look away, but they didn't care. He was probably just a bit shy.

"Are you maybe looking for employees?", they asked, this time a lot less energetic. They didn't want to scare him off.

But he shook his head and whispered a sorry, then rushed to the next aisle.

"Oh ok, bye!", Maran shouted after him and shook their head, smiling.

Then they turned around wanting to look for their mom.

When they walked back towards the doors, they passed a tall man in a purple button-up and jacket. His pants seemed to be purple too, but a very dark shade. Even his boots were purple, as well as his eyes. His brown hair also seemed to have a purple tone to it, but that could just be because the other purple was reflecting a bit.

Maran couldn't help but stare, he looked about 30 years old, but seemed to be so much older. Maran didn't notice they stopped and stared, until he looked the kid right in the eyes. They just said a quick 'Hi' and then went past him.

When they arrived at the doors, their mom was already waiting there, two apples in her hands.

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