Chapter 22 ❀ Homemade Beats Fancy

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It had been a few days since Piers had dropped by at Raihan's with the intention of shortening his hair for him, and ever since they cleared up the misunderstanding, both of them couldn't agree more that they had wasted so many years mourning over things that weren't even real. Not only did their status of almost-strangers change to friends, but to something even closer. They wanted to recuperate the time they had lost when being apart, which led to the current situation.

The two had decided to try going out again.

The caramel-skinned young man ascertained to tell Nessa as soon as he got the chance, and the female was very surprised that things had actually turned out that way. She was more pleasantly surprised than negatively, though she still had her doubts. Of course, she kept those to herself, because in the end who was she to dictate her best friend's happiness?

This time, Raihan made it especially clear that if something was bothering the shorter male, then he should come forward with it and say it without beating around the bush. That was valid for both parties of course. He had also explicitly pointed out that if Piers ever felt like seeing him — no matter the time, place or circumstances — then he should also avoid hiding it and contact him.

Right now was one of those situations. It was unknown to most other Gym Leaders, but Piers was planning to step down from his position as soon as his little sister would finish her Gym Challenge. He wanted to hand his Gym down to Marnie, though he was far too uninformed about all the procedures and the like, so he figured it would be a good idea to pay someone a visit — someone who knew a thing or two about this topic.

That was the reason the spiky-head had spent all morning in Ballonlea, conversing with Opal who as well intended to retire as a Gym Leader. Although nothing was set in stone yet, she had told him that she was in search of a successor, and informed him of all the paperwork that would need to be done in order to make it official.

That was all well and good — after a few thorough discussions, Piers could leave the town with more knowledge than before — but he somehow felt the urge to meet a certain someone, to meet Raihan. There was no particular reason as to why he wanted that, but was the simple wish not enough?

The two-color-haired male wasn't too sure. After all, his only experience in dating was with Raihan six years ago, so he didn't know if he would appear too clingy if he were to send him a message. He remembered the taller man's words and how he had said that there was no need to hold back, and so he ultimately gave in to his desire.

They had agreed to meet around midday in front of Hammerlocke Stadium since it was on Piers' route, so the latter was a tad surprised to find Raihan standing there half an hour sooner than the appointed time. Perhaps it was his skill as a Pokémon Trainer or plainly his good looks, but the man really stood out. Both girls and boys that walked past him dove themselves into murmuring about him.

The light brown-skinned male seemed to be busying himself on his Rotom Phone while he waited until he decided to lift his eyes a tad and spot his lover. A grin instantly invaded his features as he offered the spiky-head a wave. "Piers! You're already here?"

"You're one to talk. Did you wait long?" The other responded, now finally having reached where Raihan stood. The taller male shook his head dismissively, pointing out how his home was just a few steps away. They began walking towards the eastern part of the city while chatting about irrelevant things until Raihan brought up what he had in mind for today. "I was thinking we could grab some lunch together since you didn't eat yet."

"Where would you prefer to eat, at Bob's Your Uncle or the Captain's Table?" He continued, browsing his Rotom Phone as he spoke, checking both locals' opening hours and daily menus. "I'd like to take you out somewhere fancy, but I can't really decide."

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