Chapter 19 ❀ Sharing Is Caring

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"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd come today, so I didn't book enough rooms." Nessa, the organizer of this year's Gym Leader get-together, was the one who spoke as soon as everyone had reached the front of the Budew Drop Inn. She had directed her statement at Piers who only shrugged in response. "It's fine, I'll just go home."

"How will you get there? There are no trains that run this late." Kabu interfered, knowing precisely that what he was saying was accurate since he knew Motostoke like the back of his hand. It was already past midnight and despite Piers being an adult, one couldn't just discard the possible dangers of him going back home on his own at this hour — especially since he lived in Spikemuth.

Raihan, being the overly nice person he was and also due to the fact that he believed he and Piers were no longer on the worst of terms, was about to offer the slim male to fly him home on his Flygon. Just when his mouth opened to suggest the idea, he pressed his lips back into a straight line, swallowing his words the same instant.

He was concerned about the spiky-head's safety — that was a given — but when looking at the bigger picture, Raihan realized that his offer perhaps wasn't the best solution, at least not for himself. After all, if he were to accompany Piers to his apartment in Spikemuth, their relationship would most probably return to what it was during these past six years. That was the last thing the light brown-skinned young man wanted after being granted the chance to converse with the other again after so long.

"It's not a big deal, walkin' never hurt anybody." Piers responded, waving off the matter before rubbing the back of his neck with the same hand. The fire-type Gym Leader was no longer the only one who voiced his worries, Milo and Allister joined in as well. "But Spikemuth is so far from here."

"A-And there's also the W-Wild Area." The masked boy stuttered, hoping he wasn't coming off as nosy and intrusive. Quite the contrary was the case though: Not only did Piers' heart warm at the youngest's concern, but everyone else's along with his.

"I can just share my room with you." Without even thinking things throughly, Raihan carelessly blurted out the next possible answer to their current problem, gaining a few surprised looks. The pale young man's eyes were certainly wide, but so were Nessa's and soon Gordie's as well once the caramel-skinned male continued. "I mean, we're both guys so there shouldn't be a problem with that, right?"

"It's exactly because you're two guys that this is a problem." If someone out of the group was able to read minds, then they surely must have gotten shocked at how in sync Nessa's and Gordie's thoughts resounded in their heads. They were the only friends of Raihan's that officially knew about his orientation — their source being Raihan having told them personally.

Despite all her worries and the fact that she didn't exactly support the idea of her best friend sharing a room — and possibly a bed — with his ex, the water-type Gym Leader wasn't about to take on a villainous role, and instead encouraged the suggestion. She was certain that she would regret doing so at a later point, probably when Raihan would call her and vent his sadness out to her. "How did we not think of that? Sounds like a solution to me."

Despite her almost detectable sarcastic tone, everyone else seemed to agree that Raihan's was indeed a kind offer which made it impossible for Piers to turn down. The two-color-haired male silently let a sigh escape his lips before scratching the side of his head. "If you're fine with doin' that, then I s'ppose it's alright with me."

No time was wasted after that. Milo and Leon were the only ones who weren't spending the night at a hotel in Motostoke, the reason being that one had to be ready for Gym Challengers by tomorrow morning due to his Gym being the first one while the other had champion-related work that was piling up in his office.

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