She tightened her grip on both the frame and the picture, "A-a-and me, what a-am I doing at this point, th-the group is falling apart, what can I d-do, I just want them t-to be happy, I just want them to—", Pin was quickly cut off by Coiny, he held his finger to her lips, "Pin, please breathe.", he said in a soft voice as he pulled his hand back.

Pin took a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh, "I'm sorry..", Pin said, her tears calmed down a bit but still continued to roll down her face, "There's no need to apologize, you care for them with everything your heart has. But, it's too much, I understand you want them to feel happy, I want to see them happy too, but this can't be fixed in a day or two, please, don't beat yourself up over this.", Coiny said, he grabbed the picture and the frame from Pin's still shaking hands.

He placed them on a small table next to him, "You are a wonderful person, and one of my closest friends, and I really do hate to see you like this.", Coiny said, he held her hands softly, "But please remember, don't try to fix everything on your own, and don't think that all these problems are your problems to fix. You have a kind heart, but, sometimes you have to let people fix their own problems. Also please don't forget that I'm here to hear you out, and I'm here to help you anytime you need help.", Coiny said.

Pin flinched a bit as he began to hug her, warm tears began to stream down her face again, she hugged him back as she cried, "It's alright, you can cry all you need to.", Coiny said.

Pin hiccuped a few times between breaths, she hugged him tighter with her trembling arms.

At some point her arms loosened and Coiny pulled away from the hug, Pin's hands were still shaking as he held them, "Let's go, you need to rest.", he said calmly, Pin didn't argue and began to walk with Coiny into the hallway.

The picture sat on the small table with water droplets still on it.

A figure lifted it off the table, the droplets fell onto the floor, barely making a sound as they hit the floor, the figure seemed to put their finger on each person in the picture.

However, when it got to Firey, their finger stayed.

They held the picture with both hands at the top.


The picture was torn in half, the figure dropped the picture and soon walked into the hallway.

The cut was going right down the middle of Firey as the picture sat on the ground in two pieces.



Pin moved a bit in her sleep, she seemed uncomfortable.


She moved a bit again, but this time she had an angry expression as she slept.

Th u d

"Alright whats up with that noise.", Pin whispered as she sat up, she rubbed her eyes and stood up from her bed, she checked the time.

3:00 AM


She groaned and began to walk out of the room and into the hallway, the lights were all off.


The front door swung open, some light from the street lights outside shined into the house a bit, the light was only enough for her to see a figure run out the door.

Dream Eater ()BFB Fanfic() [canceled]Where stories live. Discover now