stately old house

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She turned and glared at Bill.


"No. Seriously. What if tomorrow there was no more money and I had to get a job at some burger joint."

"Now that could be a problem," Matty sighed.

"Ah ha."

"Tuckamore Bay doesn't have a burger joint. I guess you could get a job as an Uber driver, although there ain't much call for taxis here in the Bay."

"Will you be serious?

I asked you a serious question."

Matty leaned on the rail again, facing Bill.

"Do you think I fell in love with your money?

I don't give a fuck about money. I am from the Bay. As a kid I wore clothes that my Nanny Dove sewed for me, from whatever material she could find.

For Christmas I got one nice gift and maybe a colouring book and crayons.

But what I always had was love. My Nanny raised me to believe in that more than money or material things. Money was always an issue, but the Bay pulled together, like they always did and there was always enough.

I know that times have changed and the new generation, our generation, have a different outlook on life, but in the long run, I can assure you that no matter what ...

this community will pull together ...

with or without you."

"Well ...

I don't know how that makes me feel."

Matty laughed.

"What I am saying, my darling man, is that if you lost all your money tomorrow, we would still survive. Whether we are here or somewhere else, we would survive."


Matty rolled her eyes.

"Yes, asshole. We."

She kissed Bill gently and took his hands in hers.

"I am in love with you and I promised myself, a long time ago that when I did find that special someone, it would be for better or worse and it would be for life.

This is the Bay, Bill and we keep our promises here."

Matty turned to the village.

"Look around Bill. These are your people now. Your family. What one has, we all have."

"We have to go ahead with all the upgrades on the houses. I need to know that the people are happy and that their concentration is on the Bay's projects. Their homes have to be stress free.

I just worry that the money will eventually run out, before we get all this done."

"Then pull out."

Bill shook his head.

"No. That is not an option. Nanny Dove made me understand that.

The way I am looking at this right now is that I bought an old house.

A wonderful, stately old house with a history that would amaze even the most skeptical person. An old house that is foundation wise, pretty strong, but need some love and attention and a shitload of repairs and upgrades, to make it liveable and sustainable for generations to come."

Bill hugged Matty and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"And it is a beautiful old home. And if it means I have to invest some money now, I am sure that somewhere in the future it will be a good investment."

"Bill, me son."

Matty and Bill looked down, to see Henry Tucker at the bottom of the lighthouse.

"Evening Henry."

"Evening to youse two. Look me son, wes 'avin' a barbecue and a few peoples over fer a drink and a few tunes.

Why don'ts youse and da missus git down 'ere and comes joins us."

Bill looked at Matty.


"We'd love to Henry. What do you need us to bring?"

"Nar a ting, Matty, me dear. Jest brings youse and your 'ubby. Wes be treatin' youse dis evenin'."

"We'll be right there, Henry."

Henry waved and headed back to his house.


Matty smiled.

"Well, William, me son. Ifins yuse be livin' wit someone, 'ere in da Bay, den they considers youse to be married."


"Yes, me love. Really. As far as da Bay is concerned, wes be 'usband and wife."

Bill grunted.

"Youse got a problem wit dat?"

Matty put her hands on her hips and glared at Bill.

"Youse don't bes likin' what youse sees."

Matty leaned back on the railing, flicking her head dramatically, her long red hair hanging over the rail.

Bill grunted again.

Matty rolled her eyes and started laughing. 

"Well me son, ifins youse feels like dat, den Ise guess wes best not be sleepin' together and doin' dat sex ting."

Bill started after her.

"Oh wifey? Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"Nice try 'ubby, but the pleasure express be shut down tonight."

Bill followed Matty down the spiral stairs.

"And your accent really sucks," he commented, laughing.

"You are pushing your luck, mainlander."

Tuckamore BayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora