“I thought the same too, Kyle is our friend and her boyfriend but she shouldn’t stay with him. She didn’t listen” Sam shook his head, “Kath is too stubborn”.

By the time Sam was done, I was so angry. “Dave!” mom shouted horrified. Sam looked at me and he did a double take. “Dave, your hand is bleeding” mom exclaimed panicked, “what are you doing? Stop holding the shards”.

It was then I felt a sting in my palm. I looked down and noticed my two hands were full of blood. I had gripped the shards in anger and blood was flowing terribly.

“Ah!” I hissed in pain and let go of them but some shards were still stuck. Mom took my hands to the sink and ran water on it. I hissed in pain.

“I’m calling Sandra” Sam said already on his phone.

“No, I’m…fine” I hissed more. “No, you are bleeding. Just look at you” Mom said upset and I felt bad. Why did I feel so jealous? Ah! It hurts.

Soon, Sandra arrived and she was bandaging my hands. “How could you have been so stupid to hold the shards that tightly?” Sandra scolded upset.

“I’m sorry” I apologized. Sandra came immediately when she heard I was hurt and now she was scolding me. “I will be more careful next time, I’m sorry”.

“you shouldn’t go to work tomorrow. Using your hands too much will cause it to bleed” Sandra suggested.

“but i–“. Sandra shot me a look and I shut up. Sandra was angry. Mom and Sam agreed with her so I had to call in sick. That made Sandra much pleased with me. We all went to bed after sorting things out.

The next day, everyone had gone to work and I was bored at home. I was flipping through channels when someone knocked. I sluggishly went to open the door and froze when I saw Kath. “Kath…”.

“Dave” Kath looked surprised to see me.

I looked at the time, one o’clock. I glared at her, my fingers itching to slam the door in her face. Kath seemed to sense my intentions and gingerly stepped inside. I shut the door with a loud bang and went back to the TV.

“Dave, what happened to your hand?” Kath asked worried. She was staring at my bandaged hands. It’s your fault Kath, yours. You hurt me.

I said nothing, deciding to ignore her. “tell me” Kath said worried. She stayed a considerable distance from me. Smart girl, because I have a urge to strangle you.

“How does it matter to you Kath” I said impassively, “we all have our own secrets”. Kath fell quiet and sadly left. I felt disappointed. I was right, Kath doesn’t care for me. She is just so selfish.

I crossed my arms and stared at the TV sulking. After sometime, Kath came back to the living room. She had changed her dress and she smelt nice. She sat next to me and her scent invaded me. I shifted trying not to look affected.

“I know you hurt your hand last night, Sam told me” Kath said. I said nothing. She sighed and continued, “I a sorry Dave, I know I should have told you but you would have never let me go. You and Kyle were good friends, can’t you put everything aside?”.

I snapped. “this is not about me and Kyle Katherine, it is about me and you. Kyle and I weren’t close so I don’t even care about him but why are you hiding things from me?! You never tell me anything anymore! Is it fair?!” I yelled angrily.

I was now holding Kath’s shoulder tightly. We had stood up and she was staring at me wide-eyed. “I’m sor-sorry Dave” Kath apologized sadly, “I just don’t want to trouble you, I don’t want to hurt you”.

“Can’t you see you are hurting me by keeping things from me?” I said sadly, my grip on her loosening, “I understand there are things you want there are things you want to keep to yourself but must you tell everyone and leave me behind? Am I not your friend? Don’t you trust me?”.

“I do Dave, I do” Kath began to cry, “I’m sorry”.

“and then you went out with Kyle!” I got angry again, “what did you do with him? Tell me?! Did you really…sleep with him? Tell me”.

Kath looked away from me crying. “Yes, but it doesn’t matter” she said looking back at me, “he is my boyfriend, and I wanted to. I can do it with whoever I want so stop being upset”.

Kath and I stared at each other challengingly. My gaze dropped from her determined eyes to her inviting lips. My arms on her shoulders were slowly dropping to her elbows. Her face was nearing mine.

There were warning alarms going on at the back of my head but I ignored them. The only thing in my mind was how those lips would feel against mine again.

“I said I would help you fulfill your wishes right?” I whispered on her lips.

“Yes” she whispered back, closing her eyes in anticipation.

“Then you should have come to me” I completed and kissed her.

Here we go again. Do you guys really approve of Dave cheating on Sandra with Kath? Let me know.

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