A love They Share

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Theo fidgetted with his fingers, waiting impatiently in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Finally, they were going to do an ultrasound sound to see if the baby is developing properly. This was standard and it was the ultrasound until his 22 weeks. According to MJ, that is.

  "Are you okay, Theo?" Ezra asked, his face appearing in front of me. I blushed, realizing how much I zoned out from his talking.

  "F-fine. I'm just nervous." Theo sat up for the third time in the past 15 minutes to attempt to pace in the small waiting room. Though it was short-lived due to the pain in his broken leg. He also had to pee, and he was hungry. Curly fries from the local diner sounded blissful.

  Thankfully, they didn't have to wait long. The door opened and stood the nurse from last time. She smiled politely but didn't bother to say a name as Theo barreled past her, leaving Ezra to chuckle at his Boyfriends impatience.

  "Its going to be this room here. The doctor will be in soon." She explained, pointing at a room.

  Theo thanked her and rushed in, sitting on the table. Ezra closed the door as he entered. Once they were alone, Ezra cleared his throat, his hand mindlessly fixing his half ponytail.

  "I hope this is fast, we still have a pack meeting to hold when we get back," Ezra says, now pacing the small room.

  Theo couldn't help but smile. "Seems like you are the one that panicked now." Theo teased, reaching over to grab Ezra's arm, stopping him dead in his pace. Theo pulled him closer so that they were practically chest-to-chest. "We both need to calm down before we get gray hairs."

  This pulled a laugh out of Ezra. "We are only 18, I doubt that will happen in our teens."

  Theo shrugged. "Being young doesn't stop you from getting grays. When severely stressed you can get dead hair that looks gray." Theo spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, making Ezra chuckle and roll his eyes.

  "Gray hair or not, you are perfect to me." Ezra leaned in, planting a kiss on Theo's lips. Theo returned the favor just as a knock on the door startled them.

  Ezra jumped away, leaning comically on the counter as the doctor walked In. Theo immediately took note it was a different doctor than last time which didn't bother Theo, but it did bum him out.

  "Hello, my name is Dr. Parker and I'll be doing the ultrasound today, is that okay, Theodore?" Dr. Parker asked, walking over to the computer.

  "Yeah, that's okay. Is Dr. Lee not in?" Theo asked.

  "No, he's on vacation to Hawaii to attend his sister's wedding. She's marrying into the Lunawa Clan." She explained, turning to Theo with a smile.

  "Oh, okay. I was just wondering." Theo scooted his butt back on the bed, before lying down.

  Theo tuned Dr. Parker out, as his eyes drifted over to Ezra who seemed to be soaking in everything that was being discussed. Theo let a small smile appear on his face, taking in Ezra's features as if for the first time. Every time he sees those bright green eyes it's as if he loses himself in the forest. Everything about Ezra to his hair that has now grown past his chin that he puts up into small buns or ponytails. Theo considered himself lucky to have such a sexy partner.

  ".. cold, so take in a deep breath." Theo blinked hearing the Doctors voice fade back in.

  "What?" Theo asked.

  Dr. Parker smirked, holding up the gel.  Theo realized what was going on and flushed pink, looking at Theo who was trying to hold in a laugh.

  "Oh... r-right uhm... go ahead." Theo readjusted his laying position and watched as Dr. Parker applied the gel, before tapping buttons on the machine.

  Ezra grabbed hold of Theo's hand, squeezing it as the Doctor grabbed the transducer and placed it against the doctor. Theo looked at the screen but he couldn't make anything out on the screen, so instead, he looked over at Ezra who smiled comfortingly.

  A gasp startled Theo, his head whipping around to the Doctor. Quickly she placed the Transducer down and shot up, practically running to the door, she opened it, peeked out, then closed it.

  "What's the matter?" Asked Ezra.

  "It's not possible." Walking back to the transducer, she picked it up and placed it against Theo's stomach, now having their full attention. Theo's heart was racing at her reaction. Did he have a miscarriage? Was there something wrong?

  Pointing to the screen, she leaned in, looking as pale as a ghost. "I'm... I'm sorry to have to inform you but... you are pregnant with... twins." She whispered the last part, looking to the door.

  "What?!" Hissed Ezra, leaning over Theo to look at the screen. "You must be joking." He deadpanned.

  Theo understood the significance of this news but he... never expected this kind of reaction. What was so bad about having twins?

  "I'm afraid I'm not. You are pregnant with twins and if this gets out this could cause a war with other clans. If they are twin Alpha's this could be..." Ezra cut her off, sighing.

  "I know." He looked at Theo who was still trying to process what he was hearing.

  The room was quiet for a long moment,with no one saying anything as they sat there trying to think of what to do next. After what felt like forever, Theo spoke.

  "How do we tell the pack?" He asked, looking over at Ezra. "We are having twins whether we want to or not." Theo paused, taking in a sharp breath as he sat up. "This is life-changing. Not just for us, but for the whole of Lighthide."

  Ezra sighed, cupping Theo's cheek. "We'll wait to tell them at the right moment. For now, let's keep it a secret." Ezra leaned down and planted a kiss to Theo's forehead.

  Theo nodded in agreement. "Let's not make it too late. If we don't disclose it we could lose the packs trust."

  Ezra stood tall, his eyes shifting to the doctor. "Please keep this in the room. Don't file any paperwork. We don't need a paper trail." He demanded.

  "I wouldn't want this getting out. My leader would do what he could to get involved. I won't mutter a word to anyone about it. You have my word." He placed two hands on her heart, before flicking them up to her lips. Her eyes glowed a light orange but settled quickly to her normal brown.

  Ezra smiled. "Thanks for the Seal. We'll be going."

  Ezra helped Theo up onto his feet and both left in a hurry from the doctor's office. Theo kept his hand on his stomach, the words cycling through his head the entire time. He was pregnant with twins and the question is, will he survive?

*Disclaimer: Ezra and Austin are not twins. Austin is a year and 2 months younger than Ezra. He just turned 17, Theo is 18. And Ezra is a month older than Theo. They are nearing their 19th birthdays. Sorry, I never specified their ages. Austin is a junior not senior.*

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