A Meeting Em & Ty

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The first thing Theo felt when he awoke was immense heat. The second was pain and aches. His eyes fluttered opened, seeing that he was lying on top of Ezra's slow rising chest. He smiled, thinking on about the previous night. His heat was intense, but he enjoyed every minute of it. Even with this lower back and ass pain. He leaned up, kissing Ezra on the lips, throwing the blanket off he got up, putting some boxers one and one of Ezra's hoodies that went past his mid thigh, as he made his way downstairs.

  The area was quiet and bursting with light. He decided on making some coffee, eggs and bacon. As he was turning the bacon over, he yelped in surprise when he felt hands wrap around his stomach, hugging him close.

  Looking up, he saw it was Ezra, resting his chin on Theo's head. "Morning." Ezra says.

  Theo smiled. "Good morning. I'm making breakfast. The coffee should be done if you want some." Ezra kissed Theo on the cheek, letting him go he grabbed 2 coffee cups, placing them on the counter.

  "How are you feeling?" He asked.

  Theo pulled the bacon off, turning to Ezra. "A little sore, but I'm fine."

  Ezra nodded, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. "Looking pretty sexy in my hoodie by the way." He wiggled his eyebrows, taking a drink of his coffee.

  Theo tried to contain his smile, putting 4 slices of bacon on each plate and then some buttered toast with eggs. Theo stood, leaning on the counter as he ate, refusing to sit down due to the sharp pains it would cause.

  They ate in silence, until Theo broke it, taking a drink of his coffee. "Before you left the meeting... what was discussed?" He asked, taking a bite of his crispy bacon.

  Ezra sighed, putting his fork down. "Not much. The other clans didn't want to join the war both our clans started, so they backed off. They did however send their condolences because of Alfie. He was a loved leader by everyone." Ezra says.

  Theo probed his eggs with his fork for a minute, before putting it down. "We lost 27 pack members plus 2 that left. We only have 44, right? Why don't we form an alliance with Em and Ty? They have 36. We could bring our numbers up to 80. It's worth it for when Defiant attacks us again."

  Ezra's smile grew. "You said 'we' and 'us' that's some development." He teases. Theo rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his eggs again. "But it's worth a shot. Maybe if they know you are apart of this group they will change their minds. We will however, have unhappy people within our clan. We need to talk to Em and Ty's pack leader as well as bringing them together. This could get a bit ugly for a minute."

  Theo nodded. "Then we deal with it. If Em and Ty don't want to do it, we can't force them."

  Ezra nodded. "Well then. Finish your breakfast, we can set up a meeting after." He explains.

  Theo nods, shoving the rest of his food into his mouth and chugging his coffee. He placed the plate in the sink, going upstairs to grab some black skinny jeans, gingerly putting them on. Throwing on his converse with no socks, he quickly ran down the stairs just as Austin walked into the room.

  "Ah, you look better." Austin jabs.

  Theo nodded. "I feel better. If you will excuse me, I have a phone call to make." He says, grabbing his phone from his pocket and walking to the back porch. Taking a deep breath, he opened his phone, dialing Em.

  After 2 rings, the other end answered. "Theo?! Thank God you are okay. I heard from Austin about what happened."

  Theo smiled. "Im fine, Em. But I have soemthing important to ask you."

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