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After Saturday, Theo spent the rest of the three day weekend in his room, only coming down for dinner. He did notice Ezra and Austin sneaking off at night, but he didnt seem to care. The words Wyatt spoke seemed to seep in and he was scared to go back to school. But of course after missing a week he needed to.

  Getting out of bed, he changed into simple clothes. An oversized hoodie and some ripped blue skinny Jeans. His hair stuck up all over the place, but he didnt care. Throwing on his converse, he grabbed his bag, making his way down the stairs.

  Ezra and Austin stood by the door, waiting for him. It sucked knowing his step brothers were a grade above him. Them being seniors and he being a junior. It made him feel a certain way. Theo reached the door, scooting past Ezra and Austin, making his way to the car.

  "A good morning would have been nice." Snaps Austin.

  Theo sent him a glare. "I'm not in the mood." He barks out, sliding into the passenger seat of his dads car. The step brothers slid into the back.

  "Ready for school?" His dad asks.

  "Oh boy am I?" Theo jokes.

  His father laughed. "What has you in a bad mood, Theo?"

  Theo sighed, looking down at his hands that seemed to be shaking slightly. "I'm going back to school." He says, putting on a joking tone.

  His dad chuckles. Nothing else was said the whole ride to the school. When they got there, Theo immediately said goodbye to his dad before jogging away from his step brothers and into the building. Once inside he spotted his group of friends. Em, Ty, Mason and Paul.

  Mason's face lit up. "Theo! Dude where have you been?" He asks, hugging Theo.

  Theo chuckled. "Moving my step brothers in." He says, breaking free from the hug.

  "Right, how is that going?" Asks Paul.

  Theo shrugged. "As well as it can. They are quite a handful." He says.

  "In what ways?" Em chuckles.

  Theo shrugs. "They are snappy, sarcastic and get this, they sneak off almost every night around the same time. I'm starting to wonder if I live with drug dealers or something." Theo says, laughing at his own words.

  "Well at least you know you have the hook up." Jokes Paul, slapping Theo on the arm.

  Theo rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Paul." He looked over at the stairs seeing Ezra and Austin talking with a group of jocks, talking as if they've known eachother for a long time. Theo found his eyes looking over at Ezra, as if noticing him for the first time. His smile he hadnt seen on his face the whole weekend made him feel a certain way. It made him look less harsh. As if sensing his gaze, Ezra side eyed Theo, causing Theo to grow wide eyed and look back at his group of friends. Ezra smirked.

  "I think I'm going to head to class. I need to talk to my teachers about some missing work." He says, waving a bye at them.

  "Cool. See ya at lunch!" Shouts Em.

  "Yup." Was all Theo managed, making his way to his first class.

  The first few classes passed without any incident, though he had homework piling up with every class he went to. Thankfully he had until next week to finish it all. When Lunch came around, he was tired, plopping against an empty table, he rested his head on his backpack.

  "Well dont you look like a ball of sunshine." Says Paul, taking a seat down next to him.

  Theo groaned. "Hmm. Getting a weeks worth of homework is just dandy." He shoot sarcastically, sitting back, folding his arms.

  Em and Ty joined right after, both of them holding their homemade lunches. "Is everything okay?" Em asks.

  "As well as it can be, Em." He sighs defeatedly.

  Em chuckled. "Want to go on a run after school? That may help clear your head." She suggests, unpacking her lunch.

  Theo wanted to so badly, but he couldnt. "I cant. I have to help my dad clean the garage to make room for some of MJ's belongings." He says.

  "Mj? That's your new step mom right?"

  "Soon to be." Says Ezra, who sat down next to Theo, causing the whole table to grow quiet. Theo snaps his gaze to Ezra, who clearly didnt seem to read the mood.

  Ty wasnt having it. "Dont you have somewhere else to sit?" He asks.

  Ezra smirks, sitting back in the chair as he folds his hands. "Dont need to be rude. I just came to sit with Theo." Ezra leaned forward, his eyes growing dark. "He is my step brother after all."

  Paul scoffed. "Step brother or not this table doesnt want you here. Get lost Beta." Snaps Paul.

  Theo knitted his brows at the insult, clearly not understanding why Paul would call Ezra a beta. What even was a beta? A term for jerk? Theo was so confused and Ezra clearly saw it.

  Ezra chuckled. "I dont see why classifying is considered an insult." He says. "We all are at least one of the three."

  Paul glared. "Get lost." He barked.

  Ezra popped a tater tot in his mouth, still smirking. "Make me."

  "Can we simmer it down guys? Hes just sitting at the table. It wont hurt anyone." Says Theo, trying to make sense of the conversation taking place.

  Ezra shrugged. "Yeah guys, it wont hurt anybody." He mocks.

  Paul slammed the table, standing up he got up close to his face, glaring. "Watch yourself, Ezra. You dont want the Bloodrose on your tail." Snaps Paul, walking away from the table.

  Theo got an awkward feeling in his chest, noticing Em and Ty claming up at the mention of 'Bloodrose'. Before any more could be exchanged, Em and Ty got up.

  "We need to go to the library. I forgot I need to check out a book." Em says.

  "O-okay." Theo says, watching them walk away.

  Ezra sighed, looking over at Theo. "Sorry for the show. I cant stand that guy." He says.

  Theo gulped. "Its fine. Paul has always been... a bit harsh." He says, fingering the zipper on his backpack.

  Ezra chuckled. "That's putting it lightly." He shifted in his seat, popping another tater tot in his mouth. They sat in silence while Ezra finished his meal. When the bell rang, Ezra shot up, not saying a word, he made his way out if the cafeteria.

  Theo gulped, following as well. School went by with little to no action and when he finally got home after school, he immediately made his way up the stairs, not bothering to talk to anyone. When he got to his room, he closed the door and locked it. His mind raced through the events that happened at school. He knew Ezra and Austin went to the same school as him, but he didnt know they knew the same people. Paul looked absolutely pissed seeing Ezra sitting at the table. Not to mention Em and Ty were also tensed.

  He knitted his eyebrows, unlocking his door, he looked across the hall at their room, seeing the door was closed. Maybe today will be the day he decides to follow them at night to see exactly what they do. With that though in his mind, he closed his door, waiting until nightfall.

A/N: hey y'all hope you are taking a liking to this story ^-^ silence is deafening has also been updated!


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