Ty put his hands behind his back, whistling at Theo. "Sure. But I will be bringing this up when we get back. The pack will love to hear about your se-" Theo punched Ty in the stomach, causing him to groan.

  "You say anything about that to the pack I swear you will be eating out of a straw for months. I have enough to deal with being Ezra's spark and hiding the ring. I don't need embarrassing stories circulating the pack house!" Theo barked, huffing.

  Ty coughed. "Roger that, sir."

  They continued down the isle, turning down another one, Theo finally found what he was looking for. Reaching for it, he grabbed it and threw it into the basket.

  "Final thing on the list. Let's get back to the pack house. After that we should discuss what we are going to do about Defiants Pride." Ty says.

  Theo nodded, going to run out of the isle, when a chilling laugh echoed the empty isle. Theo and Ty froze, turning their heads to see 4 people, 2 Theo instantly recognized. Juan and Derek.

  "Discuss what to do about us? Why don't we discuss what we are going to do to you, little fiesty bitch." Derek sneered.

  Ty immediately shot a hand around Theo, pulling him into his side. He took off with Theo, who struggling to keep pace. Leaving their cart of stuff, they took off down isles, dodging well crowded areas. Nearing the exits, Theo looking behind him, seeing that the 4 chasing them were not to far behind.

  Running past the lady that checks receipts, they made a mad dash to their car. Once unlocking it, Theo jumped in just as Ty did. He started the car, seeing them at the back of the trunk. He slammed on the gas, lucky that no one was in the stall in front of them. They zipped out of the parking lot and down the street towards an unknown neighborhood, trying to lose them if they followed.

  "Why the fuck would they show up now?! How did they know where to fucking find us?" Ty aggressively seethes, turning down another road, he spotted an empty house with a parking lot. Quickly he parked into the driveway, tuning the engine off and putting his hand on Theos head, shoving him down in the seat.

  Both of them were out of veiw, Theo practically holding his breath, his heart hammering dangerously in his chest. He was so scared. He just wanted Ezra to be with him, not here trying to hide from their rival clan. They heard car tires screech down the road before it passed by in a flash past the house. They shared a look when the car tires screeched again, disappearing down another road.

  Theo practically let out a loud breath, collapsing tiredly against the passenger seat. Theo did the same, wiping sweat from his brow. Theo went to sit up but Ty grabbed his hoodie, shoving him back down.

  "We are going to wait about 15 minutes. Make sure they are gone fully before leaving." Ty whispered.

  Theo nodded. They remained quiet, not risking saying anything due to werewolves having sensitive ears. The neighborhood around them wasn't as quiet as they'd hoped. They didn't hear cars pass by thankfully, but the sound of neighbors playing outside or bbbqing could be heard. Sprinklers in yards were also heard as the time passed from 4:45 to 5:02. Ty risked it, peaking out the back window, he noted it was all clear.

  "I think they're gone. Let's get back." He whispered. Theo shot up, throwing his hood on to hide his face as Ty started up the car. He backed out, making his way down the neighborhood.

  "That has to be the scariest half an hour of my life." Ty exasperated, turning onto another side street.

  Theo nodded in response. He wanted to tell Ezra about his scary encounters and that he wasn't ever going to run errands until this ring thing is situated. He knows Ezra will understand.

  Theo slammed forward against his seatbelt, his body whiplashing him back, making him dizzy. Shaking his head, he looked around, wondering what caused Ty to slam on his breaks. Upon staring out the front window, his answers were clear. In front of them was a dead end with a black truck. Juan and Derek sat in the front seat. Ty immediately put the car in reverse, but before he could slam on his gas, Theo's door shoved opened and his seat belt was ripped off. Theo screamed as his hoodie was grabbed, dragging him out of the passenger side. He slammed against the road, kicking and punching.

  Ty put the car in park, immediately getting out, he ran for the man holding Theo, punching him with his might. The man dropped to the floor, and Theo scrambled to his feet. Ty bent down to help but his shirt was grabbed, propelling him back against a wooden fence. He broke it, causing the wooden fence to snap in on itself.

  "Tyler!" Theo screamed.

  Theo felt pain in his head, realizing his hair was being pulled. He screamed but it was cut off immediately when a hand was placed over his mouth. Theo was picked up. Theo kicked and struggled against whoever held onto him, looking over at where Ty had crashed. He wasn't moving. Theo didn't care about himself. All he wanted to know was if Ty was okay.

  "Knock him out it will be easier to transport him!" Shouted a familiar voice from the truck.

  Theo kicked and fought against whoever held him. A solid punch to the gut, felt like a sack of potatoes hit him. He wheezed, dark spots invading his vision. He collapsed against the man, the last thing he saw was the broken fend that the back end of a trunk bed closing, before darkness.

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