A Meeting Em & Ty

Start from the beginning

  There was a pause and then some mild shuffling. "Im all ears."

  Theo sucked in a breath, before letting it out. "So... these past few days have been... out of control." Theo scratched anxiously at the back of his neck. "Uhm... I found out that I am uh... Ezra's spark. And then we found out we are being targeted by Defiants Pride, who killed Alfie, our pack leader so now Ezra and I are leading Lighthide and I really need to talk to your clan about a potential alliance because they are after us and they killed 27 of us." Theo panted, not realizing he was speaking so fast.

  Em was silent for a long time, long enough that Theo had to check to make sure the call hadn't dropped. "Em?"

  "Im sorry I'm just trying to process everything you said. You grazed through some pretty important details there, Theo. Can you meet me at the Koffee Paradie in a half hour to talk? I'll bring Tyler with me too." She says.

  Theo nodded, but rolled his eyes at himself. "Uh yeah I can. I will tell you everything when we meet." Theo says, hanging up. He put the phone into the very big and baggy hoodie that was Ezras.

  He walked into the cabin, seeing Ezra and Austin standing in the small kitchen. He cleared his throat. "I just got off the phone with Emily. She wants to meet at Koffee Paradie to talk."

  Ezra nodded. "Okay. Let's go. Austin can you watch the pack while we go?"

  Austin nodded. "Please try to get them on our side. Yes we will have people who will hate it, but the more the merrier." Austin says, walking over to Theo, placing his hand on his shoulder. He squeezed an encouraging gesture, before walking out of the back patio.

  Theo shook his head, walking over to Ezra. "Shall we go?"

  Ezra sighed, grabbing for the car keys, he grabbed Theo's hand, interlocking their hands together. Theo blushed, following Ezra out of the cabin and down the road to his car. Theo noticed a few people were watching us, but tried to pay the. No mind. Instead he kept his mind occupied with Ezra's hand. The warmth it had against his cold hand and the way it was much bigger than his. It felt perfect.

  They made it to the car and as much as it saddened Theo, he let go of Ezra's hand, scooting in cautiously to prevent pain into the passenger seat. Ezra got in and immediately turned the car on and drove away.

  When they arrived, Em and Ty were sitting on the bench in front of the Cafe.  Theo got out, followed by Ezra who made it a point to grab Theo's hand. They walked over to Em and Ty who noticed Theo.

  They stood up, but Ty made a face. "Dude, Theo. Why do you smell different?" He asked, taking a big whiff of the air.

  Theo looked over at Em who was also sniffing the air. "Oh... it's uh..."

  "Hes my spark. That's why." Ezra said bluntly.

  Ty nearly choked on air, going into a coughing fit as Em rolled her eyes. "Seriously?!" Ty shouted.

  "Yes. It's another reason we want to talk. Shall we head in and grab a table?" Ezra asked.

  Em nodded. "Yes. I need to hear this." She walked over, opening the door for them. They all entered, ordered coffee and sat down in the farthest booth away from people. Once there, Em decided to speak. "Spill. Start from the beginning."

  Theo squirmed where he sat, uncomfortable from the pain in his lower back. "Well when Jayson ambushed me, Ezra saved me and that revealed the spark. After that, I went to live in Lighthides cabins." He took a drink of his chai tea with soy milk before continuing. "Before that, Alfie, our pack leader gave me a necklace that my scent would hide. Defiants Pride's sacred ring. But because I smell like a wolf now, the ring is exposed. They attacked the Pack house and nearly caught me. It's how I got these-" Theo lifted up his sleeves revealing his still bandaged arms. "They attacked us in the night, killing 27 plus Alfie. Now Ezra is the new Alpha leader of our pack. But with Defiants Pride still after us, we need more help."

  Em and Ty through on about the story Theo just told. Em bit her lip. "Why did Alfie take the ring in the first place?"

  "Because the leader killed Alfie's son." Ezra says.

  "So he stole the ring to get back at him?" Tyler asked.

  Theo nodded. "They are after me though. I have the ring and I am now the Alpha's lover. We just want extra protection and help. I know it's asking a lot but we would like to put the past behind us and make a new future. Please bring it up to your leader." Theo pleaded.

  Em sighed, folding her arms. "Well you are in luck. Our pack leader has heard about Defiants Prides lurking and hates it more than Lighthide. He wants to rid of them. He will agree. I'll talk to Garrett when I get back, but he will. I'll call you with his answer." She says.

  Theo smiled wide, grabbing her hand. "Thank you, Em!"

  "Of course, Theo." She kissed Theo's hand, letting it go. "We have to got though, but we will be in touch." She pointed to Ezra. "You keep him safe and love him dearly. He's my best friend. Hurt him, I hurt you. Understood?"

  Ezra chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "Yes ma'am."

  Accepting it, she walked out with Tyler on her heels. Theo practically collapsed against Ezra. Ezra smiled softly, resting his head on Theo's head.

  "Who knew doing wolf politics would be exhausting. Creating allies is rough." Theo jokes.

  Ezra laughed. "Yup. It's not a walk in the park. We still have a lot to do. We should get back to the pack house and fill everyone in."

  Theo nodded, grabbing his drink, they scooted out, making their way back to the pack house. But Theo couldn't shake this uneasy feeling in his stomach he got. He just hopes it's anxiety on what Garrett will say and not anything to worry about.

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