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The forensic team had gotten hair samples from carries hairbrush from Nicoli. They took that & extracted Carrie's DNA from it. They were searching the field. They were searching for 8 1/2 months before they found something. (It's a big field ok?)

~~~~~Meanwhile a 8 1/2 months ago Carrie pov~~~~~

They pulled me out of the van forcefully. 2 men dragged me while the other held a gun at my head. I had to do as they said. I know enough about how this stuff works to know struggling is a bad idea. I went along calmly, not willing to show weakness even though I was scared out of my mind.

Soon we arrived in front of a strong looking man with many tattoos.

'He must be in charge'

Man: well well well, who is this?

Guy: found her walking down the street. Thought you'd think she was pretty.

Man: she is pretty. How has she been behaving?

Guy 2: very well. Didn't make noise, didn't struggle, didn't ask questions.

Man: oh good. That will get you good girl points. Put her with the others.

Then they dragged her along a few long hallways. She was trying to study the way but everything looked nearly the same so it was difficult.

Soon they came to a pair of steel, rusted, bloody doors. They opened up the doors & threw her inside. She slammed on the ground & they shut the door. She jumped up & tried to yank them open.

???: it's no use...

Carrie heard a quiet voice. She turned around to see 3 other girls there. One looked to be in her 30s, one looked to be about 17, the other looked to be about 12. Carrie was 22.

Carrie: who are all of you?

The little girl spoke up

Rosy: I'm Rosy

Then the older woman said

Sue: I'm Sue

Then the last one, the teenager said,

Tabitha: I'm Tabitha

Carrie: I'm Carrie

Tabitha: I'm 18, rosy is 11, Sue is 32. How old are you?

Carrie: 22. How long have you all been here.

Tabitha: I was here first. About a month later they brought in Sue, then 3 months later they brought in Rosy.

Carrie: how long have you been here.

Sue: we've all been here about 4 years.

Carrie: 4 years?!

Rosy: yeah. I miss my family.

Sue went & hugged her.

Sue: we miss ours too.

Tabitha: our main focus is protecting Rosy, staying alive, & not causing trouble. The more trouble we cause, the more people he brings in & kills. We recently made a mistake. We found a weak spot int he wall & tried to escape, but he caught us before we could. He took another girl that was here & killed her because of it, then he brought you. That was yesterday. Her name was Martha. We're not going to try to pull another stunt like that again.

Carrie: this is bad. Tabby, I'm pregnant.

Tabitha: what?! That's bad. Ok, here's the best thing you can do. Sometimes he comes down here & takes one of us away, I bet you can imagine what he does to us when he does. It's gonna happen to you eventually so if you want to keep the baby alive, here's what you'll have to do. Me & Sue try to go instead of Rosy as much as possible, but eventually he gets tired of us & moves on. Your going to have to be his victim for as long as possible until the pregnancy shows, because you can only hide that for so long. By the time he gets tired of you the pregnancy will start to show, then, he'll move on to us & you'll be safe as long as we help hide it. It's scary & horrible, but if you want that baby to make it, that's what you'll have to do.

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