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Carrie had been working at the park for about 6 months. One day, they got a new intern. He seemed like a sweet, shy, kind of guy. His name was Thomas. The two kind of hit it off immediately. Even though Thomas never said more than about 4 or 5 words to everyone else since he never felt very comfortable around them, he was able to be ok talking to Carrie. There was something about her he found fascinating. It all started when muscle man started pranking him.
Muscle man had just thrown Thomas a can of soda. When he opened it, it exploded in his face. Then when he went to take a sip, there was ink on the rim & a big circle was made on his face.

Carrie: muscle man! Stop being so mean to Thomas!

She took out a cloth & wet it with water. She went over & got close to him

Carrie: hold still

Thomas did as he was told. Even though it felt very awkward for him, he didn't show it, he stood there & let her help him.

'She's just trying to help me right? Don't freak. Just let her. You'll gain her trust easier this way. & besides, what's the worst that can happen? If I show awkwardness it will just make things weird. Just bite the bullet & do it. Everything's fine.'s really nice that she's doing this...'

Carrie took the wet cloth & wiped all the ink off his face like a mother would her child. She had always had a very motherly instinct.

Carrie: there. Now, muscle man. Quit picking on him! Or something bad will happen to you. I'll make sure.

Her voice got deeper & she had a glare that could make a grown man faint in fear. Muscle man was scared but tried to hide it as he got in the cart & drove off. After they were gone she turned to Thomas.

Carrie: if he continues to pick on you just let me know. I'll make sure a stop is put to it. I have your back.

Then she patted his back & walked off.

'Wow. She's...really cool. She just helped me. I haven't known her for even a few days & she already did something very nice for me. NO! Don't fall for that! They said Americans would do this! I can't fall into their trap! I won't!'

He composed himself & forgot about anything he might have been feeling at that moment & continued on with his daily work pushing all possible emotions away.

For quite a while, muscle man would pick on him, then Carrie would come to make sure he was ok & help him. After a while, she had had enough. She got about 12 of her rebel friends, & made a plan. Hi-five was out of town, they used that to their advantage. Earlier in the night Carrie had slipped sleeping pills into muscle mans drink. He got home, got into his underwear, & passed out in bed. Carrie had her friends pool their money to buy can after can of hot pink spray paint, a few cans of black spray paint, bleach, pink clothes dye, & a few stencils with farting pigs.

They snuck into his trailer & got all his clothes. Every article of clothing he owned was brought outside. Outside they had large tubs of bleach & tubs with pink clothes dye. They dumped all the clothes into the bleach to make them white. While they waited for them to be finished, they got started with the pink spray paint. They painted every square inch of the inside of his trailer pink. Everything! The walls, furniture, even the floor when they finished everything else. There was not 1 spot that wasn't 100% hot pink. They then went outside & got out the clothes, which were completely white, dried them, then put them in the pink dye. While they waited for the clothes to absorb the pink dye, they painted the outside of his trailer pink. Once they were finished, so were the clothes. They took them out & dried them, then, they put the farting pig stencils on the clothes, took the black spray paint, & pained the farting pigs on them. Once the clothes were hot pink & covered in farting pigs, they put them back where they got them, grabbed all the evidence, & left.

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