Her family is waaaaacked!

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Carrie woke up blinking her eyes open slowly. She looked up & saw her sleeping Nicoli. He looked so relaxed. It was rare to see him like this. He was always doing something active or that required concentration. She realized he still had her in his arms. She felt so warm cuddled up against him. She laid her head back down & closed her eyes. She listened to his heartbeat. It was soothing to her.

A bit later he slowly woke up. The sun shining in from the window with the curtain slightly open. He looked down to see Carrie looking at him.

Nicoli: good morning

Carrie: good morning

They smiled & kissed.

Carrie: come on, let's get dressed & I can make us breakfast.

Nicoli: ok, but I'm helping.

Carrie: you don't have too

Nicoli: no, I will. I don't want you to feel like you have too just because your a woman. I know that's a big stereotype here in America.

Carrie: that's really sweet of you. But don't worry. I'm fine doing it by myself today.

Nicoli: aright...but your not going to everyday. I'll help you sometimes.

Carrie: alright. I love you

Nicoli: I love you too.

They kissed & after getting on a casual dress, Carrie went to go make breakfast. Nicoli stayed in the room & took a shower. Once he came out breakfast was on the table waiting for him.

Carrie: I already ate mine, so I figured you could eat while I take a shower.

Nicoli: alright

He sat at the table & she left to take a shower. Once he was done eating she came out. She was wearing the same casual dress & her wet hair was slightly dripping. He went over, pulled her close by her hips, & kissed her.

Carrie: what do you want to do?

Nicoli: well, I've been thinking about this for a while...I think that if your ok with it, I think it's about time I meet your family.

Carrie just got real wide-eyed. She was dead serious & looked terrified & said:

Carrie: are you sure?

Nicoli: I'm sure. As long as your alright with it.

Carrie: I'm worried about YOU. My family is CRAZY. CRAZY! All you'd have to do to get rid of half of them is hold up a bag, yell "it's crystal meth! Go!" Throw it, & they'd be gone. The other half of them, all you'd have to do is hold something in seranwrap, yell "it's cake! Go!" Throw it, & they'd go wobbling for it. Not to mention they're all IN-SANE!

Nicoli: don't worry. I think I can handle it.

Carrie: ok. If you say so....wanna go meet my mother first?

Nicoli: sure. You drive because I don't know the way.

They got in the car & Carrie started driving. Nicoli got lost in his thoughts.

'I wonder if her family will like me. From what she described, I have no idea what to expect. They can't be that bad right? I mean, they raised her & she turned out perfect'

He glanced over at her & put his hand on her thigh. She kept her eyes on the road but she smiled. Soon she parked the car.

Carrie: we're here

Nicoli hadn't even looked up. He had no clue where they were. He assumed it was her moms house. He still had his hand on her thigh & squeezed tighter.

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