You captured my heart

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~~~~~~~~in this chapter you will have needed too see the episode 'the real Thomas' to understand it. If you have not seen this episode, I have put it with this chapter. If you have not already seen it, please watch it before reading this chapter. Thank you :-) also, I know the voices are deeper but it was the only video with the complete episode I could find <3~~~~~~~~

Just like Thomas had told her the night before. When she got up, she left the park. Thomas had told benson she had some kind of family emergency & to let him know she would be back as soon as possible.

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

Thomas had just loaded them onto the helicopter

Thomas: your being taken to a Russian labor camp, which, come to think of it, isn't that different from what you do now.

Just then Carrie ran into the sene


Thomas: Carrie! I told you to leave the park!

He had a scared look on his face

Carrie: I did but I forgot my phone so I came to get it. What is going on?!

Mordici: he's a Russian spy & is taking us to a labor camp in Russia & stealing the park!

Carrie: WHAT!

Her voice had gotten so high, bensons head had cracked a small bit (cuz he's a glass gum ball machine)

Thomas: Carrie, listen, leave now! While you can!

Carrie: oh no! These are my friends! If your taking them, your taking me! Friends stick together & are loyal to each other! It would be wrong to leave them & I would never do that to them! I'm a park worker too & we're all in this together!

Then she jumped into the helicopter to make her point. Everyone was a bit astonished. Thomas was scared of what the Russians would do to her, but the guys were touched at what she had said & what she was doing.

Natalia: Nicoli! Hurry up!

Thomas had no choice but to go, even though it hurt him to do so. Everyone was loaded into the van.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

Thomas: I was always pranked while I was an intern. Americans can be jerks. But...Carrie was always kind to me

He said that last part very quietly so Natalia wouldn't hear it.

Natalia: well, you don't have to worry about that now because they're dead

Thomas: WHAT!? Natalia! That was not part of the plan!

Natalia: well it became part of the plan. They were driven off the side into the ocean & drowned.

Thomas: nobody was supposed to get hurt!

Natalia: they weren't hurt. They were killed.

She said it so nonchalantly. Thomas had tears pricking at his eyes knowing his Carrie was dead, & it was his fault. He quickly blinked them away so Natalia wouldn't notice, then he look in the rear view mirror & saw them approaching. His heart kept with joy & a huge smile came onto his face.

Natalia looked over & was his smile, & it's cause.

Natalia: you look happy. You aren't betraying MOMM are you? Mother Russia?

Thomas: no! Of corse not!

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~

They were all standing up. Thomas had the controller.

Carrie: I can't believe you! We were going to offer you a full time job because we didn't want to see you go! Even after everything I told you last night you still did this! We cared about you! I TRUSTED YOU! You were our friend! Does that mean nothing to you?!

A series of flashback came into his mind. Most of them being the time he spent with Carrie, but the others meant something to him too. That's when he made his decision. HE COULDN'T DO THIS!

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

They all crash landed. After everyone had gotten up they started to cheer for Thomas. Carrie ran up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, & hugged him. She pulled away & kissed him on the cheek. She was walking back to stand with the others but then Thomas grabbed her wrist & pulled her back. As she was pulled back she lost her balance & fell backwards only for Thomas to catch her. He had dipped her & she had wrapped her arms around his neck to keep her balance.

Thomas, in his smooth Russian accent, said in a swave voice, with a smoldering gaze:

Thomas: come on? I save the day & all I get is a kiss on the cheek? I thought all the stories end with the hero getting the girl.

He had his eyebrows raised & a smirk on his lips. He had gone from a goofy intern this morning, too mr. smooth right now. He was acting like someone from a fairytale turned into an adult Hollywood movie. He had lots of confidence & was defiantly pulling the smooth guy act, & damn it, he was doing a good job.

Carrie: you may be the days hero, but might I remind you you were the villain too?

She had a smirk on her face just like he did & was grinning up at him.

Thomas: True, but, in the end, I stayed loyal to you. Carrie, the truth that I have never been able to confess to you is, I've fallen in love with you. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I'd fall in love with an American girl, but you somehow managed to capture my cold heart.

Carrie: your heart isn't cold. I've known that from day 1. & in all honesty, I never doubted you. You just needed a little push to help you realize what you actually wanted to do, not what you felt obligated to do.

Thomas: there you go again, saying the sweetest of words even when I do not deserve them. You are the kindest soul in the world & have a heart of gold. How could I have not fallen in love with you? I'm surprised everyone else around you hasn't. I always saw men staring at you & a sting of jealousy always ran through me at those times. I just couldn't help it. None of those men deserve you because they were only looking at your body, not you. No matter what you look like, my heart will always be yours.

Carrie: you know, when I first came here, I was a very cold uncaring person. But, you helped give me back the heart I thought I'd long lost.

Thomas: does this mean I've won your heart as well?

Carrie: it's all yours

They smiled & they leaned in to kiss. As their lips met, sparks flew & their hearts beat out of their chest. Rigby had pulled a camera out of nowhere & snapped a picture of their kiss, but both of them were too distracted to notice.

When they pulled away they rested their foreheads together & smiled at each other, before they embraced for another kiss. They turned their heads to the left to deepen the kiss. It wasn't the gross-don't-make-me-watch-this kind of kiss, but the kind you see in a touching movie & want to watch it over & over again just for that one magical kiss at the end.

Both of them there in the Orange glow of the sun kissing the man/woman of their dreams. Neither could be happier. All the other guys were just watching the new couple. They were all thinking 'awwwww' but there was no way in HELL they were going to say it out loud!

After about 5 minutes of passionate kisses they finally pulled away. Thomas lifted her up, but didn't let her go. He just kept his arms around her slim waist.

Benson: you know, the offer still stands for you to work at the park.

Thomas: you know, I'd like that

The entire group smiled & soon they got back to rebuilding the park.

~~~~~~~~~next chapter soon!~~~~~~~~~

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