The night before

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Carrie was no longer able to speak for the next 3 months. But aside from that, Thomas still started to like her. He would sit on the rooftop with her at night after he'd taken care of any agents that might be around. One night, he had finally made the move & put his hand atop hers. She leaned on him & put her head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on hers. They were in a comfortable silence. Then, his heart started to beat out of his chest. He was kicking himself for it. But at that moment, the night before his last day. He realized that...he had fallen in love with her.

'Sigh. The time with her has been good. But I can't keep doing this with her. Tomorrow I'll be taking the park to Russia & she'll be put in a labor camp. Not only would she be in danger being with me, but I can't take her from the life she has now...maybe, maybe I could just make her leave the park tomorrow. Yeah! If I get her to leave the park early tomorrow she won't be caught up in the whole mess! She'll be hurt I'm sure, but it's too late to stop the plan. But it's not too late to keep her safe. I'm sure she has other friends around town that she'll want to get back too. I just hope she's smart enough to realize I love her. Even after tomorrow is over'

Then, a shooting star flew across the sky.

Thomas: a shooting star! Make a wish.

Carrie: I don't need too. I have everything I could ever want right now.

Thomas: really? work at a park...

Carrie: I know. & I've never been happier. I have friends that care about me. That's all I could ever want. I never had anyone before I came here. My family hated me, I never had any friends, I was always bullied. But, when I came here, all that changed. I have friends that actually care about me, you & the others. You guys aren't like the other people I've been associated with. You guys are all real friends. Not the kind that lie, stab you in the back, betray you, hurt you, or are overall fake. You guys are the honest, kind, loyal, caring, true friends that everyone wants. With you & the others, I have everything I could ever want in life. The only thing I could thing to wish for would be the safety of our friends & the park.

Every word she said crushed Thomas's heart a little bit more. She was saying all those kind things & yet, tomorrow he was going to be that horrible person she described. It crushed him to know he was going to hurt her so bad.

Thomas: couldn't you wish for something like a million bucks?

Carrie: why? I have all the happiness I could ever want right here. All the money in the world wouldn't make it more perfect than it already is.

She gave him that beautiful smile that always made him melt. He got sad. He turned around & grabbed her shoulders & very seriously looked her in the eye.

Thomas: Carrie, I need you to listen to me VERY carefully. Tomorrow morning, you need to leave the park. I'll make up some excuse for benson. Just please, leave the park tomorrow & don't come back until the day is over, ok?

Carrie: ok....but, why?

Thomas: you'll find out.

Then he wrapped his arms around her & pulled her close. He held her in the cool night air. Listening to the crickets chirp. The city was silent. Everything was perfect. He never wanted this night to end. But eventually, it had too. They said their good buys, hugged, & both went to bed. Thomas went to bed with one tear falling from his eyes.

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