Poisoned- Part Two

Start from the beginning

Before Draco could retort Silvia reached out and up, tugging his shirt sleeve to get him to sit back down. He took her hand for reassurance that he wouldn't move again.

How long could more tests and research take? Silvia asked.

" Weeks, months... Maybe even years if your still stable at that point," he answered sadly after his employee translated.

" What! No she can't just stay here for that long-!"

" Do you see any other choice Mr Malfoy? It's either she lives here under heavy enchantments or she dies from the poison in an instant outside these walls," he said sternly before Silvia heard his footsteps going further and further away, telling her he left the room.

" I'm sorry... All our plans, our future-"

" Don't be Dra, love this isn't your fault. I knew the poison was in the fire whisky... It was my fault I accidentally drank too much of it.. I'm sorry... You should contact your mother, tell her what happened before contacting the Weasleys..." She was able to say before sighing and wincing.

" Of course love, anything else?" He summoned pieces of parchment, his bottle of ink, and a quill to his hands and set them on the small table next to them.

Water. She signed, wincing again as she lowered her hand back down to her side. Draco summoned a cup and a plastic straw.

" Aquamenti!" He said, pointing to the plastic cup and letting it fill with the clear, flavorless, liquid. " Here," Draco led the straw to her lips and let her take the cup in her hands. He turned back to the parchment and dipped his quill into the ink.

" Oww..." It hurts to swallow. Silvia signed with one hand as tears appeared under her eye lids.

" Sil, shh it's okay. I promise in a few hours it'll be better soon, we have to give the potions your getting through your IV's time to work," Draco took the cup from her hand and placed it on the table next to the ink. He leaned down and pecked her forehead.

" Can you ask the Weasleys to bring Teddy if they visit? I want to see him," Silvia asked as she heard the sound of quill striking paper.

" Whatever you want my sick princess," Draco replied. Silvia placed a hand to her throat.

" Don't make me laugh," she said groggily before coughing. Draco chuckled. " Jerk," she added, slapping his leg with the hand that wasn't on her throat, only making him keep laughing for a minute more.

" Alright. I'm going to go owl these, I'll be back in five minutes tops. If you need anything ah use your wand and shoot the wall directly in front of you," Draco summoned her wand- a trick that took awhile to perfect- and gave it to her before standing up with the two letters and running out of the room.

Silvia imagined shaking her head and sighing as she continued to attempt to rest. She hated drinking the liquor, she really did. And now... All her hopes and dreams were possibly just taken away from her, her life- vanished. She was starting to imagine a life, a life free of harm and bloodshed, a world where her and Draco could live freely together with the moral support of his mother. She didn't want what happened last May to repeat itself, her half dying the first time might have been scary but she surely didn't want to go through that again- especially if it was from poison and the fact she would actually, fully, die.

" It's just me," Draco's voice filled the room as she heard footsteps. " Mother said she's just packing a few things and then she'll be right over, the Weasleys said they'll make it before sundown- something about Teddy being the calmest then," he said, plopping back down in his previous spot next to her.

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