Twenty Eight - Through the Dark

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Marinette woke up with a dull pain throughout her body, her skin stilled burned, her throat dry and scratchy. Her head pounded and she felt unusual, she threw herself out of bed and shakily walked to Adrien's en-suite, feeling the urge to throw up all too well. She knelt on the floor head in the toilet as she retched. After a few tears left her eyes from the burning sensation from her throat, there was a knock on the door, a worried Adrien calling out for Marinette.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" A deep sleepy voice came from the other side of the door and the contents of Marinette's stomach emptied into the toilet. She stayed there a few moments collecting herself before flushing the toilet and going to the sink. "Marinette?" She turned on the faucet, cupping her hands to put water in her mouth and gargled it, she washed her hands and then her face. She wiped her hands and face on a hand towel and sighed looking at herslef in the mirror, she was pale, dark circles beneath her eyes, red cheeks from the heat she felt. She walked to the door and opened it, Adrien was waiting outside the door, worry written across his face.

"Are you okay?" Adrien asked slowly.

"Sorry, I-, I don't feel well..." Marinette spoke in a weak voice.

"The ambulance crew said that the chemical you inhaled could make you ill..." Adrien told her, she sighed wanting the ground beneath her to swollow her up.

"I'll go and get you some water..." Adrien told her, he went into a chest of drawers and pulled out soem joggers and a random top, putting them on before he left the room, Marinette sighed and sat on the bed. Before she could count to ten, Adrien was back with iced water and a banana.

"Here," He said as she gratefully took them. "My mum used to always give me bananas when I was sick, she said the protein helped an upset stomach, and thier not too heavy..." Adrien rambled as he sat down beside Marinette on the bed.

"Thank you," She muttered before taking a sip of her water, she sat there and unpeeled the banana. "You know, my papa always gives me dry biscuits." She ate the banana and finished off the water whilst Adrien got up and opened the curtains, to allow light to fill the room, the curtains were hiding glass sliding doors that lead to a large balcony, the balcony had plants and a white table with two chairs. Adrien walked over to Marinette, and grabbed her hands pullingher up to stand.

"Come and get some fresh air..." Adrien gave her a small smile, Marinette agreed and they walked towards the doors, he slid the door open and gestured for Marinette to walk through, she did and took a seat on a chair, he followed suit. She felt the sun on her face and close her eyes taking in the warmth, she sighed opening her eyes looking down from the balcony. Adrien's bedroom was in the back of the house and the Balcony faced a back garden, which had a pool, jaccuzi, fire pit, and in the very back of the garden was a flowers, all circling around a statue, a woman, stood gracefully and proud with a man on her left, and a child held her hand on the right, Marinette had seen this statue in picture form before, it was Adrien's mother. She took a moment to think, she realised, everyone she knew had had devestation in thier lives, Adrien's mother had passed away, Chloe's end of her string had turned out to be a liar and her mother is never there for her, Alya's best friend as a child had passed away, Nino's father left his mother at a young age - be grew up without his father. Life is full of ups and downs, things happen that can't be controlled, things that have made each and every of them become a better person, one that's stronger from what had happened, no matter how devastating. Life was too short, moved way too quickly to have one moment set you back.

"Adrien?" Marinette looked over to him and he raised his eyebrow as to question her. "Our lives are moving at a million miles a second... I want to move on... I don't want to feel like this I don't want to be sad. I can not sit here upset. This pain, it- I don't want it to ruin my life - I want to get out of it while I can. Otherwise I will end up lost in it, miserable, ruined. If I get into all that pain... I don't think I will ever be able to get back out. I need to be brave, strong." Adrien stood from where we was sat, he went over to Marinette and kneeled down in front of her, he picked up her hands from her lap and looked into her eyes.

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