Thirty One: Here Comes The Sun

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Marinette decided that today was going to be a new day. There will be no school and she knew she would not be staying indoors. She had woken up the same time she usually did for school, as she didn't want her parents on her back. She felt bad about skipping school and lying to her parents but she knew she needed this for her mental health.

She pulled out her school bag, hiding all her books under her bed and instead filling it with a spare jumper, an umbrella, a portable phone charger, and a bottle full of water. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror.

I deserve this. She told herself as she gave herself a reassuring smile before leaving her room. She went downstairs where her mother and father were both preparing the shop, it was open but there was someone else on the counter, whilst her mama and papa were baking, and singing away in the kitchen. She smiled as she saw them.

They were so happy together, they had been together for many years but they acted as though time stood still for them, like they were teenagers in love.

She hid behind the corner of the room to watch a little longer as her father held a small amount of flour in his hand he smirked as he laid his hand out flat bringing his had up to his mouth. Soon enough, he was facing Sabine and quickly blew the small amount of flour at her which she didn't not expect until the moment it happened. Sabine gasped, keeping her whole body flinched as she turned to Tom accusingly. She shook her head and smirked before sprinkling icing sugar over a laughing Tom who soon gasped back. The two chuckled and Tom wiped Sabine's face, ridding her of flour before pecking her on the lips.

This is when Marinette thought it suitable to walk in to say goodbye to her parents. Act natural. She told herself as she smiled at them both.

"Morning mama, morning papa," she announced her arrival, Sabine and Tom looked at her still smiling from their antics.

"Morning sweetheart, had you had anything for breakfast?" Tom asked her, Marinette shook her head guiltily and Tom went to the fridge and pulled out two brown paper bags. "One has breakfast, the other is lunch. There's also a little treat in there for you too," he winked as he said the last part and Marinette smiled taking the items from her father.

"Thank you, papa," she kissed his cheek and Tom smiled back at her.

"You better get going, you don't want to be late Mari," Sabine told her and hugged her goodbye. Marinette put the paper bags in her bag and waved to her parents as she left the bakery.

Marinette started the way towards school, not wanting to let her parents see her randomly walking the wrong way and she would be busted. But instead of going left at the crossings near the park, she went right - she looked around before making her move to make sure no one would recognise her and realise she wasn't going to school.

After a good twenty minutes of walking, her phone started to ring, she gulped thinking she had been busted, her teachers had already realised she weren't there and calling her parents. She looked at the caller ID and realised that it was in fact Adrien. She took a sigh of relief and answered her phone.

"Mari?" Adrien answered.

"Hey," Marinette simply replied.

"Where are you lovely? I thought you might of overslept but you sound wide awake." Adrien asked.

"I'm not going to lie... I am taking the day off." Marinette told him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to school today, I would have told you sooner but it was a spur of the moment. I'm just going on a walk, find somewhere to sit and read, look at the scenery..." she explained and Adrien hummed down the phone.

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