Nineteen - Vienna

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Marinette looked at herself in the mirror she couldn't stop smiling like an idiot, her designs had gave her the opportunity of a lifetime, she had won a competition for the French fashion show of the season, she had put her neck on the line and was granted access to heaven. She squealed a little to herself as she washed her hands and left the bathroom. She felt like she was walking on a cloud of victory. As she carried on walking down the hallway to the stairs, her arm was grabbed and she was about to scream but she saw who had pulled her aside into a dark room.

"I'm so proud of you." Adrien spoke softly holding Marinette against the wall. "You won!"

"I-I seriously can't believe it Adrien!" She squeaked and wrapped her arms around Adrien who hugged her, he rubbed her back softly with his thumb.

"I knew you would, your designs are amazing." He beamed.

"Th-thanks..." She said trying to avoid biting her lip, she sounded a little nervous and Adrien realised it in her voice.

"What's wrong love?" He asked.

"Nothing... It's just-" She sighed. "Was the only reason I won the competition is because you told your dad my designs were good?"

"Of course not!" Adrien exclaimed, "Whilst Vanessa and my father spoke, I just nodded along and then agreed when they chose you, I promise, I wouldn't tempt fate like that..."

"Okay, I just didn't want the only reason I won the competition to be because I am your girlfriend so you chose me... That wouldn't be fair on everyone else or myself." She explained. Adrien nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, you got what you deserved Mari," He kissed her forehead. "I have to go, my father is probably looking for me,"

"Okay, I'll message you later," Marinette told him and moved away from him so he could leave first.

"See you later boo," He said softly as he left. Marinette smiled to herself and left the building.


"So!" Sabine shouted running up to Marinette. "How did it go? No wait! Tom! Get over here!" Marinette's father came strolling over and smiled at his daughter, "Now tell us!"

"I-" Marinette sighed pretending t be upset. "I didn't win..."

"What!?" Tom nearly shouted. "Did they not see your designs! Are they blind!"

"Tom, calm down, you know Marinette," Sabine put her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "It's not just about winning, participating and putting your full effort into something is what makes you a winner..."

"Really?" Marinette said. "I guess it doesn't matter that I won the competition then..." She said with a massive smile on her face.

"Oh thank god!" Tom said hugging his daughter and picking her up, spinning her around as she giggled. "Well done Marinette, I knew you would!" Sabine hugged Marinette once her two feet were placed back on the ground.

"I'm so proud of you, you put in a lot of effort into your work and I knew it would show, I knew it was not for nothing." Sabine spoke softly she had a huge smile on her face and Marinette could tell that both her parent's were happy for her.

"Thank you mama and papa, it means a lot." She told them and hugged them both again. "I have to go to the Agreste's house on Monday evening to start sorting out details with Mr Agreste."

"Well don't be back too late on Monday education comes before anything, you know that right?" Sabine reminded her and Marinette agreed and soon went upstairs to chill out after a stressful yet exciting day. Her parents gave her some cookies as a congratulations which she brought upstairs with her and put on her desk. She went and sat on her bed with a small sign, she laid down and closed her eyes, enjoying the moments rest to breathe. She thought about the last couple of days and how her life has changed quite a lot in the last month or so. She had managed to find her soulmate, sort of patch things up with Chloe, go on a few dates, her grades are still good, her fashion designs have been noticed. She felt great, she felt optimistic about her life and the way it was heading. She smiled a little thinking about it all.

Marinette had managed to fall asleep thinking about her situation, she woke up quite disorientated looking around sleepily. The blue haired girl sat up and stretched with a yawn and grabbed a hold of her phone to check what time it was. She scrolled around on her phone not quite ready to do things after her nap when her phone started to ring. She looked at the caller ID to find it was Adrien. She hummed slightly and answered the phone.

"Mari?" Adrien spoke.

"Hey," She couldn't help but yawn again.

"Oh, sorry have I woke you up?" Adrien asked.

"O-oh no, I woke up about five minutes ago, it seemed as though I needed a nap..."

"Okay," He chuckled. "Anyway, I rang to ask you what you were doing but I guess I already know now... Have you ever watched Breaking bad?" Adrien asked her. She shook her head and then realised she was on the phone.

"No... Alya's spoke about it before but I've just never got round to watching it, why?"

"Because, I have the box set and have no one to watch it with..." He said it a fake sad voice.

"Oh no, what you gonna do about that?"

"I'm going to get you to come round and watch it with me." He said matter-of-factly.

"What about your father?" She asked.

"He's not home, he's in Nice, he has a meeting with another fashion designer, don't ask me who or why because I have no idea..."

"Okay, I'll come round, how does half an hour sound?" She asked him as she stretched her legs out.

"Sounds good bug-a-boo!" Adrien said cheerfully, and Marinette giggled.

"Bug-a-boo?" She questioned.

"Well, I call you boo, and I felt like calling you bug-a-boo... Problem?" He asked sarcastically.

"Call me what you want Adrien... I'll be there in 30." She told him as they said their goodbyes. She got off her bed and freshened up before making her way to Adrien's house.

 She got off her bed and freshened up before making her way to Adrien's house

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