Twenty Seven - Lay Me Down

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Adrien came down the stairs, pale as a ghost, his eyes held darkness, his lips were chapped and parted. He walked through the crowd, the world moved around in slow motion. The people around him, dancing, singing, smiling, laughing, drinking. He walked through the crowd to where his father was at any party, stood close to a wall away from loud speakers, so he could enjoy the company of anyone that appraoched him. Gabriel stood proud and happy with a champagne flute in his right hand, his left hand in his pocket, making him look at ease and approachable. Adrien would have been stood with him at any other party, speaking to people, having polite small talk with anyone who passed by.

Gabriel was stood alone, when he saw his son's figure, he smiled holding his glass a little higher, waiting for the blonde to appraoch him. As he did, his posture and emotions on Adriens face caused concern for Gabriel, who furrowed his eyebrows as his son stood there with empty eyes staring back at him.

"Adrien, this is a party, you could be a little happier..." Gabriel started, when his son didn't perk up, he took a step closer to him. "What's wrong, boy?"

"Father... I need to speak with you privately..." He said in a moot tone.

"Can't this wait until we are home Adrien, we have a lot of socialising to do, many important photographers and reporters here tonight. We must show our image, maintain our spotlight." Gabriel spoke with a encouraging voice, taking a sip of his champange.

"No, this can't wait, this is serious." Spoke with a serious, confident tone. "This is urgant father."

"I see," Gabriel pondered. He placed his champagne flute on a stand beside him and nodded for Adrien to follow him. They walked around the crowd this time, Gabriel knew if he walked through it someone was bound to stop to talk to him, and his son seemed to be serious. They walked up to the spiral staircase, they continued on to the second floor and they walked down a dark corridoor to a door with "Gabriel" labelled on it. Gabriel slowly unlocked it, looking around before gesturing for Adrien to go inside, he followed after, locking the door behind them. "What is it?"

Adrien sighed a shaky breath, his mind was racing, was Marinette awake yet? Has anyone found them? Where did the scumbag go? How was he going to tell his father? "I found my soulmate..." Adrien said slowly. His father straightened at the words that he heard.

"That is wonderful, Adrien, what is thier name? Do they live in Paris? When did you meet them?" Gabriel asked with a small smile on his face.

"Father, I know you will have many questions... But please, please let me say what I need to say..." Adriem asked softly, before Gabriel could say anything Adrien continued. "I found my soulmate, and she is here tonight with us. We were speaking to each other on the third floor, and after, we decided to come down to the party seperately... I came first, I had been absent for the longest, and I assumed she would come down shortly after. But she never did. I asked her friend to check on her, and she asked me to come back upstairs because she was in trouble... I-I-" Adrien took a deep breath trying to stop his voice from breaking, he looked to the floor, hiding the tears that welled up in his eyes from his father. "We need your help..." He said weakly, looking at his father with desperation.

"Adrien." Gabriel had a concerned look on his face, he put his hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Where is she? Is she still upstairs?"

Adrien nodded. "Yeah."

"Take me to her Adrien..." Gabriel unlocked the door and followed Adrien up to the third floor. He knocked on the door quietly, before murmering "It's me," before walking in. He held the door open fir his father who walked in calm and collected. Adrien quickly shut the door looking over to the bed where she had a blanket drapped over her as she slept.

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