Twenty Six - Hallelujah

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"We need to go back, they'll know..." Marinette told Adrien, she didn't want to leave this moment but knew it was a stolen moment, one that couldn't last much longer.

"We could just tell them you know, I mean, we've finished the show, my father wants me to find my soul mate, and you wanted to know that he chose you for your fashion and not because we are together, he chose you for your designs, we know that now... what are we waiting for?" Adrien asked.

"I need to know something," Marinette sighed, "I need to know that my parents will be happy for us, I need to know that otherwise I would be torn between you all."

"Family won't get in the way of fate Marinette, you're parents seem nice. I know they love you." Adrien explained.

"We'll have to tell them, but we will plan it." Marinette decided, they agreed and Adrien kissed her forehead before saying his goodbye and leaving. Marinette stayed in the room for a moment, she shut the balcony doors and sat down on the bed, examining the tulips again. She couldn't believe the day she had. She felt on cloud nine, she felt blissful happiness. She smiled as she thought about Adrien. She laid back on the bed, hugging herself. She looked at the ceiling of the grand room, she thought back to the stars outside the balcony door, shining brightly, she thought of emerald green eyes, staring back into the ocean of her eyes. She felt like the luckiest person in the palace. She closed her eyes trying to hold on to her stolen moment for a little longer.

There was a rustle in the room, Marinette sat up opening her eyes, she looked to the balcony doors thinking she had left one of them open a crack. There was no moonlight shining into the room, making the tulips look lifeless, she looked around the room, trying to find the source of the sound. Just as she was trying to pull herself up on the bed, someone put a hand around her mouth, pulling her harshly towards a body kneeling on the bed. Marinette tried to scream but couldn't, her screams fell silent behind a large greasy hand and between her mouth and the strangers hand was a piece of cloth, she panicked trying to push herself free, her strength was nothing compared to the arms wrapped around her and she soon felt tired, trying to fight from the hand, her eye felt as though they were drooping. Then the smell hit her, just as she passed out.

She could feel her body shivering, her heart pounding, her eyes were heavy, she managed to peer them open only to see large hands cupped around her breasts. "N-" She passed out again, coming in and out of consciousness, feeling the man on top of her.


Adrien had been downstairs in the party for around ten minutes and hadn't seen Marinette coming down the stairs, he was worried, but did not want to cause a scene or raise suspicion. He looked around and saw a familiar wave of auburn hair followed by a familiar laugh, he make his way over the Alya, who was speaking with people from their class.

"Alya... Could I- You don't mind if I steal Alya for a moment right guys?" Adrien didn't give anyone a chance to answer before he was guiding Alya to walk with him. She did wondering what was up with him.

"Hey, you could have just asked me you know," Alya pointed out the obvious.

"I know. I apologise but... I just need you to check on Marinette." Adrien spoke.

"Why? Where is she?" Alya asked looking around at the crowd trying to find Marinette.

"She-" Adrien cleared his throat and spoke quieter. "She was upstairs with me but I never saw her come back down, I just need to know if she is okay... I left her about 10 minutes, she wouldn't ignore everyone down here, that's not like her."

"Okay, you're right about that." Alya acknowledged, before agreeing to go and find Marinette.


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