Eighteen - Cherry Bomb

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"You don't have to walk me home you know," Marinette told Adrien as they walked back to Marinette's house.

"I can't leave you to walk by yourself, what if something was to happen to you?" Adrien asked her and she shrugged. "Exactly, so keep walking princess."

They walked slowly hand in hand sharing stories about their childhood, food, movies, anything that popped into each other's head, they would talk about. Marinette felt like she was on a cloud, above everything that her life consisted of, floating through the cool night. Before she knew it, they were standing outside her house. Adrien looked down to Marinette's face, her cheeks were tainted red from the chilly wind that has hit her face, her eyes were a bright blue even in the darkness and her skin looked soft. Adrien held her face and thumbed his thumb over her wind blushed cheeks, his hand were much warmer. She smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Can't get over how beautiful you are..." Adrien mumbled and now a warm blush came onto Marinette's cheeks and Adrien could feel it which made his smile turn into a smirk. He leant in a kissed both of her cheeks whilst Marinette let out a giggle. "I'll see you tomorrow boo..."

"Tomorrow?" She asked forgetting what she was doing on a Saturday.

"I'll be at my father's fashion competition tomorrow," He explained.

"Oh, right, I... I don't suppose you told your father about me?" Marinette asked wondering what his thoughts on their current relationship were.

"Um... I haven't no..." Adrien admitted, "I thought I would tell him but I don't want him to know yet, I would rather he saw your talents himself and choose you for the fashion competition not knowing you're my girlfriend."

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"Well, before I told you about the competition, he asked me if I wanted my soulmate to be the co-host of the fashion show that I'll be a host of too." Adrien tried. "At that time, we were only talking through our string and you wanted to live your life a little before finding your soulmate, so I thought I'd respect your wishes and my father agreed to have this competition instead so that they can be a special guest and have their creation modelled in a fashion show hosted by themselves and me... That's why I told you you should do it, it would be cool to have my soulmate host with me, and to have won the competition fair and square..."

Marinette nodded in understanding. "I haven't told my parent's about you either..." She admitted. "I don't want them to intervene in something that I don't even understand yet myself..."

"I understand Marinette, we are only at the beginning." Adrien agreed, then he got closer to her and wrapped his arms around her body. "I'll see you tomorrow Mari," He kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you for tonight, it was amazing." She wrapped her arms around the blonde and smiled in his embrace.

"You deserve it boo..." He whispered as his eyes closed, the fresh rose smell of Marinette's hair was enough to make Adrien melt. He pulled away slightly to make her lift her head, they shared a soft kiss and Adrien let go of her.

"Goodnight Marinette."

"Goodnight Adrien."


She sat there nervously worried about what will come in the next half an hour or so. There were plenty of designs that were on show and she thought they all looked extravagant, she knew hers would not amount to what others have done. Hers were very basic and boring looking. But at least if she went in she could say she has tried. Just as she considered leaving again he name was called.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng?" Marinette stood up to announce her presence and the woman with glasses and an iPad in her hand nodded to Marinette before pointing towards the door where every other designer has gone into before her. She collected her several garment bags and headed the way she was directed. The lady followed closely behind and soon opened the door for her, "Mr Agreste, Miss Dupain-Cheng," That was all she said before directing Marinette to a chair in front of a large desk, on the opposite side of the desk, Mr Agreste and Adrien sat there, Mr Agreste had a straight face and then she looked to Adrien who had a small smile on his face. His presence calmed her and Adrien could tell before he walked in she was afraid and could see he had an affect of calming her. Yet again you are your better self when with your soulmate so it was explained why to him.

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