Chapter Eighteen

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Kai's POV

"What do you mean he's gone?" I asked walking up to Felix. Felix bit his lip shaking his head. "I. . .I don't know. One second he was there and now he's gone. I'm not familiar with this area as you are. He can be anywhere by now. I'm not sure when he left". Felix explained as he ran a hand through his hair. I looked back at Kyung Mi as she looked at me worriedly.

"You guys take Kyung Mi home, I'll go and look for Chanyeol. He probably won't be answering his phone at this time. I think it'd be better if I find him. Him and I need to talk. I'll meet up with you guys later. Kyung Mi take it easy and I'll talk with you when I get back". I gave her one last hug before climbing onto my bike. Suddenly Kyung Mi walked up to me putting her hand on top of mine. "Be careful Kai". I heard her say on top of the roar of the bike. I nodded before taking off.

I looked around searching for Chanyeol that our favorite places consisted when we were younger, but Chanyeol was nowhere in sight. I sighed in frustration pulling over. "Where are you Chanyeol?" I whispered looking around. It worried me that he was alone in this state. It wasn't like him to run away from anything. If anything he stood his ground. I started my bike back up before heading to the next destination.

As the ocean came into view I parked my bike in the car park seeing a familiar figure sitting along the beach. I plopped down beside him seeing tears stream down his face. "I thought I would find you here". I whispered glancing over at him worry increasing. "Well you found me". He said wiping his tears away.

"Chanyeol-"Before you say anything Kai, I owe you a huge apology. I'm the one who caused your amnesia all those years ago. Our argument is something I truly regret including hurting you. After you woke up I told myself that I had to be a better brother. But when I found out that you lost your memories I distanced myself from you because I felt so guilty that you couldn't remember who I was. For a few months you didn't know who I was which I was selfish to think that at that time it was a good thing you didn't remember who hurt you. But that scar only reminds me of what I did. I never forgave myself for hurting you. I'm so sorry Kai. . . For everything. I also already knew at a young age that I was adopted. I didn't look like any of the Parks. I have a few memories of my real family. But they are slowly fading away as time passes. The only family I ever had was you who stayed constant in my life. With you I didn't need a contract to tell me how to act or what to say. But protecting you Kai was my number one rule I made for myself, but I failed you many times. So I'm sorry for all the physical and mental pain I caused you. I don't expect you to forgive me or anything. But just know what I said is real". Chanyeol said as he looked out at the crashing waves.

I put a comforting hand on his shoulder but to have him shake it off. Hurt flashed through me as he looked truly broken. I'd never seen this side of Chanyeol before and it truly worried me. "Chanyeol, I forgive you. What happened to us was in the past it's behind us and I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose. Whatever we argued about then doesn't matter to me. What matters now is that I forgive you. I want to thank you for always protecting me and showing me a life that was colorful. Without you always being there I wouldn't be here. If anyone should apologize it's me. I'm the one who always put your life at risk. You nearly died because of me two years ago. I thought I lost my brother. I'm the one who should be apologizing because you have nothing to be sorry for. And please don't blame yourself anymore. I already forgive you for everything".

Chanyeol looked over at me his eyes bloodshot. "You forgive me even after everything?" He asked barely above a whisper. I nodded. "Of course I forgive you. We're brothers remember. We stick together. Today I'm good as new because of you rather I get my full memory back. It's behind us Chanyeol and you should leave it behind as well. You no longer have to carry that burden". I said as I gave him a reassuring smile. Something flashed in his eyes as he looked away.

"But your memories Kai. It's because of me that part of your life is blacked out". He stated his voice becoming more calm. "Rather my memories return or not I'm still the same Kai as before. I'm still your brother". I insisted hoping to get through to him. He sighed ruffling his hair before looking back at me.

"Just give me some time okay? I need time to heal from this. I'm not myself these days Kai. I've changed since I got shot. But you forgiving me means a lot. Listen why don't you go to your wife. I'm sure she needs you after receiving the news that Mrs. Park is her mother. You should go to her". Chanyeol said his voice a little quieter. "But what about you? How are you going to get home?" I asked confused.

"I think I'm going to stay here a little longer. I need some time to myself. I'll catch a cab. Go to Kyung Mi she's probably waiting up". Chanyeol shooed me away a small smile forming. "Will you be okay?" I asked still concerned. He nodded looking at the ocean. "Eventually I will be. I'll see you in the morning Kai". Chanyeol said glancing back at me.

That concludes the end of chapter eighteen of Blue Heart. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I hope this chapter makes up for it. So the truth is finally out. What was your favorite part? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. I can't believe this story has 300 reads. Than you all so much. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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