Chapter Five

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Unknown POV

"Boss I did as you said and he bought the bait. I don't think he will be looking to hard into this matter as of now. He has other things to worry about. But knowing eventually he will look into this matter and he will be seeking the truth. For now I suggest that we lie low and that we all must remain on our guard. This kid will not stop until he gets what he wants and I suggest that you remain hidden until this phase passes. I know how his mind works and if he catches on to your plan then it will be game over for you". I said as I spoke what I observed. He leaned forward on his desk anger crossing his features. "Are you telling me how to run my job? You don't think I've known this kid for years? Believe me when I say I know how to handle him. If you cross the line again or get exposed there won't be second chances for you. You're second in command I don't need you telling me to do my job. The only thing you should worry about is watching your back". He shooed me away guards leading me out. I looked back at the guards knowing what I had to do. Even if it were to get me killed.

. . .

Kai's POV

I walked back towards our hotel room feeling my heart shatter with the last hope I had. Mrs. Park was the last hope I had and it just went down the drain. But I couldn't blame her though for her blaming me for her sons death. After all it was my fault. And I will forever blame myself for Chanyeol's death. "I'm sorry Chanyeol that I let you down". I whispered as I opened our room door.

As I walked into our room Kyung Mi wasn't in bed. Confused I knocked on the bathroom door not getting an answer. "Kyung Mi are you in there?" I asked not getting an answer. "Kyung Mi if you don't answer I'm coming in". I nudged the door open to reveal Kyung Mi hunched over the toilet. I rushed to her side pulling her hair back. "Kyung Mi why didn't you tell me you were sick?" I asked worried at her state.

"I did but you never answered. It's fine though it's just morning sickness. It can occur at anytime of the day". She said as she spit into the toilet. "I'm sorry Kyung Mi that I wasn't there. I just went out for fresh air. I promise to take care of you from now on". I felt terrible that I wasn't here to take care of her, but instead I worried about my own problems. "It's fine Kai, I get that you weren't tired like me. After this we can go out and enjoy the night view from the resort. I feel better I just need to freshen up". I helped Kyung Mi up holding onto her arms.

"Kyung Mi if you don't feel like it we can do things tomorrow. Today was just to rest. I don't want you to get too sick". I worried that she would be too tired to enjoy our honeymoon. "I'm fine Kai, if I feel unwell I will let you know. I'm going to freshen up and I'll be out soon".

While I waited for Kyung Mi to come out I had decided to call Suho. I needed to inform him on what was happening. "Hello?" Suho asked on the other end. "Hey, Suho I need you to listen carefully okay. What I'm about to tell you is serious. When I get back after our honeymoon the eight of us need to have a meeting. Things are bad again and I'm not safe. Please inform the others for me and I'll tell you everything when I get back. But in the mean time stay safe and look after each other. From here I can't protect you, but at least I warned you. In the meantime I'll try and keep the both of us safe. Sorry I have to go suddenly Kyung Mi just arrived in the room". I hung up putting my phone away before she could catch on.

"Are you ready?" I asked giving her my best smile hoping she didn't see through it. Kyung Mi nodded grabbing her jacket. "Yup I'm ready. A night out on the resort sounds good to me because you're away from any troubles". Kyung Mi said as we walked out into the night air. I took her hand in mine as we walked down on the boardwalk. "Couldn't agree with you more". I said looking her admiring my beautiful wife.

. . .

Unknown POV

I looked around the room looking at the new found camera in the corner of the room. They were watching my every move which made me feel uncomfortable. The room was guarded by two guards who were new to me. They were less easily moved than the others from the past. But knowing that I couldn't easily get them out was hard. The others were easy to persuade than these guys. I had to come up with a plan to break free. I couldn't live like this forever. But these guards wouldn't let me out freely not without a consequence.

I sighed running a hand through my hair trying to think of an idea to break out of here. But with those guards it was going to be impossible. I needed someone from the inside to be on my side and break me free. But everyone here aren't easy to persuade. I only made one friend here and if we could escape together it would be easier to breakout. But it could be harder said than done. I got my phone out shooting him a text.

Unknown #1: Meet me in the canteen in fifteen minutes for dinner.

I waited for his reply praying that I at least had one person I could trust. If I can't trust him then all my plans go to waste. Just as I was thinking that he wouldn't answer back I got a message from him.

Unknown #2: Okay, I'll meet you there.

This plan better work. If not then my escape will be for nothing.

That concludes the end of chapter five of Blue Heart. Who do you think the mysterious person is? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone for reading this book and supporting it. It truly means a lot. I can't thank you enough. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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