Chapter Eight

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Kai's POV

"C-Chanyeol?" I asked as I caught him. Chanyeol nodded into the embrace as tears ran down his face. "Told you I'd find my way back". He whispered. "Guys come quick!" I shouted. In the distance I could hear feet coming before they stopped. "C-Chanyeol? What-how are you alive? We thought you were dead". Suho stated as we all hugged him.

"Easy he's injured". Someone said as we snapped our heads in the direction of the voice. "Who's he Chanyeol?" I asked confused looking at the red haired guy. Chanyeol turned towards the guy and nodded. "This is Lee Felix my friend. He's the one who saved my life and helped me escape. I'll answer all your questions but first I need to sit". He explained as he balanced his weight. I nodded guiding Chanyeol towards the couch.

"Thank you for saving my brothers life. I'm Kai by the way". I said sticking my hand out towards him. Felix shook my hand firmly before looking at Chanyeol. "It's no problem. I'm Felix". He said in a thick Korean accent.

"It's so nice to see your faces again. I have been trying to warn you Kai that Mr. So is alive but at the same time I tried remaining undercover. My identity couldn't be revealed but I had to escape. Mr. So has kept me captive because he somehow found out that I survived his gunshot. He put me in ranks but on the side I have been making sure you're safe. at least last time you read my note. He won't stop at anything until he finds either of us. I'm sorry that I put you all in danger but I wanted to make sure that you all were doing okay. I'm going to have to lie low for a while. But it won't be here. I'll search for an apartment, but at the same time I will protect you Kai. I failed so many times at that I want to make it up. But we also have huge problem Mr. So isn't the only one pulling the strings. Theirs another person who is behind all this. The person is disguised they haven't revealed themselves to anyone. I overheard him talking to someone who's voice was disguised and they were planning something but I couldn't tell what. I left when he came my way. Also I learned that Kai isn't the only victim. There's more such as Felix and myself and others. I'm going to free the others from the grasp of Mr. So and this said mystery person. They've ruined many lives and I'm no longer going to let that happen. Felix and I will find an insider to help us. But as of now I'm protecting you Kai". Chanyeol said as he explained everything.

I wasn't the only victim? Perhaps this wasn't a one man job after all or revenge. It was planned all along, long before any of us were born. We were just pawns in this sick game.

That concludes the end of chapter eight of Blue Heart. Who do you think is the mastermind of this? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. I want to thank everyone for reading and supporting this book. It truly means a lot. What was your favorite part? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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