Chapter Fifteen

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Kai's POV

Kyung Mi was released from the hospital a little bit ago but strictly on bedrest for a few days. We both walked into the house, it being pitch dark inside. Kyung Mi switched on the lights blinding me briefly. "I'm going to take a much needed shower. I'll be out soon". Kyung said as she took off her coat. "I'll make us some dinner while you go do that". I said as I made my way into the kitchen.

While looking into the fridge I only seen kimchi and ham. Deciding I would reheat that as our dinner I took it out before sticking it in the oven. I knew Kyung Mi loved kimchi and ham since it was something we had every other week.

. . .

Kyung Mi's POV

While in the shower I could smell kimchi baking in the oven causing a smile to form on my lips. Besides beef hot pot, kimchi was another one of my favorite meals. I hopped out of the shower drying my hair which I was happy to finally be clean. I still couldn't figure out why Mrs. Park kidnapped me let alone left me unharmed. My only guess was that I was the bait to lure Kai in, but what did she mean that Kai knew something? When I asked he said he got all his memories back. Was there something more to this than any of us know of? And what accident caused Kai to lose his memory?

I looked down at my stomach seeing the growing bump under my shirt. A smile came to my lips as I felt the small bump under the palms of my hands. I felt worried for the future of our kids and for Kai and myself. I didn't know what the future held for any of us. But I knew I had to protect my family and figure out the truth.

"Kyung Mi dinner is ready when you are". Kai said through the door. "Okay, be there in a minute". I replied as glanced back at the door.

. . .

That night Kai held me in his arms which made me feel like I was home with his love as my shelter. I have never felt so much at peace than I have right now in my life. For the first time in years I finally found my soul purpose to live. I wanted this life with Kai and there was no going back.

"Kai you asleep?" I asked looking over my shoulder. With my back to his chest I could feel his beating heart. Feeling his heartbeat calmed me down knowing that we were both safe. "I never was asleep. You should rest. You need to heal your body". Kai reassured me as I turned to face him. In the dim lighting I could just barely make out the scars that painted his body. Hesitantly I brought my hand up but quickly put my hand down deciding against the idea. Suddenly Kai grabbed onto my hand placing it on his chest. Under my palm I could feel the bumpy scar of where the bullet hit. My eyes met Kai's who's face was unreadable. "I'm still me nonetheless. These wounds are just battle scars, I'm still the same Kai. Only my heart is no longer black anymore it's warmer and more red, the color it ought to be. And my heart couldn't have changed without you Kyung Mi. The moment I had met you my life changed forever. I love you Kim Kyung Mi". I watched as Kai leaned in before planting a kiss on my forehead, my eyes fluttering shut.

I had a question that was burning in my mind but I refrained myself from asking. I looked up at him just as our eyes met. "D-Does it hurt? I want to apologize on the behalf of my father for doing this to you. I never meant for our lives to be this way. Maybe Chanyeol was right from his letter, maybe our paths were fated to cross. Get some sleep Kai. I love you". I gave him a light kiss before feeling my eyes get heavier.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. And you are right about Chanyeol knowing that our lives were fated to cross. Without Chanyeol's predicament who knows where we would have been. And you have nothing to apologize for Kyung Mi. You had no way of knowing what your father had planned. Goodnight Kyung Mi. I'll be here when yuk wake up".

I was awoken by the sunlight sleeping through the blinds blinding me as all I could see were dots. When I looked over at the time it read nine thirty in the morning. Did I just really sleep through the night? Last nights events flashed in my mind as I glanced where Kai was sleeping. Even in the golden sunlight he was as good looking as always even when his tousled hair.

Upon sensing my stare he turned his head to look at me, his hair a mess. And in the bright morning sun he looked more handsome than I had ever seen him. But as I look at him now from the sunlight his face looks softer, more innocent looking than when his face was set in stone. But this Kai was different. He was more childlike and that is how his life should have been.

"Good morning". He said his morning voice sounding more huskier than his usual voice. "Good morning to you too". I said as I smiled up at him happy that was the first sight I saw when I woke up. Kai took a strand of my hair between his fingers before tucking it behind my ear leaning in. Frozen by the action my eyes locked with his.

Our lips were mere inches apart as I could feel his minty breath fan my face. How did he get his breath so minty? I thought he just woke up. I met Kai halfway before pulling him closer towards me feeling our lips connect. He deepened the kiss earning a groan from me enjoying the pleasure of the kiss. The kiss was everything I had imagined waking up to. He pulled away first lying down beside me. I watched as he kissed my stomach where my shirt rode up some earning a smile from me. He would make an excellent dad one day. I ran my fin through his luscious soft hair giggling as his stubble tickled me.

"You're going to make one amazing dad, Kai. Just wait until these kiddos are born. It seems like yesterday we just found out. And we haven't even gone baby shopping yet". I said as he pulled away. We were running out of time and we still needed to design a nursery as well. Kai took his hand in mine pulling me into his bare chest.

"How about after we see D.O today we can go baby shopping? I know we don't know the genders yet, but maybe neutral clothing will do until we know for sure of what we're having. On your next appointment we find out the genders which is only a few weeks away. Here let me ask you this if we have a little girl what's one name you want to name her?" Kai asked looking down at me.

Since I had found out that I was pregnant I had always had one name picked out for a girl. And somehow I hoped I had a little girl to share this name with. "Ever since I found out I was pregnant I kept pondering about this name for a little girl. The other day I had a dream that I had a daughter and the name just came to me. So I have a feeling that this dream meant something. Like maybe this is our daughters way of picking out the name. So the name I am thinking of is Mi Cha, her name meaning beauty and daughter, which means beautiful daughter. And if we do have a girl that's what I want to choose. But it's only fair that you get to choose a boy name of we have a son. Or if we have another daughter you pick the name out as well. If we had a son what name would you name him?" I asked genuinely curious to know his answer.

I heard Kai sigh as he broke the silence in the room. "If we have another girl, I would choose Ki because we each have a K and  an I in our names so why not combine the two. That way our daughter can have both letters of our names. And I love the name Mi Cha because if we do have a daughter that will be a perfect name for a first daughter plus she is going to be beautiful just like her mother. But if I were to choose our sons name if we have a boy it will be. . .

That concludes the end of chapter fifteen of Blue Heart. Left you on a little bit of a cliffhanger to keep the guessing game going. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone who has read and supported this book it truly means a lot. I can't thank you enough of how many reads it has gotten. Thank you. It's you all the readers who keep me going. So what name do you think Kai chose to name their son? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. I would like to read your opinions. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

I also would like to apologize for not being able to update the last few days. New chapter coming tomorrow.

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