Chapter Three

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Kai's POV

The next day Kyung Mi and I were officially on the road for our honeymoon. We had been on the road for four hours now. I looked over at her a smile coming to my lips as she was sound asleep her hand locked in mine. Her hair was still done up from our wedding a few loose strands covered her beautiful face. It still hadn't really sunk in that we were officially husband and wife. A new journey in our lives was about to begin and soon we were going to be parents not just to one kid but two. Soon we were going to being two bundles of joy into the world. A world that can be so cruel. But I promise I won't let my kids have a life like mine. That's my promise to them.

"If you keep looking at me much longer you're going to cause a wreck". Kyung Mi's groggy voice snapped me back to reality. "What I can't look at my beautiful wife?" I asked looking back at her. Kyung Mi opened one eye peering over at me. "You can look at me all you want later, but not while you're driving. I prefer to not get killed on our honeymoon". She said while sitting up. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I made that promise to you when we first met". I said giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Can you believe we've known each other for three years now? These three years seem to have flown by so fast and not to mention all the milestones we've had. First the engagement, now we're officially married as of yesterday and now we're going to be parents to beautiful twins. And I'm glad that I could do all those things with you". Kyung Mi said as she held her tiny stomach.

"We'll make good parents. You'll make a good mother Kyung Mi". I knew she would make a good mother because she cared for her brother for part of her life.

. . .

We made it to the resort by sundown both of us crashing onto the king size bed. "I am beyond exhausted yet hungry at the same time. But I don't want to move". Kyung Mi said with her eyes closed. While I was exhausted too I knew she was more tired due to pregnancy. "How about we order take out? I know it's not ideal for a honeymoon, but tomorrow I will take you to a nice restaurant. How does that sound?" I asked playing with her hair. "Sounds good to me. I just want to relax for a while".

"That's fine we can relax before we wonder around the city". While we waited for our food to arrive we both fell into silence listening to children playing in the pool. "Which do you want Kai, a boy or a girl?" Kyung Mi asked looking up at me as my arm supported her head. I looked down at her pondering the question carefully.

"I haven't really thought of what I wanted honestly. As long as she or he is healthy that's all that matters to me. How about you, which do you want?" I asked genuinely curious of her answer. "I've dreamt of always wanting a little girl always wanting to dress her up in dresses and buy nice clothing for her. But like you I want both to be healthy that's all that matters to me". She said tiredly. I played with her hair as her eye lids grew heavier. "I'll wake you up when the food arrives. How can you even fall asleep like that?" I whispered lying down beside her.

I paid the delivery man noticing that Kyung Mi was still asleep. Deciding I would let her sleep some more I put the items in the fridge. I lied down beside her feeling my eyelids get heavier as I fought the tiredness. Deciding I didn't want to fight it no more I let the darkness take over.

I looked around me as I was trapped in the barn with no escape in sight. Panicked I looked at Mr. So as he held my brother by the collar, Chanyeol squirming to get free. "Please let him go. Chanyeol opposes as no threat. Set him free and just take me. I'm not afraid anymore. Let him go" I warned my voice shaking. Mr. So smirked before throwing him to the ground. "You want to take his place now's your chance". Mr. So rushed up to me grabbing me by the throat. I could see my vision turn dark as my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen.

"Kai, wake up you're having a nightmare". I felt someone shaking me causing me to wake up gasping for air. I held onto my throat as the pain radiated there. "Hey, it's okay it was just a nightmare. You're safe now". Kyung Mi reassured me as she rubbed my back. "It. . . It felt s-so real". I said gasping for air as my throat wouldn't hardly let air in. It hurt to swallow which was like no other nightmare I ever had. In the dream I could literally feel the life draining from me. Still it burned as I rubbed my throat.

"You're okay Kai just take deep breaths. I'll go get you some water". I wanted as Kyung Mi walked into the kitchen more confused than ever. That dream felt all too real. My throat I could still barely swallow which wasn't normal. Kyung Mi handed the water over which I gladly took. "Thanks Kyung Mi. I'm sorry you had to experience that". I embarrassingly said as I looked at the ice in the water. Kyung Mi took my hand making me look up at her. "It's what wives do. You're not going through this alone. I want to be there for you to take care of you and make sure you're going to be okay. Please don't push me away when you have these nightmares". Kyung Mi reassured me, but still that feeling was nagging at me.

"I don't plan on pushing you away. Not again. That was the biggest mistake of my life was letting you go. I appreciate you being here and supporting me, but I also don't want to drag you down with me. These. . . Nightmares feel all too real and it was because of me that your life was at risk. I don't want anything to happen to you". Tears burned my eyes as I was afraid of losing my wife. Kyung Mi took a hold of my chin making me look at her. "Hey, nothing is going to happen to me. You're not going to lose me. You protected me for those years. Now it's my turn to protect you to death do us part". I leaned into her embrace feeling my heart growing heavier. I can't be brave anymore Kyung Mi. Save me from the depths of this black heart of mine. Tell me what to do because I can't take much more.

"I love you Kim Kyung Mi". I whispered breathing in her perfume. "And I love you too Kim Kai". I don't know how long we stayed like that, but I knew I had to go to the bathroom and check. My throat still hurt when I moved or swallowed which worried me. Nightmares can't physically harm you. I slipped Kyung Mi's arm off my stomach as to not awake her as I covered her up in the blanket. Carefully I tiptoed towards the bathroom turning the switch on the light blinding me.

As I looked in the mirror my eyes grew wide in fear as I seen the horrifying bruise on my neck. There on my neck was a reddish bruise in the shape of a handprint. I guided my hand with shaky fingers over my neck where the bruise was shocked that it wasn't my handprint. It was much larger than mine which resembled someone else's hand. My body shook in fear as the realization struck me. It wasn't a dream. It was all real. And we weren't alone.

That concludes the end of chapter three of Blue Heart. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone for reading this book and supporting it. It truly means a lot. What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? Don't forget to vote and comment. Feedback is appreciated.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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