Chapter Sixteen

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Kyung Mi's POV

I heard Kai sigh as he broke the silence in the room. "If we have another girl, I would choose Ki because we each have a K and an I in our names so why not combine the two. That way our daughter can have both letters of our names. And I love the name Mi Cha because if we do have a daughter that will be a perfect name for a first daughter plus she is going to be beautiful just like her mother. But if I were to choose our sons name if we have a boy it will be. . . I'd like to name him after the biggest influences in my life, my brother Chanyeol. I'd like to name our son Chanyeol if we have a son".

Something distant came across Kai's features something I hadn't seen. "If you want to name a boy after him you can. I get that he has had a huge impact in your life and that your bond was one of a kind. I only just want them to be healthy". I gave his hand a gentle squeeze before I slowly sat up. I watched as Kai sat up guiding me to stand up. "Come on I made us breakfast. We'll visit D.O when we're done and then look at baby clothes. How does that sound?" Kai asked as we settled down at the table. I nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Any day with you is a good day. Here soon we're going to have to look at stuff for a nursery". I said as I watched Kai grab the food.

"How about tomorrow we can look for stuff for the nursery?" Kai asked as he handed over the food. "I'd like that. Just think here soon we'll have two little ones running around one day". I was overjoyed that one day Kai and I would have two little ones running around that we brought to the world. But I also worried what the future held for them. Our lives were complicated enough as it was.

"It just has me curious as to who they will look like. Eat up you need your strength for today". Kai said as we continued to eat. A comfortable silence fell between us one that wasn't awkward at all. Once I was done I rinsed my plate and set it aside. "I'll hurry and get ready. Be down shortly".

I put my hair in a sloppy bun, wearing skinny jeans and a sweater. Deciding this was the outfit I opened the bathroom door but not before the view of Kai stood in front of me. Every time I saw the scars that adorned his body guilt riddled me. Knowing that my father was the cause made me think bad of myself. Kai looked up at me a smile coming across his lips. He was wearing black skinny jeans, sneakers and wearing a SnapBack. I watched as he slipped on a shirt realizing it was the one I bought him. "Are you ready?" He asked grabbing his phone. I nodded eagerly wanting to see D.O. It was me who landed him in the hospital.

"Kai, I wanted to apologize that D.O got injured because of me. If I weren't kidnapped by Mrs. Park none of this would have happened. As it is you can't sleep because of the fear of losing me. I can't put any of you at risk". I confessed as we stopped at a red light.

Kai turned to face me taking my hand in his. "D.O getting hurt wasn't your fault. Don't think like that. It was all because of Mrs. Park that you both landed in the hospital. There will be an end to this. No matter what it takes I will protect you and my friends. Mrs. Park won't know what's coming to her". Kai said as a car honked for us to move.

. . .

Kai's POV

As we made it to D.O's room I was nervous only because I feared he would be mad at me. But what surprised me was the smile that adorned his face when we walked in. "Kyung Mi you're alright". D.O said his tone mixed with relief. Kyung Mi stepped closer taking a seat beside his bed. "I'm alive and well all thanks to the both of you. How are you D.O?" Kyung Mi asked her voice dripping with concern.

D.O sat up more comfortably before he glanced at me. "I wouldn't call myself a hero. Actually Kai was the one who rescued you. I'm better getting tired of being here, but nonetheless I'm still alive. But in all honesty how are you Kyung Mi?" D.O asked drawing his attention towards Kyung Mi.

Kyung Mi sighed biting her lip. "I'm doing better just taking every day one at a time. I wanted to come here and personally apologize for you getting injured. If it weren't for my kidnapping you wouldn't be lying here". She apologized. D.O shifted in the bed giving us a reassuring smile.

"You don't need to apologize to me Kyung Mi. This is what I signed up for was to protect both of you. No matter the outcome I'll do my duty in protecting you both. I'm just glad you're well and safe. Who you need to worry about most is your family".

"Hey, Kyung Mi can you give Kai and I a minute? I promise I won't keep him long". D.O asked glancing towards Kyung Mi. Kyung Mi nodded before standing up from her seat. "Sure I hope you get better D.O". Kyung Mi said as she walked out of the room.

Once the door closed I looked over towards D.O nervous of what he was going to say. "Does Kyung Mi know anything such as the other information?" D.O asked his tone lower. I bit my lip looking down at my hands. "No, she doesn't know that Chanyeol is alive. But Kyung Mi told me something that I have no memory of. She told me that I have the key to the truth according to what Mrs. Park told her. But two years ago I got my memories back. So what could she possibly know I don't?" I rubbed a hand through my hair in frustration removing my hat.

"Maybe your mind is protecting you from something for a good reason? Maybe after the accident that happened to you your mind still hasn't recovered from it resulting in you not recovering your full memory. If your mind is still affected it could be a possibility that not all your memories have returned. In studies you might no ever fully recover from whatever the accident was. But there could be a possibility that your mind is protecting your memory for a good reason. Then there is the possibility that Mrs. Park could have fed her a lie. I mean she is the mastermind after all". D.O explained which I feared there was more to uncover.

I ran a hand over my face feeling the reality of it all. What was the other truth? Was my mind really protecting me or against me? "Then what should I do then?" I asked my voice oddly quiet. I feared for what he was going to say as this whole journey was scary.

"The only thing to do is to unlock those hidden memories of yours. That must be the key to the truth. Search inside your mind, doors that you may have shut for a reason. Those doors could lead to the memories that reveal the ugly truth. Only you might have the key, but Kai, Mrs. Park could use your memories to her advantage. She knows you well and that can be one of the traps she's set up. Be aware that this can get ugly. This is her game". I nodded knowing what I had to do. By his tone I knew he was on my side. "Alright I know what I have to do. I'll visit you later and D.O".

. . .

Kai's POV

While Kyung Mi and I looked at baby clothes made me realize that this was really going to happen. I picked up a stuffed bear a smile coming to my lips. For some reason I was drawn to this tiny bear that I held in my hands. I put it in the cart as I followed behind Kyung Mi whom was squealed startling me. "Kai what about this outfit? It's so adorable. What do you think?" She asked holding it over her stomach. Seeing the excitement on her face made me smile up at her. (See outfit above).

"I like it. And seeing as you like it let's get it. It will suit him or her". I stated with a smile. Kyung Mi smiled as she folded the outfit and put it in the cart. Seeing her this happy made my heart flutter since I hadn't seen her this happy since she found out she was pregnant. "Hey, after this let's grab lunch". Kyung Mi suggested. I nodded following her to another rack of baby clothes. "Sure what sounds good?" I asked knowing what place she would pick. She turned towards me a spark in her eye. "How about Korean BBQ pizza? You know the place we first had pizza". Kyung Mi suggested. I froze upon the memory where Mr. So had cornered us. I gave Kyung Mi my best smile before nodding. "Yeah, sure anything you want".

I was taken out of my thoughts when I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out not recognizing the number.

Unknown: If you want to find those memories, here's a clue. Go back to the location of Sunset Park and meet at sundown. Any later than that and it won't be any help. Be there by sundown to unlock those memories of yours.

That concludes the end of chapter sixteen of Blue Heart. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone who has read this book and supported it. I can't thank you enough. What do you think will happen next? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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