"I will get it," Matty yelled back.

She looked at Bill.

"By me, I mean you."

"I figured that," Bill laughed.

Anderson sipped his beer.

"Anyway. I am sorry."

"That is okay, Mr. Anderson," Matty added.

"But in the future I would suggest that you get all the facts first."

"That was an amazing document I read," Anderson continued.

"This village goes back to King George lll?"

Matty nodded.

"My ancestor, Issac Dove, was one of the founders of Tuckamore Bay. Just about all the families here are direct descendants of the founding families."

"You actually have a decree from George lll. I have never seen such."

Matty smiled.

"Oh, we have more than that. We have a paper trail that goes back to Tuckamore County in the 1760s. The documentation that you have is just the tip of the iceberg."

"So your end result of all of this is to stop the relocation of Tuckamore Bay?"

"I think we pretty much have that in place," Bill reminded him.

"Tuckamore Bay is pretty much self sufficient."

"There are still some issues, which I am sure you are aware of."

"Like what?"

"The old gas tank at the gas station."

Matty shook her head.

"No longer in use. We will have a new above ground tank in place in the next week or so. Top of the line and guaranteed for fifty years."

"And future expansion. Water supply and sewerage treatment."

Bill answered.

"We have plans in place. There is a second water supply we can use and a further upgrade is possible if needed. As far as services go, NL Power is upgrading our service and we have engineered drawings for possible road expansion and areas of suitable habitation."

Bill leaned forward.

"We have looked at every angle possible and we have met all government standards. Even the houses of the Bay have been independently examined and upgrades and repairs will be finished by next summer."

"Well Calvin Parsons seems intent on Tuckamore Bay closing."

"Calvin Parsons is a fucking asshole," Matty snapped.

"Like most of the Parsonses are."

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