Friends In Need (Part two)

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"Did you hear that?" Terra asked Bloom. She shakes her head and sighs. "It's too bad this party can't go on forever"

"Maybe not forever but I was hoping it would go on at least until morning." Sky chuckled. "I guess as long as we keep the place tidy." Flora smiled.

"Uh, is that your stomach grumbling? You want to eat something?" Stella asked Sky while handing a plate with a snack.

"No" he shot down "But I'm kinda thirsty" he smiled. She picked up the pitcher. "Your highness are you nervous?" she asked as the liquid poured out of the cup. "Uh, I'm perfectly calm" he said as Stella's face twisted into worry. "It's the school that's shaking."

"an earthquake?" Terra and Bloom asked. Flora walked towards the door.

"It's coming from inside," she said. "No it's from outside," Stella said, rushing to the balcony with Musa, Riven, and Timmy. "Maybe one of our classmates left the TV on too loud, see it stopped," she said but soon took back the words as she saw something get thrown out a window. Her face twisting into worry and fear. "or maybe not" she shivered with the others. Terra wasn't afraid, she just felt the need to protect Bloom again.

Riven whistled and their bikes flew up. "We'll go check it out" Oliver nodded "I'm coming too," Terra said.

"No," Oliver said.

"Yes I'am Oliver" she stated.

"Terra! We can't argue now so don't tell me yes!" he shouted. She gasped with a few tears threatening to pour out like a waterfall. "Oliver chill." Ace said holing out his hand in front of him.

"Don't tell me to chill Ace. Your not part of my team, I don't take orders from you" He growled as they flew to the entrance of the school.

"Selfish!" Terra shouted running out the door with the girls. They ran towards the boys and Oliver sighed.

"This is my school Oliver! I'll protect it too" Terra growled pointing at the ground.

They didn't hate each other but their pride got in the way with fighting. When they both stopped arguing they looked around to broken walls.

"What kind of creature could do this kind of damage?" Ace asked.

"A big heavy creature" Tecna answered running her fingers on scratches.

"Oh golly, I never would have guessed" Oliver snapped.

"It's two and a half meters tall and weighs close to a ton, it has fur and has horns and multiple clubs limps, it also has a musky odor, now is that better?"

"Show'em who's boss" Terra giggled.

"Way to go tec" Stella giggles with turned into yelps as the ground started to shake.

"Okay, that was it," Brandon said holding out his sword. "Wait for us, we're coming too," Bloom said

"come on," Brandon said as they started walking. "Wow at least Brandon has faith in your abilities," Terra said causing Oliver to glance at her.

"Stay where you are little fairies, this isn't a job for you," Riven said causing Musa to stare at him like bullets will fly out.

"Says who!" Musa yelled as the girls ran in the other direction.

Little did they know was the Trixs where right behind them with a glowing light.

"The vacuums headed this way" Icy informed.

"It stopped" she gasped landing on her feet.


Icys body stiffness with her hands balling up. "Who said quack?" Darcy asked turning back.

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