Bake Sweet Treats

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"Terra, wake up honey" shook the blacked haired woman. The girl in the bed groaned and opened her blue eyes. 

"Hey mama" She giggled.

"Come on Terra. Today we're going to work at the bakery"

"Yay!" Terra chuckles as she sat up. Her mother walked out so that she could change into her pink sweater, low waisted jeans and boots.

She brushed her soft pink hair and placed it in a low ponytail so she didn't get any hair in her sweet treats.

Usually her hair was out and flowing about.

Unlike other girls her age she loved working with her mother and father at the bakery. The desserts were just as sweet as her. She cleaned her room a little before going out. She grabbed one of her bakery books and her drawings.

She walked out and kissed her father good morning.

"Aren't you in a good mood sweetheart" he chuckled softly.

"Of course papa. I get to work at the bakery today" she smiled.

"Aw. Oh Terra, can you please go to the bakery and open for us. We have to go meet with the taxes officer for a few hours"

"Of course" she nodded. She took her headphones and walked out listening to music.

Once she reached the store that said "Bakery" she took out her keys and opened the glass door. It was small but cute. With the cashier in the front, next to it was a glass wall that showed the specials. Behind it was the regulars, but with a window in the wall, that lead to the kitchen, so they could see if someone walked in.

She sighed as she cleaned the tables and placed on the apron. She took off her headphones and placed them into the lockers in the back. She pulled up her sleeve as she started baking cupcakes and sweet-tarts.

She heard the bell ring and dusted off her hands.

"Oh. Hello! How may I help you?" She asked a male.

"Can I have a coffee please?" He asked. He had on a fire fighter outfit on, his hair was blonde and his eyes were a dark blue.

"Of course sir. That'll be one dollar and five cents" she smiled as she took his money. She went to pour his coffee and handed it to him. She went back and placed the cupcakes in the first oven as she started to roll the doe for the crust of the sweet-tarts.

By now her hands were covered in flower and a little on her face. She heard the bell ring and walked back to the cashier position. She dusted her flowery hands and sighed.

"Hello! How may I help you girls today!" She smiled.

"Wow! These look beautiful." giggled a girl with light brown hair and green eyes. She was light skin and beautiful.

"Thanks." Terra smiled.

"Your welcome." she chuckled.

"Oh. Look there's a fairy special." Chuckled a girl with navy blue hair and purple eyes.

"Ha, yeah. There here for a day. Actually I made them myself. No one has really tried them yet so." Terra laughed awkwardly.

"Really? They look amazing!" Smiled a blonde with light brown eyes.


"Can you explain them to us?" Asked a girl with short hair that was a purple/pink, and green/blue eyes.

"Of course. First you have your fire fairy which has a little bit of a spice to it. Next to that one you have the light fairy which has a hint of vanilla and orange zest, next to that one you have the nature fairy. It's vegan of course and it's made with all natural ingredients. Next to that one you have a tech fairy. All ingredients make up an energy cupcake to make your brain focus and ready to learn. Next to that one you have sound, it was hard to come up with one but the ingredients help you relax. There's water and etc."

"We'll have the Sound, fire, light, nature, and tech, please." smiled a red haired girl with blue eyes.

"Of course. For here or to go?" Asked Terra.

"Here please!" Smiled the blonde. Terra nodded and took out the cupcakes needed. She placed them on one red tray and pushed it up.

"That will be fourteen dollars please."

The red haired girl gave her the money and they sat down.

"Oh. What's your name ma'am?" Asked the light skinned girl.

"Terra" she smiled

"Oh! I'm Flora. That's Bloom, Stella, Tecna, and Musa"

"Nice to meet you girls" Terra waved. Her mother and father walked in and kissed Terra on the cheek.

"Hey Mama, hey papa." Terra smiled.

"Hi buttercup" the dad smiled.

A guy in a black hood stood at the door watching the girls. Terra took a notice and asked if she could take a break for a while. As she grabbed a water and walked out following the male who was following the group of five females she couldn't help but wonder how odd this male looked.

He was round and she swore she saw yellow skin. The girls made it to a park and the male hid behind a tree.

"So bloom. How are you liking Magix?" Asked Tecna.

"I don't know. It was only my first day and I got attacked" Sighed Bloom. Terra widen her eyes as she saw the male pull off the hood.

She saw a...Ogre? He was yellow and had brown overalls. He had facial hair and black eyes.

She looked around at the girls. He turned around, feeling Terra's presence.

"Y-You leave them alone!" Terra yelled out.

"Are you going to stop me little girl?" He asked in a deep voice.

"I-I..." She stuttered trying to come up with something to say.

"Terra run! Stella Magic Winx!"

As Stella's body lit up Terra's eyes widen. "Fairies are real!" She yelled. The other girls yelled out as there body's glowed and turned into suits and wings. Everyone but Bloom that is.

The ogre grabbed Terra by the hands and pulled her up. She screams out and the girls stand there waiting for him to put her down so they could attack without hurting her.

"Stop!" Bloom yelled out. Terra yelled as a energy blast hit him away. She fell to her knees panting until she passed out.

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