A Great Secret Revealed

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As Terra walked up to the Bakery she couldn't help but have a gut feeling that her parents would never let her go if she were to return.

That's what she wanted...She didn't wang to go back. Not even to her friends that lied to her, not even to...Oliver. Oliver that had a wife. She'd been avoiding both the fairies and specialist. It was hard for the fairies because she lived with them but she managed to only talk when spoken to.

Bloom would ask if something was wrong but Terra would shrug it off and walk in the opposite direction. Terra left early and before everyone else and Riven and her kept in touch. She knew she shouldn't but right now he was the only one that knew she knew.

Once her friends started to get worried she would put on a fake smile and hang out with them for a few hours. She didn't know what hurt most, Oliver having a wife, or her friends lying to her.

She finally stopped lying to herself about Oliver. He wasn't just a friend to her but there was nothing she could do.

Walking in the bakery her parents paused for a moment with wide eyes "Terra!" her mother shouted as she ran over to hug her

"You had me so worried! Where were you? Are you okay? What happened?!" her mother asked with tears in her eyes as she looked over Terra's body

"You have lots of explaining to do young lady" her father scowled with crossed arms but he gave in and hugged her.

"I missed you all. And I'll explain everything once we get home" she nodded


"Let me get this straight. Your a fairy. You meet a guy named Oliver and he has a wife?" Her father asked which she nodded to

"But doesn't this mean you guys are magical too?" Terra asked as her parents sighed

"Terra we have a lot to tell you" her mother spoke. She softly placed a hand on her stomach and smiled

"Your going to have a baby brother or sister" Her father finished. Terra squealed and hugged her mother

"Oh my! That's amazing!" she shouted as she softly placed a hand on her mother stomach. Terra hadn't noticed how her parents changed the subject or when they glanced at each other. The day continued on as Terra showed them a few fairy tricks and talked about the school

Of course her father threatened to destroy Oliver but he was also glad she could protect herself from the Trix. The day passed and the next day Terra decided to hang out with Bloom and get pizza.

"Terra you know you can tell me if something happened" Bloom sighed

"Why didn't you tell me that Oliver had a wife?" she finally asked after all these days.

"Flora told us when he come over to help with your exam. We thought you two were just friends and that you could protect yourself from him. I'm sorry"

"It's fine! But next time I don't want to hear the news from Riven" She giggled

"Alright but is that why you've been pulling away from us?" Bloom asked

"A little. I just didn't like how you guys lied so easily" She shrugged

"Easily? We almost had to tape Stella's and Flora's mouth shut so they wouldn't say anything" She giggled.

"So your not mad at Oliver?" Bloom asked

"No, just a little hurt that he could be all nice and whatnot to me and have a wife. It's unfair to her"

"Do we ever tell you how nice you are?" Bloom giggled

"Not enough" Terra smiled "So. What about you and Brandon? How are you too?" Terra smirked

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