The Fall Of Magix (Part Two)

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Chatter filled the cafeteria of Cloud Tower. Although Red Fountain was calling out to her more than ever. She always thought the reason she wanted to go was that she needed to train but that wasn't it.

Terra's train of thought broke when everyone noticed the four. Some were in shock, others angry and confused. Griffin let out a slight growl as Knut and Pepe followed behind.

"What are you three doing here! And shouldn't Terra be at Alfea?! This is my school and I won't let you wreak havoc in here!" Griffin shouted as a neon green energy ball speed towards them. Terra placed a hand up to block the attack as Stormy and Darcy had their hands to their hips.

The ball circled around the shield and Icy placed a hand to the shield. The hand covered the shield in ice and it broke into pieces to fly up to attack Griffin. This attack knocked her through a table and onto the ground with yelps and gasps. Two teachers (One in red and the other in blue) went to check up on her with slight growls

"Your behavior is unacceptable" Growled the one in blue as she looked down at the girls from the ledge

"Huh, and what are you going to do? Give us detention?" Stormy mocked in a laugh. Stormy held out a her hand and a few seconds later her eyes glowed an orange-red as she growled and created a purple tornado. Her fluffy hair flew back as her eyes turned normal and laughed.

Students started to yell as they held onto anything they could get their evil little hands on. Although it didn't work and they flew into the tornado while yelling for dear life. Griffin gasped as she watched the two teachers fly out the window and everyone and everything started to fall down.

Griffin jumped in with neon green surrounding her. She helped all her students to the ground safely and soon appeared behind Icy. Terra was ready to attack and protect but Icy lifted her hand to stop her.

Griffin created a neon purple ball and threw it at the three but Darcy soon caught it and turned it into a smaller ball that you can hold in between your thumb and index fingers. She smirks and crushed it into dust before Icy growled and blew her with ice towards the wall.

Icy walked up with a smirk before looking back at her sisters "In case you haven't gotten it yet Miss Griffin we're in charge now" Icy smiled as she walked back.

The other witches groaned and rubbed their landing wounds as Terra shouted "Witches of Cloud Tower listen up!"

The girls groaned and shook their heads in disbelief, some still groaning at their wounds "We are about to affect several changes around here" Terra added

"And if you don't like it, by all means, speak up" Stormy smirked "We're open to criticism" Terra laughed along with the others as Knut and Pepe shivered in their boots... feet. They were afraid. They didn't know this would've been the outcome.

Cloud Tower was now ruled over by the four and Icy, Darcy and Stormy sat in the three thrown's while Terra stood next to Icy with her black staff.

"Giffin, you and your students have just earned yourselves a nice vacation in the damp, snake, and rat-infested dungeons of Cloud Tower" Icy said to the two purple neon shields with the teachers. Someone grunted as Griffin growled "What? You're not happy? How ungrateful"

"You wretch!" Griffin shouted

"If you think you'll get away with this you're wrong!" Another teacher shouted

"Oh Yeah. We all saw how you can stop us. It was very impressive" Icy giggled with a hand to her mouth

"You're making a big mistake! You're crazy!"

"Crazy? Really? Well Miss Griffin I dare you to say that again" Icy scolded as she almost stood up. Giffin gasped and backed away "They're mad. Terra this isn't you! Come to your senses" Griffin stated as she placed a hand to the back of the bubble

"Now we will go down into the castle crypt where the evilest spells are kept and we'll call forth the army of darkness" Stormy informed as Griffin banged on the bubble

"You can't! No one's ever been able to control the army of darkness! It will cause total destruction!"

"Really? We haven't thought about that Griffin. Thanks for the tip teacher" Terra smirked as Giffin started shaking her head.


"Why so worried? These young witches aren't proficient yet. They certainly won't know how to use the power of the dragon flame" Master Saladin said through the crystal ball.

"Perhaps but what they lack in experience they make up for in power and ruthlessness" Faragonda informed.

"I trust your-"

"Miss Faragonda!" Bloom shouted as she jumped in the room.

"What is it, Bloom? What's wrong?" she asked. Bloom walked over with wide eyes and started panting "It's Terra! There so much pain! And-And Evil! It's the witches I know it is!" She cried as she shut her eyes.

Only three words came to mind. She was sure it was Terra calling out for help "It's Terra. It's like she's sending me a message through my mind" She panted

"What's it saying Bloom" Master Saladin asked

"The army of Darkness" She answered.

Miss Faragonda gasped as Master Saladin sighed "Try to talk to her. Ask her where she is and what happened"

"I'm sorry we don't know how to do that. But I need to see her Ma'am" Bloom cried.

The sky turned black as everyone gasped "We'll keep an eye out, I have to go help my men" Master Saladin stated as he left. And there she was. Terra.

Right outside Miss Faragonda's window.


The men slew their swords around as a whole different army started to show. "Oliver! Come on! Your army will handle this!" Nova shouted from the sky

"No! I'll fight" Oliver shouted as Sky gasped and saw the blonde in the ship "Prince Sky! We've come to get you!" She shouted


"We've come to get you out of here! You must save yourself, my prince!"

"Were fighting to save the dimension! My place is here!" Sky answered

"Don't be silly you're a prince. Let these peasant fight for you!"

With this Sky become angry. He was angry she had just called his friends "Peasants"

"Well, what are you waiting for? Your duty is to rule!" She yelled as Sky sliced the only thing to get him up. Oliver covered his back when one of the things from the army of darkness tried to attack him from behind. Diaspro gasped and went back to the front of the ship.


"Call back Terra and the army. They're now ready to hear us!"

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