A Great Secret Relaved (Part Two)

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"Bloom! Fire!" Terra shouted over the phone. Terra rushed in through the back door. Terra had been caught up talking with Oliver she had forgot about the shop.

"Terra!" Bloom shouted as Terra de-transformed. "Terra's in there?!" Vanessa gasped

"Terra's a element fairy along with ice" Bloom informed

"How can this be? Oh Mike" she cried as Mike pulled her in for a hug

"My men will be there soon sweetheart don't worry"

At that moment Bloom started feeling Terra. The need Terra feels when she needs to protect Bloom. But Bloom didn't want to protect Terra, she needed Terra there. With her. They felt like twin sisters that did everything together.

"Soon well be too late. We have to act now" Bloom announced as she walked towards the store "Bloom no. My squad is on it's way and Terra is there"

"I'm part of Terra. I have to be there! And she just transformed, she doesn't know how to use her magic every well. I have to do something"

He grabbed her by the shoulders "but there's nothing you can do"

"Yes there is! I'm a fairy"

"Very well but I'm going in there with you"


Bloom had a orange shield around her and Terra had a white and black one. They had meet in the middle of the shop with Bloom's father

"and this-this barrier protects us from the flames?" Mike asked as Terra shakes her head

"Yes" Bloom said with a blazing fire in her eyes that couldn't compare to the flames around her

"Are you girls afraid?"

Bloom looked around the room. At that moment she saw something. But so did Terra. Terra couldn't put a finger on it but she saw a child in a basket. To the left of the child was fire but to the right it was ice.

Terra and Bloom shared a look before answering "No"

"Somebody. Help" said a quivering voice as it coughs. Mike pointed towards the noise while snapping her out of it "Bloom listen. There's a man there on the floor look"

He was right. There sat a blond haired male in dark red outfit as he blocked herself away from some flames "I've seen this man before"

"Who is he?" Terra asked

"He's Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner's driver" she answered as Mike took off his jacket and the both started walking towards him

"Bloom, Mike. Get him to safety" Terra order as Mike reached for the man's hand

"Stay calm sir. We'll save you" he said as the man coughed a thank you. Bloom looked at Terra

"The only thing I need to do right now is protect you Bloom. Go" Terra ordered once more before the three walked off.

Terra let out a breath and held out her hands as a black and white glitter came out. Once everything was semi-clear she heard the sirens and sighed "There here"


"Oh my God! Terra!" her mother shouted as she ran over. Bloom had gone off to handle what was happening.

"When you said stay over a friends house I didn't mean run into a fire!" her father shouted pulling her into a hug

"I know papa. But I had to do something. For my friend"

"The need to protect her?" They asked in unison as Terra nodded

"You did good Terra" Her mother teared up "I'm proud of the woman you've become" she chuckled

"Oh mama" Terra sighed giving her a hug "I'm alright it's...Its just the hormones" she chuckled

"I saw a child in the fire. She had fire on one side and ice on the other" she sighed.

"Right now is not the time Terra" her father sighed

"I'm adopted? Aren't I?" she asked as her parents looked at her. She wrapped her blanket tighter as they said yes.

She always knew, deep down that she wasn't blood or probably because of the pink hair and blue eyes that looked nothing like there's. But looking at them staying yes was something else she couldn't believe.

You can't believe in it if you haven't seen it.

"Bloom, Terra. Cheer up" Musa sighed as Flora started to pet there hair on Blooms bed

"Musa's right. What happened to you two is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Adopting a baby is a great act of unselfish love"

"That is totally logical" Tenca added

"You two are lucky girls and that's why you've got to smile"

Bloom sat up and looked at Musa "I know Musa. I know my parents are amazing"

"Yeah. Plus who knows what would've happened if our parents didn't find us" Terra shrugged sitting up

"So Bloom, Terra, what do you plan on doing now?" Stella asked

"Well, I for one plan on getting answers. Why wasn't I hurt by the flames? Who are my real parents? and who am I?"

"I plan on training more. And I know when Bloom finds her answers...I'll be somewhere in there as a solution...or problem" Terra sighed fiddling with her ring

"Are you two absolutely sure you want to find out the whole truth?" Tenca asked

"I don't think I have a choice" Bloom answered

"Your training could be very difficult and dangerous and your search could be long and difficult as well as painful for both"

"What would you do if you were me?" Bloom pointed

"Yeah? What-What would you do if you had the power and need to protect but couldn't and end up hurting someone because you couldn't control your own power?"

"Im only saying this for your own good. I don't want you two to suffer"

"I'll be fine. I'm strong" Terra huffed

"Thank you Flora but at this point I could never go back. I want to find out everything about me and Terra's past, now more then ever"

"And we'll be there with you" Stella smiled with a hand on Blooms shoulder as they walked closer to both Terra and Bloom

"After all sticking my nose in other peoples business is my favorite sport. You know, I just love gossip" Stella giggled

"Really? who would've thought?" Musa asked

"Will you all help me?" Bloom asked as Terra jumped on her back "Duh! It's my past too!"

"Of course" Flora laughed

"Absolutely" Stella smile

"By all means" Tenca chuckled

"You have our word" Musa grinned while putting a hand in the middle

"Word of-"

They put their hands in as they shouted "Winxs" all together as they hugged and laughed

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