Chapter 28 - Nerissa

ابدأ من البداية

'You had me for a moment.' Luther hisses in her ear, then jabbing the barrel in her ribs, he adds. 'Make something stupid like that again and I'll kill you myself!'

Nerissa lost the gun in the smoke after the bloodshed had begun. What a cruel joke fate is playing on her! Luther grabs her elbow and yanks her towards the exit. A few bullets hit the door shutting behind them, denting the metal, but not passing through. The red emergency lights are dotting the walls, breaking the darkness just enough to reveal their faces.

'Let her go!' A familiar voice thunders from behind, making her heart skip a beat and Luther freeze in place.

'Don't you dare make a move or I'll put a bullet in her head!' He barks back as he turns around to face his enemy.

Nerissa squints her eyes, trying to see past the red blinding gleam at the end of the military weapon. Luther stumbles backwards, pulling her with him, and jabbing the gun harder in her skull. She winces in pain, yet the sudden movement of the soldier stepping out from the shadows, mutes all her screams. The machine gun looks like an extension to his armour, weightless as he holds it still in the air. His face is half-covered by a breathing apparatus with two tentacles connected to the back of his head. The metallic echoes of his infrequent puffs are somewhat delayed, in such a manner, they could easily be overlooked. The black suit continues from behind, its tactical vest up the neck and to the base of his jawline. His hair falls heavy over his forehead, covering the ghostly blue luminescence that's beaming from the strange device over his right eye.

'I said let her go!' His command resonates behind his mask, at the same time as a sequence of lights begins spiraling across the weapon, and charging it to full power.

His intended threat only aggravates Luther's insanity, forcing him to burst into a wicked laughter. The soldier, unfazed by his unstable behavior, shifts unnoticed and gets ready for an opening to shoot.

'You'll have to wait for your turn. You can have her once I take what I'm owed!' Luther snaps, suddenly ending his evil cackle. 'I didn't come this far to give up now. I'll kill her before you take another step. Back off!' He shouts, consumed by hatred and spitting with rage.

Luther makes a few steps back, tightening his grip around her neck and dragging Nerissa with him. She can't take it anymore. She'd rather die than save his life. Without thinking it further, she raises her right foot and strikes him hard in the leg with the back of her boot. He loosens his hold, enough for her to escape him, but her luck is cut short as he acts fast, aiming the gun at the back of her head and set to kill.

The green light flashes brightly, followed by the sound of Luther's body hitting the ground. Nerissa halts paralyzed and frozen to her core, terrified to look back and see his lifeless body. Suddenly, her legs get too weak to hold her weight and she can't control them anymore. The lights are spinning and the concrete walls are constricting around her.

'Nerissa!' She hears her name, the familiarity of his voice hitting home.

Regardless, exhaustion hinders her from responding and, besides, she'd rather let the shell of her body collapse than face reality right now.

'Hey! Are you hurt?' The same voice speaks again, stirring up painful emotions as the soldier catches her in his arms.

He detaches the mask, letting it hang over his vest and panting heavily. The purifier strikes his armor, banging loudly a few times and matching her heartbeat.

'I've got her.' He reports with a swift press to his ear.

The relief in his words lets loose a swarm of butterflies in her stomach. It's him! It's really him! She keeps telling herself, yet her head spins at the mass of memories invading her mind at once. Nerissa can't wait any longer as a strong desire to see his face takes control over her body. Two crystal oceans are waiting for her to open her eyes and hypnotize him with her stare. Having her in his arms again is rousing even the gentlest of waters. Roone cups her face with his hands and kisses her tenderly. He doesn't care about the consequences anymore as he surrenders his heart in its entirety. She responds to his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck and gently pulling his hair.

'I have never been more scared in my life. I lost track of you after the explosion, and not knowing where you are, drove me crazy.' He speaks in the hollow of her neck, his lips kissing her skin and setting in on fire. The whole mission got a different meaning once he found her again. Roone is ready to fight everyone who dares to hurt her.

She couldn't help, but feel a pang of guilt in her chest. After all, it was Nerissa who destroyed his home. Instead of letting the sorrow take over, she decides to push it away, and enjoy the present. She moans in pleasure as he lifts her up, hugging her close to his chest and spinning her around a few times. Nerissa's laughter acts like a drug and soon their hearts are completely healed.

'How did you find me?' She asks, still dizzy from his embrace.

He lets out a deep puff, then after running his fingers through his hair, he glances at her adoringly.

'You still have no clue, have you?' He says, caressing her face.

Nerissa shakes her head puzzled. Everything happened so fast she didn't have a chance to put it all together.

'I promise I'll explain everything on our way back. We have to hurry. They are waiting for us.' His words sound foreign, confusing her even more.

'Who are they?' She demands, but her query remains unanswered as he grabs her hand and starts running down the corridor.

As they gain speed, so are the emergency lights turn into a continuous red strip all the way to the end of the tunnel. Before reaching the surface, Roone passes her an oxygen mask.

'Put it on!' He utters, tightening his grip as they rush out the airport.

Outside, a black spacecraft hovers over the ground, creating swirls of dust underneath. Nerissa gauges her eyes in surprise, unable to believe it. They run towards a large door, the only part of the spaceship touching the ground. At the top, the lower deck reveals itself behind a curtain of bright lights and familiar faces. She instantly recognizes Elias, who is waiting for them at the entrance. Near him, the other two girls from the Institute, Sam and Cassandra, are busily typing coordinates on their screens.

'What about Susan and Nathan? I can't leave without them.' Nerissa stops him before stepping inside. She had to yell the words to cover the loud thrusters.

'My team got them.' He replies holding his hand on her lower back to steady her.

The door is closing with a metallic screech, showing the ground moving away as they take-off. In the distance, the lofty city walls are protecting what is left of the Earth's dying planet. The dome shows itself here and there as a thunderbolt scratches its surface.

'Do you trust me?' Roone breaks the silence forcing her to look at him again.

Nerissa nods, her eyes smiling with happiness. She has a million questions waiting for answers, but none of them matters right now. Her heart is all his, and so is her faith in him. She no longer fears this strange feeling that makes her heart flip in her chest. He kisses her gently, then hugging her from behind he pulls her closer.

'I've seen this before.' She utters touching the mark on his wrist. 'What is it?'

Roone nuzzles her hair, sending shivers down her spine. Then, rolling up his sleeve, he whispers in her ear.

'That, is who I am.'

She rests her head on his shoulder, stroking the patterns on his skin and watching mesmerized the blue planet she once called home.

(I am so glad you are enjoying my story! Please vote and comment on your favourite paragraph. I'd love to hear your thoughts and your constructive feedback. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Love you all <3)

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