I shook my head off of that thought.

"You better." Hikari and Shi said at once. I smirked.

"Calm down babes you still have me no matter what." I giggled. I looked at him and he had a confused look on his face.

"So Akuma Ai this is really you." I stiffed. This was the guy that stole my eye sight. He stole my power.

"Indeed it is." He removed his cloak opening his eyes. They were light green. I growled at him having green.

"Why would you take my eye sight." I crossed my arm not taking my hood off my head.

"Well, I've been studying you for quiet some time now, you had a very unique power with your eyes and it makes me want it." He licked his lips walking towards me. I gave him a disgusted face.

"Its nice for you to have your eye sight back." He disappeared and I jumped towards his spot because I could smell and heard his movements.

"You disgust me." I growled.

"Thats not a very nice thing to say to your Father." He smirked. Father? Bullshit. Theres no way in hell this was my father.

"Father?!" Hikari and Shi yelled.

"Bullshit Im not your Father." I took out Hikari and lunged at him. He did the same but I spun around and kicked him the in stomach.

"Your right, I am not your Father but I was suppose to but your stubborn mother chose that soul reaper over me." My blood started to heat up. I clutch my hand on Hikaris hilt.

"I am happy with my father, unlike you who stole peoples eye sight and powers, bastard." I jumped at him but he grabbed his zanpakuto and stared into my eyes. He changed his eyes to red. Bright red like mine. Shit. I kicked his chest and jumped back.

"Now this is how were gonna settle things," he whipped his hand on his cloak. Blood smeared in his cloak making my eyes glow. My fangs threatened to pierce through my gums. I shut my mouth tight and swallowed hard. "You either become my wife," he smirked watching my reaction, "or you put your soul reaper zanpakuto away and fight me with your demon zanpakuto."

My eyes widened. Become his wife your fight him with Shi?

"Your gonna fight with me Kai. There's no way your gonna become his wife." Shi growled.

"Dont worry, Im not his." I ran my fingers on the back of my neck and memories flood my mind. I placed Hikari back in his sheath and ran my fingers along Shis' hilt before pulling his out.

"Good girl." He took out his zanpakuto.

"Becareful what you wish for, dumbass." I smirked and grip on to Shis' hilt.

"Dont hold back." I could feel Shi smirking.

"Oh honey, I wont." I opened my eyes and dashed at him.

~Ichigos POV~

"Look carrot top is waking up!" A girls voice filled my ears. I flinched by her high pitch voice. I groaned and opened my eyes. I see a green haired girl so close to my face staring at me.

"Ahh." I jumped back hitting my head against something hard. I scratched my head and I see a yellow barrier around me.

"Mashiro dont bother the kid." A guy said. I looked around and saw that there were 8 people around the room. A guy with black hair and glasses told the girl with green hair which her name was Mashiro.

"Sorry Love but it was sleeping funny." The girl jumped back and the barrier opened for her to get out.

"Where the hell am I?!" I shouted.

"Your in our hide out. Isnt it obvious." The guy that I saw earlier stepped into the barrier.

"Who the hell are you again?" I asked a little nicer.

"My name is Shinji Hirako." The blonde box haired guy said.

"So, Shinji, what am I doing here." I asked once again standing up dusting off my kamoto.

"You were spreading you spiritual pressure when I told you not to and it was getting out of control so we brought you here." He said with his hands in his pocket and eyes closed.

"Doesnt mean for you to b-" I was cut off my someone telling me to shut up.

"Shut up Ichigo and listen." I looked around and saw no one. I didnt know who that voice belong to.

"Now Ichigo, is there something that is strange with you?" He asked me opening his eyes studying my face. I thought in my head on what to say. "You have a hollow part in you correct?"

"Yes." I said queitly.

"Well we could help you." He said. Next thing I knew I heard a big slap sound. I saw a little blonde hair girl that was tied in pigtails with a shoe in his hand.

"Your telling him the wrong information stupid!" She yelled. Shinji went flying through the window. My eyes was widned. I was frozen.

"Hachi make a double barrier around this place." She said looking down at a big guy wearing a green outfit with short pink hair.

"Y-yes Hiyori." He said and did something.

"Heres the deal Ichigo." She turned her attention on me. "We can help you control that hollows of yours but we first need to see how strong you are, if your weak then your out of my sight, if your a worth training there we'll train you." She said staring at me. She was young but had a very powerful voice. "Bring out your inner hollow."

"No." I said getting up having my hand on Zangetsu.

"What was that? Your bring out your inner hollow now or I have to beat it out of you, even if I have to kill you." Her voice changed once she put her hand in front of her face. A white thing formed in her face. My eyes widened. That cant be...

Before I could do anything she attacked me. I blocked her attack with Zangetsu. She threw be back and I landed on my feet against the wall and kicked off of it. I swung my zanpakuto at her back her blocked it and then kicked me.

"I can tell your scared. Use your bankai Ichigo." She removed her mask. Wait how could she do that? I have to watch her carefully.

"Im not using my bankai!" I yelled and attacked her once more. She blocked my attack and grabbed my wrist throwing me behind her. She brought up her zanpakutp to slice me but I blocked it. Her zanpakutp was cutting through Zangetsu. She jumped back and I attacked her but she kicked me to the ground. I couldnt move.

"Face it, your no match for us, your just a waste of my time." She said. I felt his power flow threw me. I looked up and jumped at her. All I saw was her up against the wall with my hand around her neck. She looked terrified. I felt myself get thrown to the ground and the other people were on top of me with there zanpakuto pointing at me. Someone stabbed there zanpakuto on my mask making his power disappear.

"Are you satisfied now Hiyori? We will train you, your power was stronger than we expect it to be."  Shinji said. I sighed and nodded. I will become stronger and take down Aizen. I hope Kaia doesnt do anything stupid by this.

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