Chapter 18

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~Kaias POV~

I saw a few cherry blossom pedals fall from the sky. Thats odd. I havent seen cherry blossom trees hear. I looked up into the sky looking around trying to find where the cherry blossom tree was coming from. I looked towards my left and walked through bushed. I push branched out of my face.

Then I saw a cherry blossom tree. A big pink beatuiful cherry blossom tree planted near a small like river. I walked closer. I held out my hands to touch the lowest branch. The sent of cherry blossom mix with rich vinilla filled the air. I closed my eyes as I inhaled the amzing sent. I heard rumbling of bushes behind me. I quickly flash step and hid my spiritual pressure. I saw 3 little boys. They were walking around. They had backpacks on there back with a game system in each hand.

"Come on this is a good place to play." Said on with blonde hair.

"Im afraid we will get caught." One with black hair and glasses and braces.

"Since when did the forest had a blossom tree?" One with brown hair that looked good.

"I found this place yesterday while hunting with my dad and Im not sure." The blonde kid said. They sat in a circle and started to play there video game on a small little screen. I decided to have a little fun.

I jumped down knowing that they wouldnt see me. I picked up a rock the through it towards the trees behind them making the kid with glasses and braces jump.

"Brock I think someones here." He said shivering.

"Leo calm down. No one knows about this part of the forest." I asumed the blonde kid was names Brock said. They continued playing there stupidly game. I want them to leave. I picked up a nother rock and dropped it in the pond and blew air against the brown kids neck. I sat back on top of the branch.

"What was that?" The brown hair kid said. He was touching his neck and looked around. I giggled quietly. Its fun playing with these little kids.

"Princess what are you doing?" Hikari asked.

'Just having a little fun.' I said in my mind.

"This is fun but I think its time to go home and talk to your dad ab-" Shi was cuz off my a vision that came into mind.

I woke up sitting in a dark black tree with white leaves. I looked around and everything was in buildings. I was alone. I felt alone. I felt weird. Like I was....home. I jumped off the branch and landed on my feet. This is confusing. I saw people in chains. They were moaning and crying. Somethings off. My soul felt ligher. I felt free. I, then heard a roar off the distance. Like a hollow roar. I touch my zanpakuto like it was coming closer. Once I touched my zanpakuto I only felt Shi. What?

"Run before its to late!" An old lady with a chain connected to her chest looked at me for me to run. I was confused. Then the hollow roar was right behind me. My eyes widened.

I gasped. I looked around and I was still in the forest, in the blossom tree, with the 3 little boys. I need to know whats going on with me. The sun was setting. I need to make the kids leave. I jumped down and walked off the distance. I screamed like I was in pain.

"Brock what the hell?!" Leo said.

"I-I dont know." Brock shuttered. I man the ground shake just by jumping right next to them. They all screamed and ran. I smirked and dusted off my hands and shoulders. I started walking towards the entrance off the woods.

~Ichigos POV~

Ikkaku was sitting in a table bouncing his leg. He was about to lose his patients. Renji was getting annoyed. Rukia was talking with Orihime and Uryu was reading a book like normal. Yoruichi was eatting while I sat there thinking. Thinking on what happened today at school. Whats up with Kaia? She looked a little off. She was jumpy and wasnt doing anything that was her.

"Agg I cant take it anymore where is she?!" Ikkaku stood up.

"Ikkaku calm down she will be back." Yumichika said walking into the room from Im thinking the bathroom.

"She's been gone to long." He groaned sitting back down.

"Kaia just got back. This is stressful. She needs time to think and cool off about what happened for the past couple days." Urahara said walking into the room from his office. Renji groaned. This the door opened. We took our attention who was at the door. It was Kaia? She was carrying 3 big of heavy chains.

"Oh Ms. Kaia isnt back yet." She said. What Ms. Kaia? Is this her mod soul?

"Bay?" Yoruichi asked. The mop soul smiled and nodded.

"Hi Im Bay. Kaias mod soul. Isnt she really pretty tho?" Bay smiled and place the heavy chains on the table. Wow shes strong.

"Bay what did I say of introducing yourself to new strangers." We heard a girl voice at the door.

"Sorry Ms. Kaia." Bay bowed. Kaia walked in. "Good you bought the chains." Kaia looked at them.

"Reminds us why do you need chains?" I asked.

"Thats not your business. Tomorrow at 6 or 7 dont. I repeat DONT go in the training room tomorrow night." Kaia said putting on a glove.

"Yea she is pretty but had temper problems." Ikkaku said. Kaia glared at him then smiled.

"Thats true." Bay giggled. "Well see you soon Yoruichi, Urahara, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Renji, Rukia, and 3 new people." Bay wabed and Kaia put the glove on Bays for head and she coughed up the pill and then fell on Kaia.

"Your mod soul is really nice. But your.." I trailed off. I swear I saw a vain on Kaias for head.

"Ichigo I would watch your mouth if I were you." Urahara said.

"What shes isnt go-" I was cut of with me flying through the ceiling.

"OUCH!" I shouted as I flew. I Once I came back down Kaia was no where to be found. 

"Where she go?" I asked.

"Sleeping." Orihime said. I nodded.

"Urahara." Said a guys voice. We made turned arounds to the door to see Toshiro and Rangiku.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked.

"We went to track Kaia and see what she was doing. Urahara, we need to talk to Kaia now." Rangiku said.

"Why? Whats going on?" Urahara asked a little frightened.

"Its really important." Toshiro said.

"Shes sleeping. Be my guest to wake her up. But I warned you." He said chuckling a little. They nodded and walked to her room. Then this you know was a very high spiritual pressure was awaken.

"Oh no." Uryu said. Ikkaku was laughing.

"Caption should of listened."

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