Chapter 38

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~Orihimes POV~

I was laying on the couch looking at the dull, plain, white wall. In the dark it looks like it was gray from the light outside and how the lighting was in this room. There was a knock on my door. I sat up.

"Come in." I said. The door cracked open and Ulquiorra walked in. He didnt say a word. His face was the same, showing no emotions, dull, and looking lifeless. How could Kaia like him? I was interrupted with my thoughts by him throwing something at me. It was soft like fabric. It landed on my lap.

"Whats this?" I asked picking it up.

"Change. Your clothes will make people hate you around here." He said as he turned around. "Eat something." He said as he went to get something out the door. He pushed in a tray fill with food. I nodded and walked into the bathroom to change. I was wearing a long sleeve dress that had black outlining. At the bottom and on my legs there was a circle cut out.

I walked out and found Ulquiorra gone. I walked over to the tray of food and there was rice, steak, and acouple vegetables. I didnt feel like eating. I didnt want to stay here. I sat on the ground with my hand on the tray of food,

"I rather starve then stay here." I said to myself. There was another knock on the door "Come in."

The door opened and 2 girls walked in. One was wearing a shirt that covered her chest and expose her stomach. She wore a long skirt and there was a hole or a mask that covered her right eye. Her hair was jet black and tied into 2 pigtails. Another girl had blonde short hair like Tatsuki. She wore a long sleeve shirt that had a big v neck and a long skirt. She also had that thing covering her eye but it was on the left side.

"Hello?" I said standing up.

"Look who it is? The little princess Ulquiorra captured and told no one to touch." Said the girl with the black hair. I looked at her confused. Ulquiorra told everyone not to touch me? Why? Im not the special? Oh wait, was I suppose to help them?

"Im no princess." I said.

"Shut up. Why are you so important. Ulquiorra never acted like this for a really long time." The blonde hair girl said.

"I-Im sorry. I di-didnt do an-" I was cut off by the girl with the black hair grabbing my arm and twisting it. My arm was behind me and she had a strong grip on my shoulder and wrist. I flinched from the sudden contact.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I tried to free myself from her gripThe more I struggled the more she tightens her grip.

"Were gonna teach you a lesson." The blonde hair girl said. She stood in front of me and cuped my cheek harshly making me look into her eyes. She gave me a disgusted face. "I dont see why people like a human like you." She kicked me in the stomach.

"You disgust me you little brat." The black hair girl said while slapping me making my cheek burn. They kept punching, kicking, and hitting me all over the place. My face was probably all bruised up and my body was all sore.

"He gave you this dress didnt he?!" She shouted in my face. Her light pink/purple eye widened while ripping my sleeve. She had this evil grin plastered on her face. The blonde hair girl tore my dress from the bottom.

"STOP!" I shouted while squirming around trying to get away from her. The blonde hair girl covered my mouth looking me deepily in the eyes.

"You will pay." She threw me aross the room making my back hit the wall pretty hard. I screamed from pain. I saw them walking towards me but before they touched me someone grabbed the black hair girls hand and threw her to the other side of the large room. The blonde hair girl was standing there in shock. She was slapped really hard that made the sound bounce off wall to wall.

I tried to sit up but the pain on my back spread through my whole body making the sore way worse. 

"Who the hell are you?!" The black hair gail shouted.

~Grimmjows POV~

I was walking to the main room where the captain and everyone goes to. I wanted to get my spot back on the best ranking of Espanda. After what the orange hair punk did to me got me kicked out of the ranking.

I walked past Orihimes room when I heard a small shout. I opened the door and saw Orihime hit the wall with 2 girls walking towards her. I flashstep towards her and grabbed Lolys' hand and threw her acorss the room. I slapped Omai hard. I wasnt using my powers or anything. These girls arnt suppose to be here.

"What are you doing in here Omai, Loly." I said.

"G-Grimjow." Loly said spitting out blood.

"Ulquiorra would be very mad at you two." I walked closer to them.

"W-were sorry Grimmjow." Omai said. I kicked them and they hit the wall on the other side of the room.

"You should pay for hurting her." I walked closer to them. My blue started to glow and I gave them a eveil grin.

"Gimmjow please stop. They dont deserve this. I know what they did was wrong but they didnt know." Orihime stood in front of me holding up her hand. I stopped and looked at her. I scoffed and walked away. Orihime started healing them.

"Why are you doing this?" Loly asked. I was standing at the door way.

"Because no one deserve getting hurt like that." She said. Orihime has a sweet heart and so kind. Sometimes it makes me sick. I dont understand how Nightmare can stand her. I feel really bad about her leaving. We finally found her and Im afraid what Captain Aizen would do.

I walked to the main room and there were a couple new people there. Including the guy who replaced me. He wasnt even as strong compare to me. Ulquiorra and I dislike him. He doesnt know how to control his own power.

"Aizen I want my place back on the ranking. I said with both hands in my pocket.

"You do? Well how do I know that hand of yours Ulquiorra mentions works?" He asked looking at me while rubbing his chin. I walked forward with my head down and eyes closed.

"Lets see." I said looking up and took my hand out of my pocket and ran my hand through the bastard who took my spot. I hit him right in the chest. I pulled out and he gasped and disintegrated into dust.

"Alright you are back on your spot Grimmjow." He said and went back to what he was doing. The scar on my back that covered my number 6 started to wear away making in visible. I smiled.

"Yes." I said making a fist and shooting it in the sky.

"Celebrat later Grimmjow now lets go train." Ulquiorra said walking past me. I nodded and shoved my hands in my pocket. I walked behind him silently. Ulquiorra acts a little different than before. He likes to go out more. I want to say something about Nightmare but I swore to her that I wouldnt say anything to him.

Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz