chapter twelve

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Well. I am not gonna lie. This was not what I expected when I envisioned Peter planning a date for us.

"Where are we?" I question, staring out at the clearing surrounded by woods. It's dark, but there's a full moon lighting up the clearing just slightly. "Did you bring me here to kill me so no one will hear me scream?"

     "Why would I do that?" He smirks, his hand making its way towards my hip. The cold skin of his palm meets my warm skin exposed by my stomach. My eyes flutter closed as he pulls me in for a kiss. "Come on." His breath comes out in a whisper as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the center of the clearing and pulls me down to lie back on the grass. His hand remains around mine as we stare up at the beautiful night sky.

     "My brother and I used to climb out onto the roof and look up at the sky and talk about who we wish we were." I sigh, remembering Jack talking about becoming a movie star when he was 15.

     I look over at Peter. His beautiful pale skin glows under the moonlight and his piercing green eyes twinkle with the stars shining down. I realize as I glance over his face that there's so many questions I have yet to ask.

     "Ask away."

     "Okay. How can you walk in the sun without burning up or sparkling?" I start, wondering if all of the movies are a lie.

     "Not all of them are complete lies. The sun doesn't make us sparkle. It doesn't burn us either, not to the extent you think. We feel pain from the direct sunlight, but we wear clothes that block the sun. So we wear long sleeves and pants more often. The rest of the skin feels like it's on fire, but it's not actually going to erupt in flames. We get better at hiding it. Next question."

     I think for a few seconds before responding.

     "How can I read your mind? You said before that you could allow me to," I state. He smiles, grabbing my hands in his.

"Okay, I want you to stare into my eyes. Focus on me, nothing else."

I stare into his piercing green eyes. How could I think of anything else when I look at him? He's beautiful.

Thank you.

My eyes widen, as I realize that was his thought. He didn't say that out loud.

"Now how do I block you out of my thoughts?" I question, smirking. He tilts his head to the side and furrows his brows.

"You don't like when I hear your thoughts?" He questions, looking sort of disappointed. I giggle slightly, giving his hands a squeeze.

"I just want to know how in case I ever have a surprise for you," I explain. He nods just as the chilly breeze sweeps through. His eyes widen. He grabs my hands harder, pulling me up so swiftly and quickly I barely feel us moving.

We have to go.

He allowed me to hear his thought. My heart is racing now because I have no idea what is happening but he pulls me onto his back and starts running. Fast. Very very fast. I can't even see the trees as we move through them to get to his car. He opens the car door and slides me off of his back gently but with great urgency. He vamp speeds over to his side of the car and speeds off quickly into the night.

"What's going on?" I question. He shakes his head, constantly looking in the rear-view mirror.

There was another vampire back there. I smelled them, but I didn't recognize the scent.

My eyes widen further. Another vampire? Who could it be? Was he dangerous?

"Yes," Peter speaks out loud this time and I jump because I wasn't expecting it.

"Where are we going?" I question. He looks at me and points to his ears, and I am assuming he means to tell me the other vampire could be listening.

He is following us. I have to lose him. Then, we are going to my house.

I nod, my heart still racing as Peter grabs my hand.  I feel protected with him with me, but I can't hide that I am scared of what this other vampire wants. Peter glances reassuringly at me.

I will protect you.

He gains speed, racing through alleyways at lightning speed. I am glad he has a fast car at this pint. We continue driving until I see Peter's house come into view. That must mean we lost him.

"We did," Peter confirms, checking his surroundings before pulling his car into the garage with the others. "Come on."

He opens my car door for me so fast. I didn't even see him come to my side. I step out, my heart still pattering away. He lays an arm around my waist and urges me inside. Peter gently nudges me into the direction of the living room where April and Isaac sit playing a card game. Scott is in the kitchen washing dishes. They look so normal, but they have so many secrets.

As I move towards April, Peter pulls Scott aside and speaks in a low, hushed tone. He knows that April, Isaac, and even Kason can probably hear the conversation from his room. He must be trying not to worry me further. April understands this and pulls me into the living room.

"Wanna join go fish?" She giggles, slightly worried but trying her best to cover it up. I nod, thankful for the distraction. She deals me cards, but I keep glancing into the kitchen where Scott stands rigid with a dripping plate still in his hands. Peter is explaining the situation, I assume. Did I cause this? Is the vampire after me? Or after them because of me?


Peter's loud voice enters my thoughts, and I turn to see him glancing at me over Scott's timid shoulder. He shakes his head and gives me a wink before continuing his conversation. I take a deep breath, trying to relax as I get into the card game. That doesn't last long because at that moment, Peter comes barreling down the stairs at vamp speed to engage in the conversation in the kitchen.

"Kason," April warns, but he pushes past her.

"You!" He points a finger at me. "You are going to get us all killed!" He exclaims, his eyes glowing a dark red. He hasn't fed.

Before I have the chance to back away, Kason is being shoved across the room. He crashes into the kitchen counter across from the living room, and the sound of the marble countertop splitting fills the room. Growling fills my ears as Kason and Peter begin to fight.

"Stop!" April screams as she and Scott pulls each vampire away from each other. "This isn't helping the situation. Jasey didn't do this."

"Then why is it all of the sudden happening?" Kason growls at April. She gives him a look and he all but cowers at her feet. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," April sighs. Kason turns to me.

"I'm sorry." He turns to Scott, now. "What do we do?"

"We have to figure out who he was," Scott explains, turning back to Peter as  April picks up the pieces of her now broken countertop.

"How do we do that?" Isaac pipes in, now in the kitchen with the rest of us.

"We track him."

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