chapter fourteen

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Why is everything April has so revealing?

All of her swimsuits are skimpy bikinis. Red, blue, and purple bikinis are all I have to choose from. I pick the red and shimmy it over my body. April is a little thinner than I am, so I feel like I am popping out. I tug on my shirt to cover me up for the walk down to the basement. Isaac leads me down there, and I assume Peter is already waiting in the pool. The smell of chlorine hits my nostrils as Isaac opens the door to the basement. It feels warm down here.

When I make it into the basement, my jaw drops. As if the house wasn't beautiful enough, the basement is set up like a beautiful garden with flowers, large rocks, and a waterfall sending water straight down into the pool. The pool ripples with small waves, and steam rises across the water. It is beautiful.

A large bang from upstairs pulls me from my thoughts.

"What was that?" I question, not seeing Peter anywhere. Isaac bolts up the stairs, and I follow slowly behind. When I finally make it up the stairs, I don't get to take in the view. I hear Peter yell and then I am whisked away, through the front door and through the driveway. I am tossed harshly into the trunk of the car without a second thought. Oh, no. This is the vampire. I hear muffled screams, growls, and bangs outside of the trunk. Peter.

Where are you?

No response, even when I try to focus only on Peter. Where could he be? Is he okay? What is going on?

I can't see anything, because it is too dark in the trunk of the car. I feel the itchy carpet of the car around me and realize I am in a bikini and a t shirt. I feel the car rumble to life and then I am tossed around the trunk as whoever is driving speedily drives like a maniac. No. We are leaving Peter. That means-

As if on cue, my body begins to erupt in what feels like fire. Excruciating pain engulfs me, and I let out a scream. I don't know how long this will last. How long will I be away from Peter?

The pain continues growing, and my stomach churns at the nauseating feeling. My eyes begin to flutter shut, and my throat feels as though it is closing. What do I do?

I scream in pain over and over for what feels like hours. Then, the car comes to a stop. I barely notice this until I am slammed around and the trunk opens. I do not recognize my surroundings as a hand lays on me. I hear a hiss and feel the burn of his hand.

"Damn it! She's bound!" I hear a male voice scream over my own screams.

"Get the rope and bring her in," another male voice pipes in. I try to open my eyes through the pain, but it is just too much. I can't handle it anymore. I begin to see spots until my eyes flutter shut again and blackness fills my vision.


When I wake, the pain is gone. But I can't see Peter.

"So nice of you to join us," a male voice I don't recognize from earlier states as my eyes begin to open. I take in my surroundings. I am laid on a cold, concrete floor with jail bars all around me. A man with pale skin and dark brown hair stands on the other side of the cell. It looks like a greenhouse with plants behind him. There is no sunlight, which must mean it is night time.

Why did the pain go away if Peter isn't here?

I am here.

My eyes widen. I don't see him, but I can hear his thoughts. He must be close.

"What's your name, human?" The man behind the gate chuckles, his red eyes gleaming. I bite the inside of my cheek lightly. "Oh, you're bleeding." He glances down at my arm that has a large gash from my wrist to my inner elbow. "You smell so good."

"I'm b-" I begin to tell him that I am bound so he can't touch me, but again, I hear Peter's thoughts.

Don't tell him. He doesn't know. You could use that as an advantage.

I want Peter to hold me, and I focus on that so my skin will burn this nasty vampire standing before me.

"You're what?" He questions.  I take a deep breath, staring into his bright red, hungry eyes. I know what I have to do to get out of here. I look down at my bloody white t shirt and glance around for anything to use to open my cut back up. I find a small piece of broken concrete in the corner. I discreetly grab it behind my back while engaging in conversation to distract him.

"I'm Brit," I answer, using a fake name.

"Hi, Brit. I'm Trey." I drag the jagged rock across my already gashed but closed up arm. Trey inhales. "And I am going to eat you for dinner," he growls, pulling a key chain from his back pocket. He doesn't know I am bound, so he must not be one of the two men who brought me here. He quickly unlocks the door, and I scoot back to the wall to get away from him. "You can't outrun a vampire, Brit." He vamp speeds over to me, and sinks his teeth into my neck. Not only does my skin burn him, but my blood poisons him. He screams, and Peter shows up at the gate.

"Peter," I whisper, standing and running towards him as Trey falls to his knees, sputtering and groaning as he coughs up my poisoned blood. He will be dead for a few days, I remember. I embrace peter, his arms feeling so good around my once pained body. We don't have time to sit here. The others could come back at any moment. 

"Come on," Peter pulls me onto his back again, but we don't make it any further as another vampire grabs onto me from behind. He pulls with one hand on my shoulder, slinging me across the floor of the greenhouse. The cold, hand concrete grinds against my skin, and I wince. Nothing is as bad as withdrawals, but it still hurts. My eyes are shut from the pain, but I can hear Peter growling.

When I open my eyes, Peter has two vampires pinned against the wall across from me. Green plants block my view from my lying down position, so I sit up and lean against the outside of the jail cell. Both vampires writhe under Peter's touch.

"You got a good one on your hands," one of the vampires states, and I recognize his voice. He's the one I burned with my skin when he pulled me from the trunk of the car. "Too bad she's bound. That just means we have to kill you first."

"What do you want from us?" Peter growls, slamming them harder into the concrete wall behind them. The sound of concrete cracking fills the makeshift greenhouse as I watch from a distance, holding my sliced open arm.

"We could smell her from miles away. Haven't you figured out who she is?" The other vampire pipes in as I look back at the temporarily dead vampire that was poisoned with my blood. This is all so crazy. Who am I?

"What are you talking about?" Peter questions, still holding them back against the wall with one hand on each of their chests. He's angry and shaking but unwavering in letting them go. They want to kill him. Because of me?

"Seriously, you don't know?" One of the vampires, the one with dark blonde hair and red eyes questions. He seems genuinely shocked that Peter doesn't know what he is talking about. "Dude, she's the cure."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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