chapter seven

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Peter and I step into my bedroom with the door open as Jack demanded. I can only hear the hushed voices of Dad and Jack down the hall. I'm sure Peter is picking up every word.
"Jack is angry. Your Dad is telling him that he found someone else and your mom got angry and kicked him out of the house. He's saying he had nowhere to go, but that he tried to come back and see you guys," Peter repeats. I shake my head.
"I don't wanna hear anymore. Distract me," I take a seat on my bed and pull Peter towards me by tugging at the waistband of his black jeans. His crisp, gray button up is tucked into his pants, so when he advances closer to me, I pull up on the shirt so it's hanging over. My hands move on their own, sliding over his belt, up his stomach, and to his chest. I unbutton the top few buttons, tracing my fingers over his chest.
"Jasey, your sister is a room away. Your dad and brother are just outside in the living room-"
"Kiss m-" Before I can finish, Peter is pushing me down so I am on my back on the bed. His body hovers above mine and his lips touch mine tenderly. Tingles and electricity ignite across my body. His hands move from my face to my shoulders and down my torso.
"You're beautiful, Jasey," he whispers, his lips trailing down my collarbone and to my chest. Before I can reply, Peter is off of me and pulling me to a sitting position on the bed beside him.
Jack is coming.
Oh. Okay good. He didn't reject me.
Peter glances at me and shakes his head, indicating he definitely did not reject me as I originally thought. I pull one leg up to my chest and face Peter as if I am talking to him just as Jack rounds the threshold to my room. He looks exhausted.
"How'd it go with Dad?" I question, laying my head on my knee that's pulled up against me. Peter slides his hand up to hold onto my calf, softly stroking it through my jeans.
"He's coming over for dinner Sunday, and he's bringing his family," Jack mumbles. Family? Family of vampires? Around Jack and Jenny?
No. Hell no. No bloodsuckers are going to be even remotely close to my siblings.
I'm a vampire, Jasey. And so is your dad. And we've both been around Jack and Jenny.
Peter pushes his thought into my mind, and I sigh. He's right. But I'm familiar with Peter and Dad brought Jenny home in one piece. I know nothing about Dad's "family." What if they can't control their thirst like Peter can? What if they bite any human that comes close? What if they drain Jenny because she accidentally pokes herself with her fork and-
I look around the room to see Jack and Peter both standing up in front of me with worried faces.
"What?" I mumble, confused.
"You weren't responding. You were in a trance or something," Peter explains. I raise an eyebrow, knowing he could hear everything I was thinking.
"I'm sorry. Um, I'm hungry," I state, standing up before both men.
"Jasey, its almost 10 o' clock," Jack points out, smiling. I shrug, walking between them and out of my room. I make my way to the fridge and pull out my breakfast sandwich that I didn't eat this morning because I didn't have time before school. Unwrapping the plastic, I stare at the bacon and cheese bagel. Jack made it for me last night so that I could grab it, heat it up, and go. But I woke up so late this morning that I didn't have time.
I fold some paper towels around it to keep in moisture and place it in the microwave for 25 seconds.
"Jasey, shouldn't you offer something to your boyfriend?" Jack questions behind me, leaning against the threshold of the hallway that leads to the kitchen. Peter brushes past him, taking his stance against the kitchen counter.
"He's not my boyfriend," I mumble, watching my breakfast sandwich spin around on the glass turn table inside the microwave.
I mean, I don't think he's my boyfriend. We haven't really gone out on a date. We have discussed boyfriend- girlfriend details yet. Does that mean he can cheat on me? I mean, we haven't technically declared that we are together. Just... bound. But he can still cheat, can't he?
"I'm not her boyfriend, yet," Peter adds in after hearing my thoughts. "I will be soon if she'll have me."
I giggle, not making eye contact with either of them. Jack sighs, and I turn to see him shaking his head.
"Jasey, when I said you need to go make friends and be a normal teenager, I didn't mean get a boyfriend m and bring him over to the house so he can see all our family drama. You'll scare him off eventually," Jack laughs at his statement and he leans his elbows on the counter on the other side of me.
"Trust me, your family isn't as scary as mine," Peter remarks, smirking at me. I smile.
"Okay, is there some secret I should know? Are you guys like... telepathic or something? Because every time I look at you both it looks like there's some secret conversation going on that I'm not in on," Jack reasons, narrowing his eyes at me and Peter. I roll my eyes and open the microwave.
"Jack. Don't be jealous because there's another guy in my life," I sarcastically remark, pulling the sandwich out of the microwave. Jack's face suddenly changes. What the hell did I say?
"Jasey, I need to talk to you about something. It almost slipped my mind with Dad coming home and everything, but I need to ask you about it now." Jack grabs my elbow softly, trying to tug me into another room. I drop my sandwich, watching it fall towards the floor but a pale hand grabs it before it lands. "Nice reflex, man."
Peter nods at Jack and allows him to pull me into the living room. I know Peter can still hear us, but Jack thinks he's keeping secrets.
"Okay, what is it?" I ask, folding my arms and leaning against the back of the couch. Jack sighs, placing his hands loosely on his hips.
"When you were sick," he pauses, kissing his lips. "You were laying in bed. You screamed. And I tried to wake you, but your skin... it was... hot, Jasey, your body was like 400 degrees. But you looked normal. Your skin wasn't red or anything. You weren't having an allergic reaction... you had something more than a cold. Jasey, you burned my hand." He lifts his hand up, showing me the mark that has begun to disappear by now. It's a dark pink burn on the surface of his right palm. "But now you're fine. What happened? Why were you screaming, and why did you burn me?"
I open my mouth, and then close it. Repeat. I probably looked like a fish out of water, gasping for air. I didn't know what to say. I can't tell him I was going through withdrawals. I can't tell him my boyfriend is a vampire, and f he's away, and another guy touches me, he will get burned. I can't tell him anything.
Tell him you don't know what happened, but that you think it's gone now so he has nothing to worry about.
I swallow thickly, staring into Jack's gray eyes that await the truth.
"I don't know what happened, but I think it's gone now. You have nothing to worry about, Jack. If it happened again, we can go to the doctor," I offer, tucking my hair behind my ears. Peter better not let that happen again. He better not leave me alone.
I won't.
I smile softly at hearing that. Jack furrows his brow, and I quickly wipe the smile off of my face. I replace it with a sympathetic and hopeful expression, patting my brother on his shoulder. "I'm okay. See?" I place my hand on his, skin to skin. "I'm not burning you, right?" Jack shakes his head.
"I don't know, Jasey. It was weird," Jack sighs, running his fingers through his messy hair. "If you feel bad or if you're hurt, you would tell me right?"
I nod.
"Of course."
Jack nods.
"Okay. Tell your boyfriend to go home. It's time for bed. I'm not waking you up for school tomorrow, so you better get some good sleep," Jack smiles, kissing the top of my head and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Love you, kid."
"Love you, too."
Jack waves goodbye to Peter when he passes before heading to his bedroom and closing the door. I take a few small steps until I am standing in front of Peter. He smiles with his arms folded across his chest and his butt leaning against the kitchen counter. My toes bump against his, and I let my body fall forward.
Laughing, Peter grabs my shoulders before I land too heavily on his chest. He gently places me flush against him and cradles me. I let my arms wrap around his waist and bury my face in his neck.
"You're not going home, right?" I whisper. I feel his chest vibrate as he speaks.
"No, I'm not." I smile.
"Then let's go to bed."

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