chapter two

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My gulp of air is shaky and scared. I don't want to feel scared, but how could I not? This guy is intimidating.
"What're you doing?" I whisper as he starts leaning his head in slowly, inch by inch. Is he gonna kiss me?
"Do you want me to?" He sounds hoarse and husky again. My body yearns to touch him. Hold him, kiss him. For him to wrap me in his arms and love me.
"I-I, um, I don't know," I stutter, breathing quickly.
"Sh, it's okay. You don't have to be scared," he whispers. My heart flips and gimps with every word he utters, every glance he takes at me. "I won't do anything you don't want."
"You'll take me home, and I don't want that," I whisper. My mind is split in two, sort of. Half wants to stay with him, listen to what he has to say and be by his side forever. The other half wants to go home and be under the protection of Jack, my protective older brother.
"You want to go home. I know you do," he says. I bite my lip.
"But I hardly know you, and I feel like spending the rest of my life with you. Why? What have you done to me? Are you magic?"
He chuckles, shaking his head.
"No. No, not magic. But I can explain everything to you."
"If I promise not to go home, right?" He nods with a sad look upon his face. Sighing, I scrunch my eyebrows. "This is all so weird and confusing." My hand itches to reach out and brush back the few strand of dark hair away from his eyes. My body literally begs me to make contact with his skin.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I wish I could do something to help you-"
"Then give me answers and let me go home as well. I won't tell anyone, I promise." Although a thought lingers in the back of my head that I might slip up and clue Jack in on whatever is happening.
"I'll take you home, but I apologize in advance for what will happen to you when I leave you," he says. Gruesome fear grips at me like a child holding onto her blanket. What? "Like I said, complicated. Lets go," he steps back and walks at a quick pace ahead of me. I have to sprint to keep up with him.
"Could you slow down?" He doesn't say anything. He simply slows to an average human speed and allows me to catch up. He doesn't touch me or speak to me for the rest of the walk. Before I know it, I'm standing in front of my tiny, run down house. Embarrassment consumes me. With his nice, crisp, button down shirt and black vest, he looks like a million bucks. My clothes and my house and the lack of vehicles in the driveway- save for Jack's horrid 1969 truck with a dented door, missing taillights, no AC, an oil leak, a missing bumper, and opposite radio volumes where you have to press the up arrow to turn the radio down- I look like trash.
"No, you don't. You haven't had it easy, and that's okay. Don't ever feel embarrassed about that, okay? Especially not in front of me." I look up into his thoughts green eyes. I can feel the urge to touch each other in both of us. He wants to hold me as much as I want him to.
"Can you at least give me a heads up of what's going to happen to me when you leave?" I query. "What you apologized for?"
"I can't tell you anything without you asking why. I don't know exactly what'll happen anyways. I've just heard. I guess just... remember."
"Remember what?" I question.
"This." With that, he finally touched me. His warm, strong hands cup my face. Electricity jolts through me like a thousand lightning flutters. The tingling isn't like the shivers Kelly wants because of the romances she reads. It's stronger than that. Powerful. Hot, amazing tingles ignite like fire in my veins with his touch.
He presses his lips softly against my lips. I kiss back with a hunger- like I've been waiting for this moment since I was a little girl. I place my hands on his waist, wanting more skin to skin contact. My hands have a mind of their own as the lift his shirt and vest. His warm hands match the temperature as his warm stomach. Exactly the same temperature. How is he so warm in November? It's freezing out here. I'd be an icicle if not for his warm hands on my cheeks.
My hands travel up and down his chest and back as his smooth tongue gently rolls over my top lip, then the bottom. A moan tumbled from my lips with my accordance. My eyes widen and my cheeks redden as I step back, withdrawing my hands. He stands in front of, flushed and list-filled. I'm sure I look the same.
"You do," he chuckles. "And I want you to stop being embarrassed."
"S-sorry. That's just... never happened. I've never made that noise," I whisper, ashamed and startled.
"Good," his voice is filled with lust. "I have to go."
"Will I see you again?" I sound like a small child or desperate girl clinging to her boyfriend. "Sorry," I shut my eyes and almost face palm. "That. I didn't mean to sound like that."
"It's okay. And it's your choice if you want to see me after tonight," he says. I nod.
"Um, what's your name?" I can't believe I kissed him and I don't even know his name.
"Peter," he smiles. "Peter Hood."

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