chapter three

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Peter stays in the backyard as I sneak into my own house. He wants to make sure I get to sleep safely. When my mind shuts off and falls into a dreamy state, in sure he's gone. I know it, because my heart settles. And that's when I realize what he apologized for.
Excruciating. Absurd. Horrific. Unlike anything else. That's what it feels like. Terrible, burning pain explodes over my body. My heart hurts the worst- it feels like the organ is darkening and burning to a crisp. My teeth clench. If I scream, I'll wake up my siblings. My eyes squeeze painfully tight. I pull my legs up to my chest and roll over, wailing my arms. The breath catches in my throat and it feels as if my oxygen is shutting down. Panic settles. Extreme anxiety, terrible pain, lack of air.
A scream makes its way from my throat. I can't help it. In a split second, Jack is in my room, shaking my body. His hand rests on my bare bicep and he recoils quickly with a groan. Where his skin touched mind is now red and blistered, as if I burned him. I would ask him about it if I could find the strength to talk. What's wrong with me? What did Peter do?
"I guess just... remember," he had said. Remember this... the kiss?
My mind recalls the memory of his kiss- his lips on mine, his warm hands on my face, his body under my hands.
To my surprise, the pain lessens. Only by a fraction, but any is better than none. I recreate the scene in my head, playing it on a loop like a video or movie. His chuckle, his kiss, his hands, his hair, his eyes, his smile, his voice, the mysteriousness he has, the secrets hidden behind his green irises. Everything about him is flawless. The memory becomes so real that I feel hands gripping me, pulling me from my bed and holding me like a teddy bear. The pain vanishes in a split second and I can finally lift my eyelids. My breaths come in quick pants as I take in my surroundings.
Still in my room, I notice the wall art and white paint. I lay in my bed, but on top of something. A lap. I'm on someone's lap. Half expecting it to be Jack, I take a glimpse at the person. My breath catches at his beauty. My body is yearning to kiss him with desperate need and hunger, but I refrain and take in his appearance.
His dark hair is messy and wild- like he'd been running his hands through it. His eyes are lightly red around the edges. He's staring at me with an apologetic expression.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he says, his voice hoarse as if he'd been screaming. I can't find the urge to speak. My body is in shock from the pain and from his beauty. He's holding me. This beautiful male is holding me like I'm a treasure. "This is why it'll be too hard for you." He mumbles the last bit, and I want to question it. My mouth won't form the words though. "Come on. Let's go to the kitchen, yeah? Get you some water." I allow him to stand with me on his lap, but as soon as my feet touch the floor, I crumble. Peter swiftly pulls me into his arms and carries me to the kitchen. I don't pay attention to anything but him as he sets me down in a chair and fixes a glass of water. Taking it gratefully, I welcome the cool liquid on my tongue and burning throat. My heart feels new again, fresh and not burned.
Peter takes a seat beside me and rests his head on his hand. His dark hair seats in front of his beautiful green eyes, and my fingers wiggle as I fight the urge to touch him.
"You don't have to fight it," Peter whispers. I almost forgot he can read my mind. He chuckles at that.
"Why is that, though? Why can you read my mind? Is that like a special power?" I question, taking a large gulp of water into my mouth.
"No. You could read mine if I allowed you to."
"Allowed me to?" I quirk a brow. He smiles.
"Yeah. I just know more about this than you, so I can block you from my mind," he wiggles his eyebrows in a funny way and I can't help but laugh.
"Well why don't you tell me what you're thinking, then."
"I'm thinking..." he sighs. "That I never want you to go through that pain again."
"Well, explain to me what that was, and why it shut off as soon as you got here. And why you were here. And how you knew. And how you can read my mind."
"If I tell you, you'll tell your family-"
"I burned my brother. With my skin. He already knows something's up. What am I supposed to do about that?" I point out, tapping the crystal glass with my pointer finger. My legs feel heavy and exhausted, my head must weigh like a million pounds.
"You won't believe any of what I tell you," Peter says. "And I won't be able to take your rejection."
"Peter Hood, I just felt the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in all of my life, you can read every though that crossed my mind, my skin literally left a burn on my brother- who was only trying to help- and every time I see you I feel like we should get married and do adult things- mostly naughty- and I've never been like that before. You'll give me some answers and I'll decided whether or not you're telling the truth." After that, I slump in my seat with exhaustion. "I'm sorry," I mumble. "I didn't mean to snap. I just want answers. Why am I not running for the hills right now? This is all insane, but I don't want to leave you. I can't. My body won't allow it. Why?"
"Because we have a bond."
"A what?" I lift my head from its crouched position and stare at Peter.
"A bond."
"Well, I hardly know you so we can't exactly have like a bond or connection-"
"No, a literal bond. Our blood is bound together. Its all about fate and destiny. We're soulmates."
"So everything hats happened is because we're soulmates?"
"What else?" I lean on the counter with anticipation. I don't know what other explanation there is for anything that's happened, so why not listen to him?
"I'm a vampire."
Oh, good God. I'm bound to a bloodsucker.

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