chapter eleven

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I had two classes with my bound bloodsucker today. English and Chemistry.

All the girls fawned over him. All the guys wanted to be his friend. He's already been recruited to the football team. Everyone loves him, and no one notices me.

Kelly, my only semi-friend, has already dumped her boyfriend in hopes that Peter will fall for her. I don't even bother telling her he's taken. No one would believe to be honest.

"He is like a god," Kelly mumbles beside me as Peter walks out of the classroom across the hall. I gather my books, rolling my eyes. "What? You can't deny it."

"I'm not denying it. I just have to get home," I answer. I have to get back to Peter, actually. He's driving me home from school and then taking me on a date.

"You rode with him this morning, didn't you? Everyone was talking about it," Kelly follows me out of the classroom. I stop and swivel to face her.

"People are talking about me?" I question. No one has ever talked about me, and I don't really want any attention. I like being independent.

"Yeah. How do you know him? He's new," Kelly grabs my arm and begins pulling me through the crowded hallways. The dismissal bell just rang, so I am on my way to the parking lot to meet Peter.


Tell her you met me at the grocery store.

Peter's voice fills me head. He barely knows me, but he knows that if I said I met him anywhere else, Kelly would not believe me. I literally go to school, the store, and now Peter's house. I am a hermit.

You're my hermit.

I smile, dumbly forgetting how psychotic that probably looks to Kelly.

"I met him at the grocery store," I respond to her. She groans.

"Why can't I meet some hot guy in a grocery store?" She complains, stomping her feet like a two year old. "Wanna hang out tonight?"

I have only been to Kelly's house one time, a few weeks back. She talked about boys the entire time, and I left as seven am the next morning because I was so ready to leave.

"I can't. I have plans," I state, coming to a stop outside of the school.

"You? Since when do you have plans?" Kelly eyeballs me. I know I'm a loner, but I didn't need that comment.

"You know what? I-"

Before I can finish, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me close to it's body. I look up to my side to see Peter giving me a look.

"Since now. She has plans with me. I am taking her on a date. And we should be leaving soon so she has time to get ready. Not that she needs to change anything because she looks amazing now," he smiles down at me as he says all of this. My cheeks heat.

"Oh," Kelly mumbles, stunned and taking a step back. "O-okay." I have never seen her so shocked and speechless before.

With that, she swivels and walks down the steps and into the parking lot.

"I could have handled that," I state, pushing Peter's arm off of me.

"I could hear your heart racing from across the parking lot, Jasey. You were angry," he explains. I roll my eyes. Obviously I was angry. Peter could hear Kelly insulting me and explaining that I am a complete loner. I didn't want to be embarrassed. I wanted her to stop. "Jasey. How many times do I have to tell you that you do not need to be embarrassed about anything?"

"That's just the bond talking. If we didn't have this stupid bond, you wouldn't take a second glance at me. I'm not beautiful. I'm not perfect. I have no talent. No friends. No future. Why would anyone want to be with me?"

"Would you stop?" Peter grabs my arm as I try to walk away. He pulls me over to the side where no one can hear our conversation. I gasp, the sudden jerk scaring me. I am now flush against Peter's warm, rock hard body. "You were made for me. Do you realize that? I didn't just bond with you because that's what the vampire lords chose."

"There's vampire lords?" I query, my eyes widening. There's still so much I don't know. He laughs.

"No. Look, what I'm saying is: you were literally sculpted for me. You were born, blessed, and designated to be my soulmate. You are the one and only girl for me. Everything I have ever wanted in a girlfriend is in my arms right now. You were made for me specifically."

I process his words carefully, still having so many questions about this entire situation.

"So, there's a human for every vampire?" I question.

"Yes. But not a vampire for every human. That's why the whole world doesn't know about us," he explains. "And they can't. War would strike. Only one species would win, and we don't know who would win. There's more humans than vampires, obviously, but vampires are stronger. Faster. Older. "

"So then, why is there a human for every vampire? To increase the population of vampires?" I question, tucking my har behind my ear.

"No because not every human who becomes bound has to be turned into a vampire," Peter answers me, holding my hands in his. I narrow my eyes.

"But then the human would grow old and the vampire would never age. And the vampire would watch the human die." My voice fades into a whisper at the end. Those are my only two choices. Turn into a bloodsucker to be with Peter forever or die in 60 years wrinkly and gray headed next to my bloodsucker boyfriend who still looks like he's 18.

"Jasey, you don't need to think about that right now," he whispers, cupping my cheek in his hand. "We have plenty of time to figure everything out. There's still so much that I have to teach you and inform you."

"Okay, lets just go so we can get my mind off of all the negatives and focus on our date," I smile weakly, turning to the car door. What the hell am I gonna wear on this date? Where are we even going? Did he plan it out yet?

"Stop thinking and get in the car," Peter chuckles at me, opening the door for me before walking around to the drivers side.

I look as heads turn and watch Peter and I drive off. I am not used to this attention. I hope it'll go away soon when they get used to Peter.

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