chapter nine

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     The embrace that my dad and my brother share just before my dad's departure almost brings tears to my eyes. Jack finally straightened up for the remainder of dinner, and it was peaceful and normal. Gina finally announced that she had to get the kids to bed, although that was a lie because the children can go days without sleeping since they're part vampire. It was Jenny's bedtime, though, because she has school tomorrow morning. So we concluded the dinner and said our goodbyes.
Now, Peter and I are cleaning up the dishes as Jack and my father have a chat on the porch. Jenny is in bed, so Peter and I decided to clear up since I've burned Jack's dishwashing hand twice now.
"Why does my skin burn Jack? I thought it was just when I was having withdrawals, but I wasn't having withdrawals tonight." I stack the almost empty plates and carry them to the sink before neatly positioning them in the dishwasher. Peter follows behind with the cups.
"Anytime you want me to touch you, if someone else touches you at that point, you'll burn them. It's sort of a protection mechanism. If you get into any trouble, all you have to do it think of me touching you. Anytime someone else touches you, you'll burn them. They won't be able to hurt you," Peter explains as he stacks the cups in the dishwasher. I nod my head, reaching under the sink and grabbing the dishwashing detergent. After the compartment for the detergent is filled, i close it and swing the door of the dishwasher closed. "Are you okay?" Peter asks as I fiddle with the buttons to start the dishwashing cycle.
     "Yeah," I respond, just picturing Peter biting into my neck. The flashes and scenes that entered my mind when he was biting me swirl through my head. My body aches for the feeling or euphoria that it caused me.
     "Jasey," Peter groans, grabbing my waist and pushing me against the counter behind me as he stands in front of me. "Stop."
     My cheeks turn red as I remember he can read every thought that just passed through my mind. I look down at the floor in the space that Peter and I have between us. He closes the space, his waist flush against mine as he places his thumb under my chin and lifts my head. His sparkling green eyes captivate me, and I can't look away. His hands on my waist begin warming my body.
     Biting my lip, I remember the time I bit my lip on purpose to get the feelings of euphoria, but I quickly dismiss it in hopes that Peter didn't see it yet.
     "I did. Jasey, don't." His voice is stern and almost chilling, but I continue biting my lip harder and harder. "Stop." He grabs my face, looking into my eyes and then down at my lip, which has now been cut open by my teeth and is now bleeding. I taste the metallic in my mouth as blood begins to expand across my lip. Peter groans, his eyes intent on the blood almost dripping onto my chin.
     "You can control it," I whisper, grabbing onto his waist and pulling my face closer to his. He groans and pulls my face away from his, trying to stop himself from tasting my blood. I know he wants to taste it, but he's scared that he won't be able to stop like last time. But I know he can. I trust him.
     "Stop trusting me when it comes to your blood, Jasey," he whispers, his eyes closing as he winces. "Your blood is my weakness. I can't control it, Jasey. I can't." His eyes open once again, but the green has become darker. The irises of his are eyes dark red, almost black now. "Last time, Kason was there to stop me. I can't do it again."
     "Just try," I whisper, pulling myself closer to him. I bring my lips up to his, kissing his softly. He groans once again, pulling my broken lip into his mouth and sucking gently. The feeling of ultimate pleasure fills my body once again. 
     The feeling doesn't last long, though, as he pulls away before he can drain me. My tongue involuntarily traces my bottom lip to find that the wound is sealed. "Can your saliva heal wounds?"
     "Sort of. If it's a small wound, yes. If it's a life threatening wound, the only saving grace is my blood and my bite. If I bite someone and then feed them my blood, they'll turn."
     "Into... one of you?" I question. He nods. "Do I...have to turn into one of you?"

"Not if you don't want to, Jasey," he whispers, his cool breath fanning over my face. 

"But, if I don't... I'll grow into this old hag and you will still look like a teenage boy. And then I will die and leave you here all alone." Sadness overwhelms me as I realize this. My future. His future. Without me. 

"I know, but I would never turn you into a vampire unless you really wanted it and it was best for you," he explains, gripping my waist tighter. "If you want to be human, I am okay with that. Once your hair starts graying, we can move to a private island where no one will judge us."

"Then you'll be having sex with an old, wrinkly woman. Does that sound appealing to you?" I question. He laughs. 

"If it's you, I will learn to find that appealing," he jokes, shaking his head. I giggle. I don't know that I want to be a vampire. But I don't want to grow into an old woman while he stays young. I don't want to die and leave him alone. Would he find someone else? Could he bind to another girl? "No," he answers my thought, and I look up into his eyes. "One per lifetime."

"Then I want you to turn me."

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