3rd person POV:

Overhaul started using more spikes to attack the three with Irina and Xenovia keeping them in the specific area and off the public. Izuku went in smashing any that came his way before punching Overhaul into the alley. There, he took to the sides of the buildings to go at Overhaul again and again. "You filthy cat! YOU'RE NO DIFFERENT THAN THAT BITCH SOME TIME BEFORE!" Izuku heard this and came down slamming both his tails down to impale Overhaul into the ground. "Where is she!? WHERE'S KUROKA!?" Overhaul was able to get off Izuku and send a barrage of spikes towards him and at the two outside the alley. In an attempt to help them, Izuku allowed a few spikes to hit his thighs before producing an axe kick with Touki and OFA channeled in his legs.

"GET BACK!" Irina and Xenovia saw Izuku come down with some force. "MEOWCHESTER SMASH!" The spikes were stopped with only seconds left before they would've hit either of them in the chest. Izuku pulled the spikes that were in his thighs out and glared at Overhaul. "You and all the heroes in this world are infected. YOUR INFECTED AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!" Izuku jumped straight to Overhaul who was ready for him with his hand out. However, Izuku used some wind pressure to get behind the villain and knock him out by hitting the back of his skull. Some people came over to see Izuku standing above Overhaul. In the moment, the cat held his fist up and shouted to the heavens. "MEOW!"

The police came shortly after this to find out what was going on. Irina and Xenovia explained the situation with Miruko allowing authorization for Izuku to fight along with the protection of a third party while Izuku's legs were being treated for the large amount of blood loss from them. They brought him to a hospital nearby that Miruko had gone with Eri for him to have his wounds bandaged properly. Though, this wasn't needed once a doctor that worked with the church allowed Izuku to use his healing sage arts to get the holes to close. Now the feline began to rejoin Miruko and the exorcists to see Eri resting a little.

Izuku POV:

"So how is she?" Miruko looked at me and held a frown. "She seemed to have injuries that were very equivalent to torture. I can only imagine what happened and the amount of help she'll need going forward." I looked at the girl and sighed. "Why did you start a fight with someone and what did you know about him?" Irina asked me to give my answer. "I found a way to see someone's past memories by using magic. I only knew the name Overhaul on that guy because Eri knew him by that name. I also saw the amount of torture she had to deal with." "So you picked a fight with him to help someone else?" I nodded at Miruko who patted my back. "Nice job kid. You know the basics of why heroes exist." She walked away while finishing our talk. "I need to fill out paperwork cause of this. See you all back at the agency. Kids also in your hands now fur ball. You saved her, you treat her."

I glanced at the room to see her starting to wake up. I went to the door with Irina and Xenovia joining in. The shock made her get a tad spooked before I put my hands up in a defensive manner. "It's ok Eri. We're not gonna hurt you." She started to shake a bit before seeing my ears and tail. "Y-you're that person that helped me." "That's right. I also know what that man did to you and can promise you that he will never do that again." "H-how do you know?" I began to do a karate pose to make her calm down a little. "Cause I knocked his whiskers off and gave him a little cat-fu on his butt. Meow!" She looked at me a little strange before I walked over to the chair. "He's arrested and will never hurt you again. I promise."

When she heard this, she began to cry knowing her nightmare is over. I went over to hug her head while Irina and Xenovia smiled at this. "W-what happens now?" Eri was curious with me wiping her tears. "Now, you get better. It's not going to be easy, but you'll one day become a normal person again. What he did to you should've never happened, so please understand that we will try and help where we can." I transformed into my cat form to sit on her lap. "If you want, I can be a stress kitty for now. All you have to do is pet me and hear my purrs." She didn't understand this, but slowly did this to hear me purr a bit. she didn't smile, but held a face of content and amazement.

As this went on, the door slammed open with Kaachan, Ochako, Nejire, and Shouto for some reason running in. "Deku/Izuku!" They all shouted for Eri to hide under the covers with her ears hidden in a pillow. "YOUR MOM CALLS ME TO SAY YOU WERE ADMITTED TO A HOSPITAL WITHOUT TELLING ANY OF US WHY!? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" "Deku, are you ok?" Ochako started to cry with Nejire and Shouto noticing the two others in the room. "So who are these two?" Everyone turned to them with Kaachan looking at me. "Exorcists I'm working with. Other world matters and all that." They nodded with the obvious elephant in the room now being asked. "Why are you a cat then?" "Mental help for Eri." "Who?" I pointed at the lump in the bed shaking with Kaachan dropping me down to the bed.

I began walking over to Eri before pressing a paw to her shoulder. "Eri. You ok? Common out, these girls aren't going to hurt you. They just got kinda scary cause I did something to scare them." She moved her face to see everyone before they smile and wave at her. "Hey there kid. My names Katsumi, but you can call me Kaachan if you want." "I'm Ochako, but Ocha is fine to make it easier." She started to move her hand slowly to wave hello with only one eye looking at them. "So she's the reason you were admitted?" I nod at Kaachan before looking at Nejire and Shouto.

"Why are you both here?" "Ochako called me to ask and I came here thinking this was the closest hospital." "I was done with today's work and wanted to see my mother to run into these three." I began to explain the situation to everyone from Irina and Xenovia to Overhaul and Eri with them understanding. I also explained the situation with the girls to Irina, Xenovia, and Eri with them understanding a little. We also learned a little about Eri to know she's 6 and likes apples. She's very quiet, but seemed to enjoy talking to us. When Miruko came back, she noticed the room full of people and smiled.

"So I talked to the doctors, Eri can be clear to leave here tonight if we have a residence for her to go to. Problem with that is, we can't find any living relatives of her's." "What does that mean for her?" "She'll be put up for adoption and put in a foster home until then." Eri started to hug me scared of what will happen. "Any way around it?" "Unless one of you want to adopt her or know of a living relative, this is the only way." "...I'll adopt her then." I blurted this out with everyone looking at me. "Your not under any obligation, you know that right?" "I know, but I want to help her." Miruko sighed with Irina and Xenovia standing up. "If we can help, we'll be more than happy to as well." "Same here. Deku's out boyfriend, so it's understandable that we help." Kaachan, Ochako, and Nejire agreed to this with Shouto coming over to sit by Eri. "Can I help as well?" Eri looked at her with seeing the scar on her eye to touch her own. She nods and hugs Shouto to make us all happy to see this.

"Then it's settled. Eri, would you like to be a Midoriya?" She silently nodded before hugging me. "Alright, I'll get the adoption papers. Kids in your care though." Miruko walked away with a doctor having me fill out a release form as the legal guardian. We walked out with Eri on my shoulders to the agency. First thing we did though was a bath since she smelled like she hasn't had one in a year. After, we gave her a nice meal with some medicine to help her get some nutrients she was a little low on back in her system. She wasn't too fond of this, but I explained to her that good medicine is always the one that tastes bad and gave her a little apple juice to wash it down. Finally she was tucked into the bed with Irina and Xenovia sleeping next to her. We didn't have anything for her to sleep in, so I gave her one of my shirts to which she was content in. Before I could sleep though, Irina grabbed me and placed me on the bed between them with Eri hugging me. Knowing I had nowhere to go, I just accepted this and slept like that. 'Goodnight Eri, sweet dreams my little snowball.'

And that finishes this chapter. So after some consideration, I'll add Xenovia to the harem just cause. Next chapter will have the group conduct a raid on the Yakuza with some unwanted faces mixed into the group. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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